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ماركة: The Ordinary
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: قناع للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, ترطيب, تليين, تهدئة, مضاد للبكتيريا
الحجم: 50 ml
المكونات: حمض الساليسيليك
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات, نباتية
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع البشرة: مشكلة
بلد: كندا
صنع في: كندا
ماسك ذا أورديناري بحمض الساليسيليك 2% هو أداة قوية في السعي للحصول على بشرة نقية ومنتعشة. يحتوي هذا الماسك على 2% من حمض الساليسيليك، وهو مثالي لتنظيف المسام بعمق ومحاربة الرؤوس السوداء. كما يشتمل على الفحم والطين اللذين يساعدان في امتصاص الدهون الزائدة، مما يترك البشرة أكثر نعومة ونقاءً. تضمن المكونات المرطبة مثل السكوالين والجليسرين استخدامًا مريحًا دون تجفيف البشرة بشكل مفرط. خيار مثالي لمن يبحثون عن الكمال دون استخدام مواد كيميائية قاسية.
مميزات ماسك ذا أورديناري بحمض الساليسيليك 2%:
- حمض الساليسيليك يفتح المسام وينظفها بفعالية؛
- الفحم والطين يمتصان الدهون الزائدة والشوائب؛
- السكوالين يحافظ على مستويات الترطيب المثلى؛
- الجليسرين يساعد في تنعيم وتهدئة البشرة؛
- SymSitive يخفف من تهيج البشرة واحمرارها؛
- التركيبة خالية من الكحول والعطور والزيوت الأساسية، مما يجعلها مناسبة للبشرة الحساسة؛
- المنتج معتمد على أنه خالٍ من القسوة على الحيوانات.-
استخدم المنتج مرة أو مرتين في الأسبوع على بشرة نظيفة وجافة. لا تستخدمه على البشرة الرطبة. تجنب استخدامه على البشرة الحساسة أو المتقشرة أو المتضررة.
وزّع المنتج بالتساوي على الوجه باستخدام أطراف الأصابع، مع تجنب منطقة العين وعدم ملامسة العيون. اتركه على البشرة لمدة لا تزيد عن 10 دقائق. اشطفه جيداً بالماء الدافئ.
نظراً لاحتواء المنتج على أحماض، يُنصح باستخدام واقي الشمس.
اختبر المنتج قبل الاستخدام.
قناع للوجه مع 2% حمض الساليسيليك - The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Masque
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This mask is my favorite, as it fully delivers on its promises.
The mask is very difficult to squeeze out.
This product is amazing. After using it, my face becomes smooth. Even for my oily skin, the effect lasts quite long. It is best to apply it at night. I highly recommend it.
Good mask, I will order more later.
I really liked this face mask, it made my skin unbelievably soft. It also helps to dry out inflammation. I definitely recommend it.
I am buying this mask for the second time. During the summer, my skin tends to be prone to inflammation. It dries out but doesn't over-dry. It reduces inflammation. Overall, I like it!
I have bought this mask for the second time. It is specifically designed for problematic combination skin, which tends to have breakouts. This mask effectively dries out the pimples.
I didn't like it at all! It requires a large amount to apply on the face, but the result is zero. It clogs pores, especially on the nose. I won't buy it again.
Great mask! It's important to follow the instructions and not leave it on the face for too long. If you have combination skin, use it locally where needed. I recommend using a brush to apply it, so that there's an even layer and the mask dries on the entire face at the same time. To remove it, use a cotton pad. Wet your face and gently wipe off the mask with circular motions, this way you'll get an additional exfoliating effect from the small particles in the mask. Also, remember that all cleansing masks should be used in combination with moisturizing ones. That way, the effect will be truly amazing!
This mask is amazing! It lasts for almost a year because it is very economical. It dries out breakouts instead of drying out the skin. It reduces the amount of blackheads and eliminates redness from inflammation. For my sensitive/problematic skin, this is a must-have!
I use a mask for combination skin prone to acne. When following the instructions - applying on clean dry skin and leaving it for no more than 10 minutes, the mask doesn't cause any unpleasant sensations. It reduces post-acne marks and slightly evens out the complexion.
This mask is very good, and it has an immediate effect after the first use (for oily skin). It really helps to eliminate breakouts and acne. The only thing is, do not leave it on your face for longer than 10 minutes (as instructed). Then everything washes off nicely, and your skin doesn't get harmed.
Great mask. After using it, you should use a moisturizer with SPF during the day!
This mask is great as it effectively cleanses the pores. However, it can be quite aggressive on the skin.
I was surprised by the previous review, as my situation is completely opposite! The mask perfectly suited my combination problem skin, calmed it down, smoothed it out, and tightened pores.
You need to know how to apply it correctly, not letting it completely dry on your face, otherwise it will be difficult to wash off (plus it will suck out all the moisture from your skin). After using the mask, wash your face with your regular cleanser to remove any residue, and then there will be no earthy tone.
I am satisfied with the product and will buy it again.
This product is absolutely terrible, I hated it from the first time I tried it. The horrible smell is just the beginning of its problems. It doesn't give any results, and it's very difficult to wash off. After washing it off, my skin ends up with a lovely earthy undertone. For the price, it would be much better to go for a Korean product, or even better, invest in a professional product.