عصا شمسية غير لامعة Beauty Of Joseon Matte Sun Stick Mugwort+Camelia SPF 50+ PA++++
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ماركة: Beauty Of Joseon
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: بلسم للوجه, عصا للوجه, كريم واقي من الشمس
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, حماية من الشمس
مستوى الحماية: spf 50
المكونات: الألوة فيرا, الجوجوبا, الزيوت, الكاميليا, الكركم, بانثينول
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
يعتبر عصا الشمس الماتية Mugwort+Camellia SPF 50+ PA++++ من بيوتي أوف جوسون واقياً شمسياً يحافظ على بشرتك غير لامعة ويمنع اللمعان الدهني. يأتي هذا الواقي الشمسي في شكل عصا مما يجعله سهل التطبيق وإعادة التطبيق طوال اليوم. يتميز برائحة خفيفة بالكاد تُلاحظ وملمس مريح لا يثقل البشرة، وهو أمر بالغ الأهمية خلال الصيف. تساعد مستخلصاته الطبيعية ومكوناته النشطة على تنظيم إفراز الدهون مع الحفاظ على ترطيب البشرة ونعومتها وتقوية حاجز الحماية للبشرة.
المميزات الرئيسية لعصا الشمس الماتية Mugwort+Camellia SPF 50+ PA++++ من بيوتي أوف جوسون:
- يستخدم مرشحات كيميائية تحمي البشرة من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية وتمنع التصبغات؛
- يقلل من خطر الإصابة بحروق الشمس؛
- مستخلص الشاي الأخضر يعمل كمضاد للأكسدة، محارباً لأضرار الجذور الحرة؛
- مستخلص الشيح يلين البشرة ويوفر مصدرًا للفيتامينات A و C؛
- يحافظ على توحيد لون البشرة؛
- يُنصح بإعادة التطبيق كل 2-3 ساعات؛
- مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة، بما في ذلك الدهنية والحساسة.-
ضع المنتج على المناطق المرغوبة من الوجه والجسم. أعد تطبيقه كل 2-3 ساعات.
Very disappointing. It feels satin smooth on the face. I bought it for a vacation at the sea, for a light refreshment, but I haven't tested it there yet.
This product is easy to apply and provides a matte finish to the skin. However, if applied over makeup, it tends to blur everything and you will have to remove it all.
This product is very easy to apply and effectively mattifies the skin. It even eliminates the need for powder to achieve a matte finish. It is important to apply it immediately after moisturizer, on well-hydrated skin. No breakouts occurred. The only downside is that if the skin is not adequately moisturized, small white traces may appear upon application. However, they disappear after a couple of minutes.
The product is great, but I made the impulsive decision to buy it during the summer for a crazy price of 1229 UAH without checking prices at other competitors, who were selling it for around 800 UAH. Now, the price has dropped to 500 UAH, which is somewhat frustrating considering it has been less than six months since I made the purchase. It's unclear why the price has decreased so significantly.
I didn't like it. Both me and my partner had breakouts after using it (we both have prone skin and cleanse properly). After application, it feels a bit heavy, like there's a layer of this product on the skin, even though it has a satin finish and doesn't make the skin shine. Overall, not bad, if it didn't cause breakouts.
I was somewhat skeptical of this SPF format, but it pleasantly surprised me with its quality, ease of application, and absence of white marks on the skin (!) It does run out quite quickly, though, with daily use, but it's worth it. Makeup stayed on it calmly (mineral powder), my face didn't shine, and it felt pleasant to the touch. The key is to remove it from the skin thoroughly and carefully, otherwise clogged pores can be a result. I recommend it!
I did not buy it here (because it was not available) but I still want to leave a review. For owners of combination sensitive skin that quickly becomes oily in the heat and sun, this product is a must-have. I had doubts about how it would apply, whether it would be comfortable to use, and if it would work well. YES! The skin feels pleasantly matte, it provides excellent protection, and the amount lasted for three months of daily use with a few touch-ups throughout the day. It is also convenient to carry around. There were no skin reactions or breakouts, and another plus is that it is fragrance-free. I am 100% satisfied, just like with other products from this brand.