جل استحمام Byphasse Plaisir Shower Gel Pink Pomegranate
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ماركة: Byphasse
السلسلة: shower
نوع المنتج: جل الاستحمام
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية, تنظيف
الحجم: 600 ml
المكونات: الرمان
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ميدل ماركت
بلد: اسبانيا
صنع في: اسبانيا
جل الاستحمام بايفاس بليزير بالرمان الوردي هو جل استحمام استثنائي يحول تجربة الاستحمام الروتينية إلى طقوس سبا حقيقية، حيث يوفر تنظيفًا فعالًا للبشرة ويمنحك شعورًا رائعًا بالانتعاش. يتميز هذا المنتج التجميلي بتركيبة لطيفة ورائحة حمضية منعشة قادرة على تحسين مزاجك وملء حمامك بأجواء عطرة.
الجل، بتركيبته الخفيفة، يُكوّن رغوة رائعة وينظف الجسم بلطف من الشوائب، مما يمنحك إحساسًا ممتعًا بالخفة والنظافة والنعومة. التركيبة النشطة غنية بمستخلصات نباتية تحافظ على مستويات الرطوبة المثلى في خلايا البشرة، وتوفر تأثيرات منعشة وملطفة، وتقلل من الاحمرار وعلامات التعب، وتمنع الجفاف والتقشر، لتترك البشرة ناعمة وفاخرة كالحرير.
طريقة الاستخدام: ضعيه على بشرة مبللة، دلكي بلطف، ثم اشطفيه بالماء.
ضع المنتج على البشرة الرطبة، قم بتدليكها بلطف، ثم اشطفها بالماء.
Byphasse Plaisir Shower Gel Pink Pomegranate - جل استحمام
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Not impressed. The liquid has a chemical smell that is not very pleasant. Definitely won't buy it again!
Great gel! It effectively cleanses the skin, enriches it with moisture, leaving it soft and hydrated.
The smell is simply enchanting - fresh and pleasant. It lathers easily, cleanses well, and doesn't dry out the skin. After using it, the skin becomes soft and tender to the touch. It also wonderfully nourishes the skin.
Great gel. It is soft, foams well, and smells pleasant. Excellent quality and price. I am satisfied!
Any product from this line is guaranteed to be enjoyed, and this shower cream is no exception. It lathers well, is economical to use, and does not dry out the skin.
Great gel! Very fragrant. Thick consistency. Excellent lathering. I highly recommend it for purchase!
Not impressed. Firstly, it is very difficult to open, requiring a lot of effort, so I am forced to keep it open, which is inconvenient. Secondly, when applied to the skin, the gel "rolls off" - forming solid particles (similar to how you can "roll" PVA glue). Thirdly, in my opinion, the scent is rough and sharp.
The foaming capability of this product is very poor, and it also has a high consumption rate.
I use it in combination with the body lotion, which creates a perfect blend of beauty, hydration, and nourishment for the skin!
The scent of the gel is amazing! It is the most delicious scent among all the Byphasse products! It cleanses well, but it slightly dries out my sensitive skin (although it is probably due to our very hard water).
This shower gel is incredibly gentle and pleasant. It leaves the skin feeling so nourished, as if it has been moisturized, and doesn't require any additional care.
Wonderful shower gel. It is very pleasant to use. It lathers well. It doesn't dry out the skin. The scent is luxurious.
During use, this gel brings a lot of positive emotions. It is a true aromatherapy! In addition, it has excellent cleansing properties, does not dry out or irritate the skin, rinses off easily without leaving any residue. And the skin continues to smell delightful long after taking a shower.
This product provides excellent moisturization, foams gently, and has a pleasant texture and scent. It does not dry out the skin at all and did not cause any allergic reactions.
Amazing scent, pleasant texture. It foams, rinses off, and cleanses well. I am satisfied with it.
Pleasant and long-lasting fragrance, with a good foaming action. Our whole family uses it, and everyone loves it :)
Good texture, pleasant scent, does not cause allergies, and does not dry out the skin. It rinses off excellently and moisturizes effectively.
This gel is very pleasant, with a wonderful scent, and it lathers well. After use, it provides a sense of cleanliness and comfort.
"Pleasant shower gel))) It smells nice and lathers well. After using it, my skin feels soft and smooth."