شامبو للشعر الجاف والتالف Le Petit Olivier Olive Karite Argan Shampoo
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ماركة: Le Petit Olivier
السلسلة: olive karite argan
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف
الحجم: 250 ml
المكونات: الصودا, حمض الساليسيليك, زيت الأرجان
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات, نباتية
شهادات خاصة: cosmebio, cruelty free, ecocert
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع الشعر: تالف, جاف
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
كل امرأة ترغب في الحصول على شعر جميل، كثيف وصحي، حيث يُقال عادةً إنه أحد أهم الزينات. تحقيق هذا الحلم سهل للغاية: فقط يتطلب العناية المنتظمة باستخدام مختلف المنتجات الحديثة.
خاصة لأولئك الذين يعانون من الشعر التالف والجاف، قدمت علامة تجارية مرموقة شامبو لطيف رائع يحمي ويقوي الشعر، ويمنع التقصف وفقدان الرطوبة. بالإضافة إلى أداء وظائفه الأساسية، يترك المنتج التجميلي أيضًا رائحة زكية.
تحتوي التركيبة على زيت الزيتون، وعصير الألوفيرا العضوي، وماء زهر الليمون العضوي، مما يجعل الشامبو يلين ويُرمم ويُغذي الشعر، مما يمنحه لمعانًا طبيعيًا. كما يحتوي على زبدة الشيا التي تخترق بنية الشعر، مما يوفر تغذية عميقة وحماية واستعادة ونمو. يحتوي زيت الزيتون على مجموعة من الأحماض الأمينية والفيتامينات التي تقدم تأثيراً مجدداً.
مع هذا الشامبو، يُتحرر الشعر من الجفاف، ليصبح أكثر كثافة ولمعانًا وصحة!
المكونات النشطة: زيت الزيتون، ماء زهر الليمون العضوي، عصير الألوفيرا العضوي.
ضع الشامبو على الشعر المبلل، وقم بتدليكه حتى تتكون رغوة، ثم اشطفه جيدًا بالماء.
The shampoo is good. After using it, my hair feels very soft and pleasant to touch. The scent is a bright almond fragrance. I have long natural curly hair, and this shampoo makes it even more voluminous. Personally, I like this effect, but I know it may not be for everyone. I also tried another shampoo from the same series, specifically for curly hair, and I preferred its scent more as it was sweeter. However, both shampoos leave my hair equally soft and fluffy.
I liked the shampoo. It has a pleasant scent and consistency. It lathers pretty well, but I wish it had more foam. However, considering that it is a more natural product, I think it's normal. Less foaming agents mean less damage to the hair. I will definitely buy it again when needed.
I have a question for the website administration regarding notifications. I used to receive notifications about product availability, but lately, I haven't been receiving them, which has happened multiple times. I have subscribed, provided the correct address, and checked the "notify me about availability" box. The product became available, but I didn't receive any notifications. My Spam folder is also empty. Please identify the reason and resolve this issue.
The shampoo lived up to my expectations. I decided to try it out because I really love the shower gels from the same brand. The pros are that it cleanses well, my hair doesn't get as greasy (even on the third day they are not too oily), and it has a nice scent. The cons are that it doesn't lather well, so the consumption is quite high; I need to use it with a conditioner or a hair mask because my hair feels a bit stiff (especially the ends). Overall, I am satisfied.
The shampoo worked well for me. I have normal, uncolored hair, but it tends to get dry in the summer. Despite containing sulfates, it doesn't create excessive lather or dry out my hair. The scent is not overpowering, neither too vanilla nor overly fruity, but rather soft. I have tried shampoos that were more expensive and better in quality, but for the price, this one is the optimal choice for me. I used it together with the mask from the same line, so it's difficult to evaluate its effectiveness alone, but together they leave my hair very soft and prevent frizz.
I have tested the shampoo, and it's quite good. It's not "wow," but I haven't found any disadvantages with it either. I have been familiar with this brand for a long time, and their hair products have never let me down. I hope that with prolonged use, the shampoo will demonstrate its claimed properties.
This is a regular mass-market shampoo, but not organic. There's nothing special about it.
I really liked the shampoo! It has a pleasant scent, foams well, and gives my hair volume and fluffiness! I have a regular cheap conditioner from the organic line, it's nothing special, so I'm sure it's the shampoo itself that gives such wonderful results! It doesn't compare to mass-market products at all!! The only downside is that it ran out quickly, usually 250ml lasts me 5 months, but this one lasted only 3.5 months. I definitely recommend it!!!
I have used the entire series for damaged hair. Nothing special. Just an ordinary shampoo. My hair still got damaged just like when using a shampoo for 20 UAH.
I have tried so many shampoos, including expensive brands, but none of them were satisfying. I mostly didn't like the effect on my scalp, as I always felt a sense of heaviness from the shampoos. However, this one is amazing! I have almost finished the bottle and I am very happy with it. I use it together with the conditioner from the same company. I have also tried it with the conditioner from Vela and the mask from Kerastase, and the effect was good in any case.
Today I received shampoo with a mask and immediately tested it. I really liked the products, the scent is amazing. The shampoo cleanses well and the mask is melting and oily. Thank you, Makeup, for your prompt and as always superb service.