شامبو للشعر التالف Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deep Moisture Shampoo
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ماركة: Giovanni
السلسلة: eco chic hair care
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تغذية, تنظيف
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
المكونات: إكليل الجبل, الألوة فيرا, البابونج, البيتيتغرين, الجريب فروت, الخزامى, بانثينول, حرير, عشبة الليمون الحامض, فيتامين b5, نبات الجنكة بيلوبا, يوريا
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات, نباتية
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free, fsc
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع الشعر: تالف, جاف
بلد: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
صنع في: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
لم يعد الشعر التالف مفاجئًا لأي شخص، ولكن ليس هناك سبب لليأس. بالرغم من أنها مشكلة لا يمكن حلها بين عشية وضحاها، إلا أنها قابلة للإدارة بالفعل. مفتاح النجاح لشعرك الكثيف والرائع هو شامبو جيوفاني سموث آز سيلك للترطيب العميق للشعر التالف. مثل الحرير السائل، سيغلفك برغوة ناعمة، وينظف شعرك ويمنحه العناصر الغذائية المغذية، بفضل تقنية إيكو شيك*، وهي تركيبة مبتكرة من جيوفاني.
يقوم هذا الشامبو بتنظيف الشعر بلطف دون أن يسبب أي ضرر، حيث إنه خالٍ من الكبريتات التي تضر بصحة الإنسان. تعمل رغوته الفاخرة على تنعيم الشعر الجاف والمعالج كيميائيًا، مما يسهل عليك تصفيفه كما ترغبين. يتميز الشامبو برائحة لطيفة ومحببة من خلاصة التفاح والصبار، والتي لها أيضًا تأثيرات مضادة للأكسدة.
* تمثل عناصر الأرض والرياح والنار والماء مزيجًا فريدًا من المكونات النباتية العضوية المعتمدة وذات الفعالية العالية.
ضعي كمية صغيرة من الشامبو على الشعر المبلل، ودلكي فروة الرأس حتى تتكون رغوة، ثم اشطفي الشامبو جيدًا بالماء. كرري العملية إذا لزم الأمر. يُنصح باستخدام البلسم بعد استخدام الشامبو.
Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deep Moisture Shampoo - شامبو للشعر التالف
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The product does a poor job of cleaning as the head quickly becomes dirty again. I made the mistake of purchasing it from the wrong place.
It does not clean well; the head quickly gets dirty again. I bought it somewhere else.
I tried this shampoo, but it didn't work for me at all. It excessively dries out the scalp.
I tried this shampoo. It didn't work for me at all. It really dries out the scalp.
Nothing special!! I bought it to try, because all the bloggers who follow the curly girl method highly praise this brand. But the Garnier Super Food (shampoo) is much more to my liking!! I won't be buying it again!
Nothing special!! I bought it to try it out since all the bloggers who follow the curly hair care method highly praise this brand. But I much prefer Garnier Superfood (shampoo)!! I won't be buying this anymore!
The shampoo didn't work for me. I bought it twice, as the size was small, just to give it a try, so to speak. It doesn't cleanse the hair well. It caused dandruff for me. The only thing I liked was the scent.
The shampoo didn't work for me. I bought it twice because it was small-sized and I wanted to give it a try, so to speak. It doesn't clean my hair well. I got dandruff because of it. I only liked the smell.
I would like a bigger size, but it's good that Make up has small Giovanni shampoos. It is suitable for dry skin prone to dandruff.
I would have liked a larger size, but it's great that there are small Giovanni shampoos available on Make up. It's suitable for dry skin prone to dandruff.
This shampoo is almost odorless. It foams well, like sulfate-free shampoos, but it doesn't rinse out hair very effectively, so I have to lather my head multiple times. It is also difficult to rinse off and requires a lot of water. I haven't noticed any improvement in the condition of my hair from this shampoo, if anything, my hair has been shedding more (although I'm not 100% sure if it's directly related to the shampoo, it could be seasonal). It's good that there is an option to buy a 60ml bottle to try it out. I tried it and it didn't work for me, so I won't be buying it again.
Almost odorless. The shampoo lathers well, like sulfate-free shampoos, which is very good, but it cleans the hair poorly, so I have to lather my head multiple times. It is also difficult to rinse off, requiring a large amount of water. I did not notice any improvement in the condition of my hair from this shampoo, rather the opposite: my hair started falling out more (but I am not 100% sure if it is related to the shampoo, it could just be seasonal). It's good that there is an option to purchase a 60-milliliter bottle to try it out. I tried it and it didn't work for me, I will not buy it again.
I really love this shampoo. It's one of those rare cases where I will definitely buy it again. I'm surprised by Christina's review, maybe it's just not the right product for her. Because for me, it rinses out completely and leaves my hair very shiny. Can we expect to see larger packaging options, like 250 ml?
I really like this shampoo. It's a rare occasion when I will buy it again. I'm surprised by Christina's review, it seems like it's not her type. Because for me, it completely rinses out and makes my hair very shiny. Can we expect the release of larger sizes, for example, 250 ml?
The shampoo does a great job of moisturizing, but it doesn't cleanse completely and rinses out horribly. Even after lathering twice, my hair still feels dirty. It's definitely not suitable for oily hair.
The shampoo provides good hydration, but it does not thoroughly cleanse and rinses poorly. Even after two applications, the foam leaves the hair partly dirty. It is definitely not suitable for oily hair.
If, like me, someone didn't pay attention to the size, I warn you that the bottle is about half the size of a palm. This is actually good because the shampoo didn't suit me at all. It catastrophically dried out and tangled my hair.
If someone, like me, didn't pay attention to the size, I warn you that the bottle is the size of half a palm. This is actually good because the shampoo didn't suit me at all. It excessively dried and tangled my hair catastrophically.
I liked the shampoo because it effectively addressed dryness, flakiness, and other scalp issues that I often experience with other products. My hair looked healthy, but I would recommend using a conditioner from a different brand with this shampoo. The conditioner I tried from the same manufacturer was terrible and had no effect.
I liked the shampoo because of its effect on my scalp. It didn't cause dryness, dandruff, or any other issues that I often experience with other shampoos. My hair looked healthy, although I had to choose a conditioner from a different brand to use with it. This is because the conditioner from the same manufacturer that I tried turned out to be a complete failure and had no effect at all.