شامبو مضاد للقشرة "تنظيف عميق، تخفيف الحكة" Head & Shoulders Deep Cleanse Itch Relief Shampoo
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ماركة: Head & Shoulders
السلسلة: تنظيف عميق
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف, تهدئة, ضد التهيج, ضد القشرة
الحجم: 300 ml
المكونات: حمض الساليسيليك, نعناع
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر, دهني
بلد: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
صنع في: فرنسا
قشرة الرأس هي الحالة المزعجة وأحيانًا المحرجة التي نجد أنفسنا فيها من حين لآخر. وغالبًا ما تصاحبها أعراض مزعجة أخرى مثل الحكة والجفاف.
من أولى العلاجات التي نلجأ إليها عادة هي الشامبوهات المضادة للقشرة. شامبو هيد آند شولدرز ديب كلينز لتخفيف الحكة أثبت فعاليته كمنتج موثوق للعناية بالشعر يمكنك الاعتماد عليه تمامًا. لا يساعد فقط في إزالة القشرة بسرعة، بل الأهم من ذلك، يكافح السبب الجذري للقشرة. مكوناته المضادة للفطريات تمنع عودتها، لذا لن تزعجك لفترة طويلة.
فوائد شامبو هيد آند شولدرز ديب كلينز لتخفيف الحكة:
- تركيبة متوازنة الحموضة توفر تنظيفًا لطيفًا وشاملاً للشعر وفروة الرأس؛
- توفر حماية تصل إلى 72 ساعة ضد القشرة، مما يساعد على التخلص منها تمامًا مع الاستخدام المنتظم؛
- تعزز إنتاج الزهم، مما يقلل بشكل كبير من اللمعان الدهني؛
- غني بمستخلص النعناع، يخفف من التهيج والحكة؛
- له تأثير مضاد للأكسدة؛
- يتميز بقوام كثيف يوفر استخدامًا فعالًا للمنتج؛
- خالٍ من السيليكون؛
- قابل لإعادة التدوير باستثناء الغطاء والملصق.-
ضعي كمية صغيرة من الشامبو على الشعر المبلل. قومي بتدليك الشعر بلطف حتى تتكون الرغوة، ثم اشطفيه جيدًا بالماء. للحصول على أفضل النتائج، يُفضل استخدامه مع بلسم H&S.
Head & Shoulders Deep Cleanse Itch Relief Shampoo - شامبو مضاد للقشرة "تنظيف عميق، تخفيف الحكة"
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The itch does provide some relief, but it is only temporary. It would be best to consult a doctor instead. Not suitable for oily skin types!!! The scalp becomes greasy very quickly. Enjoying the cooling sensation.
This shampoo is amazing. If you have an itchy scalp, then this is what you need. Plus, it has a refreshing minty scent. It lathers up really well.
I bought this shampoo based on a recommendation from TikTok. It's amazing! It worked well for both me and my husband, as we both have oily scalp. I will definitely repurchase it.
The shampoo is fine
I purchased this shampoo because I was confident that the entire Head and Shoulders line is effective against dandruff. However, this shampoo does not do the job. Dandruff remains after using it. It's probably better to go for the menthol or the classic version.
Initially, I bought this shampoo for my husband, but I decided to try it myself and surprisingly, it worked for me. I have oily and problematic scalp, often with dandruff. 99% of shampoos cause dandruff for me, even expensive or organic ones. But this brand, which I have known since childhood, turned out to be suitable for me. However, I won't try their white shampoos, I know they won't work for me. I don't know how well it will treat dandruff if it appears, but at the time I started using this shampoo, I didn't have any dandruff or itching. It also lathers well and has a pleasant menthol scent. The most important thing is to rinse it off thoroughly, but it cleanses excellently. It is difficult to say if it prolongs hair freshness because after coloring, the hair doesn't get dirty for a long time. It would be clear once the roots grow out properly.
This shampoo is good, it has a pleasant scent.
I did not buy it here. The shampoo worked well for me. I have oily scalp prone to irritation and itching. When I bought this shampoo, I also had dandruff, but after using it for 3-4 times, it improved significantly, and after 3 weeks, there is no more dandruff, no irritations either, and occasional itching. It cleanses the scalp well. However, it is necessary to use conditioner to make hair easier to comb. In summer, I specifically looked for a shampoo in the form of gel because it is more comfortable for me.
I really enjoy using this brand's shampoos. They provide a refreshing effect on my hair, comparable to the minty version.
I checked the advice of a trichologist regarding the composition of this shampoo. Neither me nor my daughter found it suitable (we had hoped it would be).
I'm not sure, but this product didn't work for me. It actually made my dandruff worse, even a lot worse. Surprisingly, other shampoos from this brand usually suit me well. I bought it a long time ago, and thankfully it's almost finished. It's interesting that it contains menthol.
Did not work. I bought it for oily scalp. It caused itching and burning sensation.
Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. It dries my hair and even worsens the itchiness.
This shampoo is fantastic. The scent is very strong, minty, and gives the impression that it even helps with a cold. But I like it, so it's more of a positive than a negative. The texture is thick, a little goes a long way, it doesn't dry out the hair, and effectively cleanses the scalp.
This product excessively dries out the hair and causes itching on the scalp. Unfortunately, it did not suit me.
I like it. I have been buying it for not the first time.
After using it for a week, this product effectively relieves both itchiness and dandruff.
The effect after the first use.