قناع ضد تساقط الشعر إلفا 7 زيوت
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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: Elfa Pharm
السلسلة: 7 زيوت
نوع المنتج: قناع للشعر
خصائص المنتج: لعلاج تساقط الشعر
الحجم: 200 ml
المكونات: أرجيني, البروتينات, الزيوت, الكيراتين, بانثينول, بذور الكتان, فيتامين e
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: بولندا
صنع في: بولندا
للعناية بالشعر الضعيف والمعرض للتساقط، يُوصى باستخدام مجموعة متنوعة من الأقنعة العلاجية. يُعتبر منتج "إلفا 7 زيوت" من علامة إلفا فارم علاجًا فعالًا ضد تساقط الشعر. يحتوي القناع على مجموعة من سبعة زيوت طبيعية تساعد في تقوية بصيلات الشعر والحفاظ على الطبقة الواقية للشعر: زيوت الأرقطيون، وإكليل الجبل، وزيت الخروع، وزيت بذور الكتان، وزيت الأرز، وزيت الأفوكادو، وزيت الشيا. تعمل هذه الزيوت المختارة بعناية على منع الجفاف والتقصف، وتغذي وترطب الشعر من الجذور حتى الأطراف. يُعزز مركب "فايتال هير أكتيف +" الموجود في القناع فعالية الزيوت، حيث يحسن ويحفز الدورة الدموية الدقيقة، مما يزيد من تشبع الأوكسجين في بصيلات الشعر.
يمكن استخدام قناع "إلفا 7 زيوت" لمنع تساقط الشعر بكفاءة متساوية من قبل الرجال والنساء. يعتني بلطف بفروة الرأس ويساعد في منع تساقط الشعر، مما يحافظ على الشعر صحيًا وقويًا، ويُبقي فروة الرأس في حالة مثالية.
بعد استخدام شامبو سلسلة "7 زيوت"، قم بتطبيق القناع على الجذور ووزعه بشكل متساوٍ على طول الشعر بالكامل. اشطفه بالماء. لا تستخدم غطاءً بلاستيكياً. لا تتركه على فروة الرأس لأكثر من دقيقتين. الاحتياطات: للاستخدام الخارجي فقط. في حالة ملامسة العينين، اغسلهما فوراً بالماء.
إلفا 7 زيوت - قناع ضد تساقط الشعر
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I applied it for about 20 minutes before washing my hair, completely forgetting about the conditioner. After washing, it was difficult to comb through, as if my hair was slightly dry after using it.
Great smell, hair is a bit difficult to comb after using the mask. Haven't seen any noticeable effects yet.
I did not notice any decrease in hair loss or any specific pleasant effects. I did not purchase it from here.
I recently started using this product and I liked it, although it made my hair slightly rougher. The packaging is also quite difficult to open, but the cap can be easily unscrewed. This doesn't affect the usability.
The mask is excellent! I have previously used products from this manufacturer and decided to come back because of its natural composition and effectiveness. My hair is smooth, nourished, and thick. However, the packaging is awful. I don't want to open it again because it's very difficult to open. It seems like they used to come in jars before. Even the shampoos had better packaging.
So far, I can say one thing - after using this mask, the itching of the scalp disappears! I have had this mask for a long time, but I can't remember the effect it had last year. The main thing is that this year, I want to buy it again. I am also considering getting the serum.
Excellent quality. Consistently used. Fast service. Highly recommended.
I have been using this hair care series for a long time. I am extremely satisfied with the results. The price-quality ratio is excellent, it deserves a perfect score of 5+.
I really like it. After using the mask, my hair looks beautiful and silky.
I really liked the mask, it made my hair look beautiful and silky smooth.
Excellent! It suits me well, my hair is fluffy and silky. I can't say yet if the hair will stop falling out, I've only washed it twice, but it seems to be less (maybe some had already fallen out before - I laugh).
I have been using this product as a whole and I have noticed a decrease in hair loss. It activates dormant hair follicles and new hair grows quickly. The price-quality ratio is good. I am satisfied with this product!
The product does not live up to its claimed functions. It slightly softens and tames the hair, but it's not worth hoping for any significant therapeutic properties at such a price. The fragrance is subjective and not for everyone; personally, I did not like the unpleasant scent of pine.
The shampoo from this brand is simply terrible. However, on the contrary, the conditioner has made my hair very soft.
The mask is not bad. The hair really feels soft and smooth after using it. However, there is no effect against hair loss. I used the whole set - the oil, shampoo, and mask. There was no result at all. I do not recommend it.
Good mask.
I really like this mask, I have already bought it for the second time. My hair feels softer and there is less hair fall after using it. I also appreciate that it only needs to be left on for 2 minutes, and most importantly, I love that it is easy to rinse off.
I like this mask, I use it together with the same shampoo or burdock oil. It helps reduce the greasiness of my hair and nourishes them better. It brings shine and vitality to my hair. Although it hasn't completely stopped hair loss, it still has an effect, which is also a good thing.
I recently started using this mask. I hope that the positive results will not take long to appear, as this series of masks and shampoos is of good quality, as I have previously used a similar series.