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منذ 6 أشهر
ماركة: Chicco
السلسلة: kids
نوع المنتج: فرشاة الأسنان
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف
صلابة الشعيرات: ناعمة (soft)
نوع فرشاة الأسنان: عادية
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للأولاد
التصنيف: ميدل ماركت
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
تبدأ العادات الجيدة للعناية الذاتية في سن مبكرة. غسل اليدين، وتمشيط الشعر وتنظيف الأسنان هي بعض الأساسيات التي يجب أن يعلمها الوالدان لأطفالهم. ولضمان أن تنظيف الأسنان اليومي لا يسبب الدموع والنوبات، من المهم للغاية اختيار فرشاة الأسنان المناسبة لطفلك. قامت شركة شيكو، المصنعة العالمية الشهيرة لمنتجات رعاية الأطفال، بتصميم فرشاة الأسنان التي يمكن أن تكون ملائمة تمامًا لاحتياجات طفلك.
فوائد فرشاة أسنان شيكو:
- شعيرات ناعمة تزيل البلاك بفعالية؛
- حجم رأس الفرشاة مناسب ليتناسب بسهولة مع الفم الصغير؛
- لا تسبب تآكلًا مفرطًا في مينا الأسنان الحساسة للطفل؛
- لا تضر أنسجة اللثة؛
- مقبض مصمم بشكل مريح مع قاعدة مطاطية مقاومة للانزلاق يوفر تحكمًا لسهولة تنظيف الأسنان؛
- تحتوي على غطاء واقٍ لمنع الأوساخ والأضرار أثناء التخزين.-
ضع كمية صغيرة من معجون الأسنان على فرشاة الأسنان. قم بتنظيف الأسنان بحركات دائرية، مع تدليك اللثة بلطف. اشطف الفم بالماء، وتمضمض لمدة 20-30 ثانية ثم ابصق. استخدم مرتين في اليوم بعد الوجبات.
Chicco - فرشاة أسنان، زرقاء
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This website is really cool, and the brush is also really cool. I highly recommend it to all moms, so don't hesitate to buy it. You and your little ones will love it.
This brush is excellent. My son refuses to use any other brush. We have already tried four other brushes, but he only wants this one. It is not too hard and does not slip in the hand. We first tried it when he was around 1.5 years old. I highly recommend it.
This brush is really good, it cleans well. It has soft and thin bristles. My child likes it and you can see the results on their teeth.
The brush was very liked by the child. It is well-made and pleasant to the touch. We will definitely buy it again.
Great toothbrush. Cleans from the appearance of the first teeth. I recommend it.
A great toothbrush for a small child. It's neither hard nor soft, but something in between. We like it. The design is bright and beautiful. The quality is fantastic!
The brush is really great! It has soft bristles and a convenient handle, although the protective cap doesn't close (we threw it away). I recommend it.
The brush worked perfectly for my son (1.4m tall). The bristles have a medium stiffness, and it is easy to hold in the hand.
The best toothbrush ever. We've been using it for a year now (previously had a silicone one), it doesn't scratch the gums and cleans well.
I chose a toothbrush for my baby based on the reviews and I wasn't wrong. It is of good quality, with soft bristles that don't fall out. The handle is rubberized, making it easy for the baby to hold. There is also a case for the toothbrush head, which is very convenient for storage. I highly recommend it! Thank you, Makeup, for the high-quality product.
My child likes the toothbrush, it's great that there is a cap, but after 2 weeks of use, the bristles started bending sideways.
This toothbrush is of very high quality. The soft bristles gently care for little teeth and gums. The rubberized handle is comfortable to hold and clean teeth for my son. The brush does not slip in the hand. I highly recommend it.
This brush is very convenient and soft. The handle has non-slip inserts, making it comfortable for a child to hold. After use, you can put on the cap to prevent it from getting dirty. I recommend it.
The best toothbrush ever! Its comfortable ergonomic handle easily fits in a small child's palm, while the soft bristles gently clean the little one's milk teeth. I highly recommend this toothbrush.
Terrible toothbrush for a young child. It was impossible to use it without causing harm, as it scratches easily and has sharp, very long bristles.
For my 1-year-old daughter, we bought a toothbrush with hard bristles and long fibers, but we had to replace it immediately with another one.
It did not suit us very well. In my opinion, the bristles are a bit too stiff and long for babies.
Among all the brushes I have tried, this one is the most optimal in terms of density and ergonomics. It is an excellent choice for children!
This is not our first time using this brush - it is of good quality and works well. We especially like the protective case that comes with it, specifically designed for the brush.