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ماركة: Round Lab
السلسلة: 1025
نوع المنتج: تونر للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تليين, تنشيط, تنظيف, تنعيم
الحجم: 100 ml, 500 ml
المكونات: اللانتوين, بانثينول, بيتاين
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ميدل ماركت
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: كوريا الجنويبة
صنع في: كوريا الجنوبية
تونر Round Lab 1025 Dokdo هو الخطوة الأساسية التالية في روتين العناية بالبشرة بعد التنظيف. يوفر تأثيرات مجددة ومرطبة ومقشرة ومهدئة في الوقت نفسه. تتضمن تركيبة التونر مستخلص الطحالب الحمراء، المعروف أيضًا باسم Chondrus Crispus، والذي يتميز بغناه بالبروتينات والفيتامينات ومضادات الأكسدة التي تفيد البشرة. بالإضافة إلى التغذية، يوفر التونر فوائد التنظيف والتقشير. يساعد مستخلص قصب السكر، أو Saccharum Officinarum، في تفتيح البشرة وتقليل ظهور البقع الصبغية.
فوائد تونر Round Lab 1025 Dokdo:
- يتميز بتركيبة خفيفة تعتمد على الماء؛
- ينظف البشرة من الخلايا الميتة؛
- يعمل بدون لزوجة أو إحساس بالشد؛
- يحافظ الماء المعدني على توازن رطوبة البشرة؛
- تكنولوجيا Hatching EX-07 تعمل على تنظيم تخليق الزهم وتنظيف الوجه من الشوائب؛
- يعمل البانثينول والألانتوين والبيتين بشكل متكامل لتوفير تأثير مهدئ؛
- يقلل الالتهابات والتهيج.-
بعد تنظيف البشرة، ضعي كمية صغيرة من التونر على راحة اليد. وزعي التونر بالتساوي على البشرة بحركات لطيفة. للحصول على ترطيب إضافي، يمكن وضع التونر على البشرة في عدة طبقات. إذا كانت البشرة متهيجة بسبب العوامل البيئية، انقعي قطعاً من القطن في التونر واستخدميها ككمادات مرطبة. اتركي الكمادات على البشرة لمدة 5-10 دقائق.
Wonderful toner, I have already bought a second jar. It doesn't have any supernatural properties, but it moisturizes the skin and gives it a slightly polished look. I apply it with my hands, a few layers. The smaller jar (200ml) lasted for 2 months, even with such non-economical usage :)
The toner is excellent, it suited my dry skin perfectly. Overall, I think this is a product that would work for everyone because it is of great quality. The only thing I regret is not buying the pads right away because they absorb a lot of the product. It is watery, odorless, and non-sticky. It moisturizes the skin wonderfully, and I have no complaints. I am very surprised by the negative comments, as we are all different, so maybe it's even the same allergy, although I think it's not the original product.
I have dry skin. I bought this toner as a replacement for Obaji and overall, I am not disappointed. It moisturizes the skin and prepares it for moisturizer. This is a basic moisturizing toner, it won't work miracles if you have chosen the wrong skincare routine or if it is not suitable for your skin.
I'm glad I met this trainer. It has no smell, doesn't foam, and there's no sticky feeling after using it, which is very important to me. On the contrary, my skin feels smooth after using it, there are no irritations, and with comprehensive care, all breakouts have disappeared and my skin doesn't get as oily as before, especially noticeable in the morning. I will definitely buy more.
I am shocked by the comments. Round Lab is a brand of excellent quality, a winner of quality contests! Whoever has pimples, it's definitely not because of this brand. The composition is superb. I had it, and it was wow!
I agree with the comments below, it's just like water... that causes allergies and even more rashes. Avoid it.
I didn't understand this product, and I don't see any effect at all. It feels like I'm just washing my face with regular water. The only thing I liked from this series was the gentle foam.
I had a breakout on my face and experienced an allergic reaction. I do not recommend using this cosmetics as it has not been tested in Korea. If I am mistaken, please attach a screenshot of the document to my comment.
I really like how smooth my skin feels after using this product. It makes me want to touch and feel my skin. Gradually, my pores become cleaner and the texture of my skin becomes more even. However, I do not feel any respect from this product. Another downside is that it leaves a shiny finish, which I consider a drawback. I prefer more matte textures that provide me with comfort.
"This toner is excellent, it provides good hydration, leaving the skin looking fresh and with a natural glow. I didn't purchase it here, but I'm very pleased that this brand is available on Make up. Next time, I will definitely order it from here."