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ماركة: Needly
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: تقشير للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تنشيط, ضد الاحمرار, ضد الالتهابات, ضد النقات السوداء, ضد بقع التصبغ, ضد حب الشباب, للأوعية الدموية الضعيفة, مضاد للشيخوخة
نوع تقشير الوجه: أقراص, حمضي
المكونات: حمض الريبونوكليك, حمض الساليسيليك, حمض النوكليوتيد
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع البشرة: دهني, مختلط, مشكلة
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
تعتبر وسادة التونر اليومية من نيدلي تقشيراً مدمجاً وسهل الاستخدام. تساعد على توحيد لون البشرة وتنعيم البشرة. تعمل الوسادة بفعالية على إزالة الشوائب والسموم المتراكمة. كما تقشر خلايا الجلد الميتة وتجعل وجهك ناعماً وسلساً ونضراً.
تتميز تركيبة السائل المنقوع بكونها غنية بأحماض الفاكهة وخلاصة شجرة الشاي لتقشير البشرة مع تهدئتها وتوحيد لونها. يعزز المنتج الإشراقة الطبيعية للوجه. ستصبح وسادة التونر اليومية من نيدلي بديلاً رائعاً للعلاجات التقليدية، حيث تتعامل الوسادة مع مجموعة كاملة من العيوب الجلدية مثل المسام الواسعة، حب الشباب، اللمعان الزيتي، الجفاف، والتقشر.
فوائد وسادة التونر اليومية من نيدلي:
- يقلل BHA (حمض الساليسيليك) من احمرار وتهيج البشرة؛
- يعمل PHA (حمض اللاكتوبيونيك) على تنعيم المناطق الخشنة؛
- تعمل مياه أوراق الشيح على تقوية جدران الأوعية الدموية وتوحيد لون البشرة؛
- يخفف مستخلص سيتلا أسياتيكا من التهيج والاحمرار؛
- يساعد هيالورونات الصوديوم في الاحتفاظ بالرطوبة بعمق داخل البشرة مما يمنع فقدانها؛
- ينعش البشرة ويحسن عملية التجدد؛
- يبطئ من عملية الشيخوخة؛
- يساعد في تقليل التجاعيد والخطوط الدقيقة.-
بعد تنظيف البشرة، قومي بتطبيق التونر باستخدام الجانب المنقوش من الوسادة، ثم امسحي الوجه بالجانب الآخر.
Needly Daily Toner Pad - أقراص التقشير بأحماض BHA وPHA
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While the pads themselves, unfortunately, did not understand (I did not notice any effect), I will give them a chance because I have not been using them for long. However, I can say that the packaging is simply a work of art.
While I myself have not understood much, unfortunately, the pads have not shown any effect. However, I will give them a chance as I have only been using them for a short time. Nevertheless, I can say that the packaging is simply a work of art.
I experienced discomfort after using this product. I bought 7 of them to try them out, but I only ended up using 2. Other products are much stronger and do not cause a feeling of tightness.
Not a bad peeling, I've bought it more than once. It's not a super wow, but rather a gentle cleansing. It doesn't cause breakouts on problematic skin.
I bought a trial version of 1 piece. The leather is pleasant and after using it, but I didn't see any wow effect. Perhaps, one disc is not enough for this.
It seems like this product doesn't do much. Of course, when I wipe my face with it, it looks rosy and fresh, but I haven't noticed any improvement in the condition of my skin. However, it's also good that it hasn't made it worse because I have sensitive skin and can sometimes get dermatitis. It doesn't irritate my skin at all. Also, the size of the pad is too big for me, so I won't buy it again.
I am satisfied with this product. I purchased the larger size and it smells amazing. The jar is quite large, but it's a pity that the expiration date is only 6 months due to the way it is produced. However, the amount of essence is sufficient. I highly recommend it.
I bought one piece and I am VERY SATISFIED. It is big, has a lot of essence, and is comfortable. I will definitely buy 70 pieces. I highly recommend it.
The jar is really cool
I bought 10 pieces to try out, but there was no effect except for regular cleansing. Maybe it needs to be used more.
These products were a perfect fit for my dry and sensitive skin. I will definitely be ordering more.
These are good products that do not cause allergies, and you can buy them in large quantities.
I ordered a jar, but what I received was some random mask.
I really liked these disks! They are perfect for those who do not need a harsh "bloody peeling". My skin is mostly clean, but I have some minor imperfections like small comedones and spots on my nose. After using them 4 times, I got rid of the spots, and the comedones are slowly disappearing too. I will continue using them.
This is clearly not for those who expect instant results. I have combination skin and sometimes experience breakouts in the second half of my cycle. I ordered a range of products from this brand, including these exfoliating discs. Don't expect a "wow" result on the first day, they simply cleanse and moisturize the skin well. However, after a week or two, the magic begins. The skin tone becomes even, pores are clean, and there is no dryness. I use them every other day in the morning. My skin looks amazing, I haven't had it in such a great condition for a long time.
Very disappointing.
The effect of this product is very weak, almost like using moisturizing discs instead of acid ones. It provides excellent moisturization, rated at a 5+, but the exfoliating aspect is only at a 3-.
The peeling discs, if they can be called that, do not exfoliate anything. It feels like they are just discs in water. There is no exfoliation, no feeling of clean skin either. It cannot be compared to wine discs, which leave the skin smooth, shiny, and remove all the peeling. I am disappointed.
I purchased these individually to test their effect, and indeed, there is an effect. I can hardly recognize my own face - these discs are really awesome.
I don't use it every day (as instructed), but rather twice a week. Right after I started using it, I noticed a radiant and even skin tone. The texture has improved and my pores are clean.