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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: Bilou
السلسلة: hair care
نوع المنتج: شامبو جاف
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف, للحجم
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات, نباتية
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: المانيا
صنع في: المانيا
يُعتبر شامبو بيلو الجاف "Crazy Kiwi" وسيلة ممتازة للحفاظ على نظافة وانتعاش شعرك في أي ظروف. يزيل هذا المنتج بسهولة الشوائب والزيوت الزائدة، مما يوفر إحساسًا بالراحة لفروة الرأس. تركيبة هذا الشامبو نباتية 100% وخالية من البارافينات والسيليكونات والزيوت المعدنية. الرائحة الفاخرة التي تمتزج فيها نغمات الكيوي الحلو والآيس كريم وبتلات الورد ستكون إضافة ممتعة لروتينك، تاركةً حجابًا عطريًا خفيفًا على خصلات شعرك.
ميزات شامبو بيلو "Crazy Kiwi":
- يأتي في شكل بخاخ مريح الاستخدام؛
- يوفر تنظيفًا فعالًا للشعر دون الحاجة إلى الماء؛
- لا يترك أي بقايا بيضاء؛
- يجعل الشعر ناعمًا ومرنًا؛
- يعيد للشعر لمعانه الصحي؛
- يمنع تثاقل الشعر؛
- يمنح الشعر مظهرًا مرتبًا وأنيقًا.-
رج العبوة جيدًا. رش على خط الشعر من مسافة تقارب 20 سم. اتركه لفترة قصيرة، ثم قم بتدليك فروة الرأس بلطف، وبعد ذلك مشط شعرك جيدًا.
Yesterday, I bought a spray bottle at a chain store (not here). In the morning, I pressed it once and it stopped working. I thought of fixing the sprayer somehow. In the evening, I tried to refill it, but the bottle was completely empty. It's like magic! It's a shame. I will continue buying Batiste, as I haven't found anything better yet.
I bought it (not here) yesterday in a chain store. In the morning, it worked perfectly with just one press. I thought of fixing the sprayer somehow. In the evening, I reached for the canister, but it was completely empty. Magic))) Such a pity. I will continue to buy Batiste - haven't found anything better yet.
I did not buy it here, but the result was zero, and it ended very quickly. It only lasted for three uses.
I didn't buy it here, but it is very different from the pink bottle of this manufacturer. It leaves white marks and does not add freshness to the hair. The previous shampoo was significantly better.
The shampoo itself is nothing special, but it stopped spraying after just a week of use. The bottle was almost full, so I had to throw it away! It's disappointing, the quality leaves much to be desired.
I purchased this product on June 23, 2023, and used it once. I was surprised to find that it did leave a white residue on my hair, unlike what was advertised on Instagram. But that's okay! It smells great! Today, on August 3, 2023, I wanted to use it for the second time, but it was almost empty. It doesn't even spray any air when I press it, just silence! So lucky to have paid 238 hryvnias for one use. Super disappointed!
I didn't buy it here, but this dry shampoo is absolutely terrible. It has zero effect.
The scent is pleasant, but the effectiveness is mediocre. It has a high consumption rate compared to other options, and the results could have been better considering its price.
I bought it not here, but in another store. However, I would like to leave my review here as well. This is the most useless purchase that is not worth its money. Zero results. The only positive thing is the pleasant smell, and even that lasts for only 10 minutes.