Pastel Lip To Cheek Tint تينت للشفاه والخدين
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ماركة: Pastel
السلسلة: شفاه
نوع المنتج: صبغة للشفاه
الجنس: للنساء
الحجم: 9.6 ml
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: تركيا
صنع في: تركيا
يُعد منتج "باستيل ليب تو تشيك تينت" منتجًا متعدد الاستخدامات يعتمد على مكونات نباتية، مصمم لإضفاء لون طبيعي على الشفاه والخدود. بفضل تركيبته المائية مع خواص تشكيل الفيلم والجيل، يضمن هذا المنتج لونًا حيويًا يدوم طوال اليوم. علاوة على ذلك، فإن هذا التينت مقاوم للرطوبة والملوثات، مما يجعله خيارًا مثاليًا لنمط حياة نشط.
إحدى فوائد المنتج هي مكوناته المغذية. حيث يساعد كل من حمض الهيالورونيك وماء الورد الموجودين في تركيبته على ترطيب وتنعيم وتهدئة البشرة. يترك التينت البشرة دون أي بقايا لزجة، كما أن رائحته الممتعة برائحة التوت تجعله أكثر متعة عند الاستخدام.
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تينت للشفاه والخدين - Pastel Lip To Cheek Tint
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The lip tint has a very pleasant raspberry scent and the color is very bright and saturated. It gradually fades on the lips, leaving a light tint. It completely disappears after 3-4 hours of application. Additionally, you can adjust the intensity of the tint on your lips. You can either leave a denser layer or, as soon as it dries a bit, remove the top layer, leaving a light tint. Overall, I am satisfied with the purchase.
I expected it to be more long-lasting and have a wine color, but in reality, you can see that it is bright pink and fades a little after eating. Despite all this, I am satisfied with it because it looks natural and does not dry out the lips too much. It smells like berries and tastes sweet.
The product is very drying on the lips. The shade Carmen was expecting to be closer to red, but it turned out to be more of a raspberry color and even has a hint of raspberry scent. Indeed, initially it has a strange chemical taste.
I purchased this product in shade 01. I really liked it, considering its price, it's great.
I wanted to write that this tint is not for me. I'm used to balms that add color. I always have dry lips. You can't apply tint on moisturized lips because it spreads like watercolor. And even on dry lips, it doesn't guarantee an even application. I'm also concerned about the chemically sweet taste until you eat it.
This tint is probably not for me. The liquid consistency makes the color appear twice as light after drying. It dries out my lips and only lasts well if I don't eat anything. I fell for the advertising.
Now my favorite tint! I ordered it in the shade "Carmen".
I came across a video of this tint on TikTok and decided that I really needed it. I ordered it and at first glance, I really liked it. The jar and brush are convenient, and it has a pleasant berry scent. When I started testing it, I was so impressed with the quality and longevity of this tint that it's simply indescribable. You can apply it on your cheeks (but you have to blend it immediately because it's super long-lasting), and you can also apply it on your lips. I really liked that you can adjust the color intensity. If you want bright and juicy lips, leave it on for about a minute. And if you want the effect of kissed lips, you should remove the tint from your lips after 20-30 seconds. The natural pink shade lasted all day. Plus, its texture is light and weightless. By the way, I applied it with my fingers and had red lips all day. I could only remove it with micellar water in the evening. It's a mega long-lasting product. And when I read the ingredients, I was even more impressed that it contains natural components. It contains hyaluronic acid and rose water, which means that your lips will be maximally moisturized.
The tint is not bad. It stays on well throughout the day. However, they sent me the wrong shade! I chose the darkest one because I wanted a deep burgundy, but I received a bright pink. This color is more like a highlighter, very light pink, so I'm a bit disappointed.
Not a bad tint, sweet in taste, has a nice color, but it tends to dry out a bit. I don't recommend using it for cheeks, as it is difficult to blend and leaves stains. I used it as a blush.
The fragrance is very pleasant, sweet in taste, and easy to apply. I have the shade Carmen, which looks very nice. These are all the positives. However, it is not long-lasting, so don't believe that it will stay on all day. It doesn't withstand meals and doesn't completely fade when washed off, but it does require reapplication.
This is a very nice Tint, it lasts long on the skin. The color and scent are pleasant.
Great tint, but in my opinion, it has a very strong chemical scent. The berry color is vibrant. The longevity is average. It easily washes off with micellar water.
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Photo before the review.
A decent tint for the price, quite long-lasting, but with a chemical-like scent similar to some cough syrup. It applies unevenly, and the color on the lips differs from the swatches on the skin. It easily washes off with Cerave micellar water or balm.
I got the shade Lolita. In my opinion, it is similar to the eyeshadow from Holika Holika. It has a pleasant scent, long-lasting, and comes in an attractive and sturdy packaging.
I ordered the shade "Carmen" and I am very satisfied with it. It doesn't smudge, the applicator is convenient, it's not sticky, and it has an amazing scent. It feels pleasant on the lips and has a nice color. It has a sweet taste and even stays on all day, even if you eat or drink. The pigment fades gradually and beautifully, and it doesn't dry out my lips. I highly recommend it to everyone.
The scent is delicious, while the texture is light and airy.