كريم لشد الجلد حول العينين Christina Silk EyeLift Cream
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كريم كريستينا سيلك آي ليفت هو جزء من سلسلة مستحضرات التجميل الفورية من الشركة الإسرائيلية كريستينا. بعد استخدام واحد فقط، تبدو البشرة أكثر نعومة وتقل الهالات السوداء تحت العيون. تصبح البشرة مرطبة بعمق، ناعمة ومرنة. تم تصميم التركيبات المبتكرة التي تعد جوهر فعالية هذا الكريم لتخترق المكونات بعمق إلى الخلايا واستعادة البشرة الحساسة حول العينين. ونتيجة لذلك، يتم إثراء البشرة بالفيتامينات والعناصر الدقيقة الأساسية، ويتم استعادة توازن الماء.
يحتوي كريم كريستينا سيلك آي ليفت على مكونات طبيعية لا تحارب التجاعيد فحسب، بل تستعيد، وتغذي، وتحمي البشرة أيضًا. يحتوي الألانتوين على خصائص علاجية ويوفر حماية للبشرة طوال اليوم. يعمل مركب خاص من الفيتامينات ومستخلصات النباتات على تنعيم وشد البشرة، مما يعيد لها مظهرًا منعشًا ومعتنى به. يعمل التوكوفيرول كمضاد للأكسدة ويحمي من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية.
ضعي طبقة رقيقة من EyeLift على البشرة المحيطة بالعينين التي تم تنظيفها مسبقًا خلال النهار، باستخدام حركات تربيت لطيفة.
Christina Silk EyeLift Cream - كريم لشد الجلد حول العينين
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I bought the cream not on the website. The cream is great. After transconjunctival blepharoplasty, I faced the problem of slightly sagging skin. I was in a sorry state, but the cream did its job. I believe that thanks to it, my skin tightened. The texture is very lightweight, it doesn't weigh down and applies seamlessly. I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Overall, this cream is not bad. It is non-greasy and absorbs well, and it has no scent. I have been using it for about a month, both in the morning and at night. I haven't seen any remarkable firming effects yet, but it does help with reducing swelling and puffiness.
The cream does not smooth out even fine expression lines (at 30 years old), so considering the price of the cream, I do not recommend it.
I have been using this cream for 2 years now and I am satisfied with the results. It has the same fragrance as the entire product line, which means it is free from any added scents, so no aromatherapy here. The cream has a cumulative effect, but for an instant effect, I absolutely adore the wrinkle-filling serum from the same series.
Moisturizes well, but there is no firming effect at all.
This is not a cream, but a nightmare. It causes a severe allergy. The eyes swell up very strongly, and the skin around the eyes turns blue.
This cream does nothing at all. Absolutely nothing. To be honest, even the regular chamomile cream from Christina moisturizes better. And as for the firming effect that the manufacturer claims, forget about it. It's non-existent too. After two months, I can say one thing - I don't like it.
The cream caused a terrible allergic reaction and swelling around my eyes, even though I am not allergic. It's a good thing that I received it as a sample, it would have been very disappointing to buy a full-size product for one and a half thousand and get a severe allergy to it.
I am allergic to it. I am not allergic myself. I have never had this before.
The cream moisturizes very well. It is the best moisturizer among all the eye creams I have tried. I will definitely buy it again.
Moisture at 100% and even more. The feeling is wonderful. Recommended by a cosmetologist. I have been using it for a long time. Never regretted it. It lasts for about six months.
The cream is amazing, it gives a feeling of coolness and some kind of smoothing effect upon application. It absorbs instantly, I didn't notice any scent, there is no stickiness, but it feels like there is moisturization.