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ماركة: Pharmaceris
السلسلة: pharmaceris t
نوع المنتج: تونيك للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تنشيط, تنظيف
الحجم: 200 ml
المكونات: الأرقطيون, الجلسرين, القراص, بانثينول, بيوتين, زنك, يوريا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
نوع البشرة: دهني, مختلط, مشكلة
بلد: بولندا
صنع في: بولندا
اكتشفوا تونر استثنائي مصمم لتنقية البشرة الدهنية المعرضة للرؤوس السوداء وحب الشباب. يعمل بلطف، لكنه يزيل بعمق الشوائب والمكياج، مما يوفر تأثير منعش ومهدئ وملطف.
بفضل احتوائه على الزنك PCA، فإنه يعمل على تنظيم الفلورا البكتيرية للبشرة، ويضبط إنتاج الزهم، مما يساهم في الوقاية من حب الشباب. ويمنح مستخلص الأرقطيون المنتج خصائص قاتلة للبكتيريا، ومضادة للحساسية، ومقوية، ويساعد في مكافحة تفشي حب الشباب، ويحفز تجديد الخلايا، ويضفي تأثيراً مهدئاً ومقوياً. كما يتضمن مستخلص التمر الهندي في التونر كمكون ملطف يعزز من مرونة البشرة ونعومتها وترطيبها. ويعالج زيت الخروع مشكلات مثل البقع الصبغية وترهل البشرة، ويُسهم في النعومة ويعزز من التأثير المطهر والمضاد للبكتيريا.-
نظفي وجهك باستخدام رغوة التنظيف العميق Puri-Sebostatic من خط منتجات Pharmacris T. ثم، باستخدام وسادة تجميل مبللة بالتونر، امسحي وجهك. يُستخدم مرتين يوميًا: في الصباح والمساء.
Pharmaceris T Puri-Sebotonique Normalizing Toner - تطبيع منشط
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This is currently the best tonic I could find for my sensitive, allergic skin. My face has become cleaner, with significantly fewer breakouts and redness! I highly recommend it to all my friends with similar issues.
The tonic has a pleasant smell. Since I have dry skin, it effectively normalizes it. It doesn't make it too oily or too dry. It's the perfect complement to my moisturizer.
A friend recommended it to me, but I hesitated for a long time about whether to buy it or not because I had been using Vichy Normaderm tonic for a long time. After the first use, it stung a lot. I thought that there might be a chance for the skin to get used to it, but the burning sensation did not go away for a week and the tonic did not suit me.
A good toner is a great addition to any skincare routine, but on its own, it doesn't do anything special. However, what's important to me is that it doesn't leave any shine or stickiness on the skin. It works well as a base for serums or creams. I previously used a moisturizing toner from "Vabe," which was also excellent, just like this one.
The leather is slightly less greasy compared to others. The scent is fantastic. However, it's not suitable for combination skin as it initially dries it out.
Great product, I have ordered it not for the first time.
Overall, the composition of the product is quite good. It was recommended to me by a dermatologist, but I couldn't fully evaluate it because if you have very sensitive skin, you need to be cautious. I had an allergic reaction, and it almost burned my face. However, I think it would be suitable for normal skin types.
The tonic is great, it fulfills its purpose. I read reviews saying that it doesn't remove oily shine, but it shouldn't do that, and no tonic can. The tonic tones the skin, balances its pH, and moisturizes. That's all it and any other tonic should do.
In my opinion, this tonic is useless. It does remove oily shine for about an hour, but then the situation gets even worse, as if you didn't wash your face at all. Some of my acquaintances experienced tightening of the skin after using this tonic. On the positive side, it has a pleasant scent. By the way, the tonic I received is different from the one shown in the photo on the website.
This is a great toner that effectively moisturizes the skin. After using it, my foundation applies smoothly and seamlessly.
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My favorite tonic for two years now. I have problematic skin prone to seborrhea, which is why I have tried many different tonics and creams. I chose this brand specifically. I am very happy that the makeup line is like its own.
I really liked this tonic. It doesn't dry out my skin and has a neutral scent.
Wonderful tonic! The skin feels unbelievably smooth after using it. The results are fantastic! I've been using it for six months now.
This is an excellent toner! After using it, my skin feels moisturized and I don't even feel the need to apply cream. It gives a refreshing sensation on my face and doesn't leave any residue. It suits me perfectly.
The scent of this product is normal, just like all toners: light and subtle. However, this toner is extremely "potent" and it irritated my combination skin, causing redness. It probably suits better for severely problematic skin.
The tonic may not be suitable for everyone. Personally, it felt unpleasant on my skin and left a slightly sticky feeling after application. And let's not forget about the scent! I ended up giving it to my sister because of the smell. It worked well for her though.
I purposely took the time to come here and write a review. I consider it my duty to warn potential buyers so that they do not feel disappointed like I did.
I bought the toner at the pharmacy. The expiration date is until 2019, just so you know.
The first few days everything was fine, the smell was really pleasant, and I was happy that I finally found "the one".
But on the fourth day, I noticed severe redness on the areas of my skin where I applied the toner. My face became covered in red patches. At first, I thought maybe it was just my imagination, or maybe it was a reaction to something else (maybe I ate something wrong). I skipped using it for one day. Then, after another day, I tried using it again on my face - and the patches appeared again.
The toner is not cheap, so it's really disappointing!
I simply fell for the advertising and bought the night cream, micellar water for makeup removal, and the toner at once. Thankfully, the water and the cream worked well for me. But unfortunately, I will have to throw away the toner.
The tonic does its job well - I have problematic skin, it tightens pores, gently cleanses without irritation, and has a decent composition. It is a good alternative to Bioderma Sebium H2O.
The only visible effect on my skin is instant redness!
The tonic caused an allergic reaction for me. Redness appears when applied to the skin, but it disappears after a while. I have combination skin. Most likely, it didn't suit me. I didn't feel any moisturizing effect.
Excellent tonic. It suited my problematic skin perfectly. It effectively cleanses the pores and reduces inflammation to some extent. I will definitely purchase it again.
The tonic effectively mattifies the skin. I used it together with the cleansing foam from the same series. The result was excellent - my skin was clean and matte, without any feeling of tightness, which means it was moisturized.
A great tonic for problematic skin.
Good alcohol-free toner for oily and problematic skin. It mattifies well. I am satisfied with the purchase.
The toner cleanses well. I am also pleased with the results of using it, but there is one downside for me - my skin remains sticky. Maybe it's just the peculiarities of my skin. I use it after the same series foam cleanser. To be honest, I am willing to overlook this drawback of the toner in order to achieve the desired appearance of my facial skin. No irritations, breakouts, or inflammations. This is very important to me since my skin is problematic.
Very good tonic!!! I highly recommend it!!!
I only use the A series from this line. Initially, I bought it just for the free gift, but after two days of using it, I felt a noticeable improvement. I will definitely try other series from this line!
I use this tonic along with the foam from the same series. The result is excellent - clean, fresh skin without irritation!