سيروم للوجه بالفيتامينات Timeless Skin Care 20% Vitamin C
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ماركة: Timeless Skin Care
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: مصل للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, ضد الالتهابات
المكونات: فيتامين c
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
صنع في: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
قول "لا" يمكن أن يكون من أصعب الأمور في الحياة. لحسن الحظ، هذا ليس الحال عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتغيرات الجلدية الناتجة عن التقدم في العمر أو العوامل البيئية الضاغطة. كل ما يتطلبه الأمر هو دمج مصل فيتامين C بنسبة 20% من Timeless Skin Care في روتين الجمال الخاص بك. مُركب بمضاد أكسدة فعال للغاية للبشرة ومُحفز للكولاجين، سيساعد في تفتيح البشرة واستعادتها وحمايتها من الملوثات البيئية. هل رأيت؟ قول "نعم" أسهل مما كنت تظن.
فوائد مصل فيتامين C بنسبة 20% من Timeless Skin Care:
- مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة;
- معزز بفيتامين E وحمض الفيروليك;
- يضيء البشرة الباهتة;
- يعزز تجديد الخلايا بشكل صحي;
- يساعد في الحفاظ على نسيج البشرة المتجانس ويمنع عدم تساويه;
- يحفز إنتاج الكولاجين;
- يحارب الجذور الحرة;
- يمتص بسرعة دون ترك أي بقايا لزجة;
- نباتي وخالي من التجارب على الحيوانات;
- خالٍ من البارابين والعطور والملونات الصناعية.-
ضعي 1-2 ضغطة على الوجه والرقبة بعد تنظيفهما جيداً. انتظري حتى يتم امتصاص المنتج بالكامل في البشرة قبل الانتقال إلى الخطوة التالية في روتينك. يُوصى باستخدام واقي الشمس في الصباح.
يُستخدم يومياً، صباحاً أو مساءً. لتحقيق أقصى فعالية، يُفضل البدء في استخدامه فور استلامه وحفظه في الثلاجة.
The product is good and it works! However, the packaging could use some improvement. It leaks and it's very difficult to squeeze out the liquid.
I strongly do not recommend this product. The serum has a strong smell of rotten fish that lingers on the hands for a whole day after use. Seriously, the smell is unbearable. The consistency of the serum is watery and it can leak from the packaging. It is a nightmare in terms of quality considering its price. It's a pity to have wasted money on it.
I didn't buy it here. I absolutely love this serum, it works wonders in reducing pigmentation. I deduct one star because of the packaging issue during delivery, but that's a problem from the manufacturer's side.
Favorite serum, top brand, nice and, most importantly, gives the desired result quickly. The packaging is inconsistent, sometimes it really starts to leak, but I try not to lay it horizontally. When traveling, I pour it into a bottle with a dropper. The serum gives excellent results from the first use, the tone becomes more even, post-acne marks lighten, and breakouts are significantly reduced. For me, it's the best product with vitamin C. As for the color, I communicated with the manufacturer through a chatbot - they explained that the color can range from transparent to slightly yellowish. This is considered normal. The composition and the product itself are impressive, but I think the packaging needs improvement. A special thanks to the makeup for fast delivery!
I do not recommend buying this product for several reasons:
1) The packaging is terrible: the consistency of the serum is like water and it constantly leaks from the bottle, even if the bottle is just sitting on the table. So, instead of 30ml, there is probably only 20ml left.
2) I learned from foreign forums that the liquid should be clear, and if it starts to turn yellow, it means it has oxidized and is no longer recommended for use. Unfortunately, I found out about this fact too late - the liquid in my bottle was yellow from the very beginning. This is despite the fact that the manufacturing date was very recent, just a couple of months before purchase. So, it seems to be a characteristic of the serum - it quickly oxidizes on its own even in a sealed package.
3) The serum did not help even out my skin tone or have any effect on the acne scars. I previously used a serum from a different manufacturer, which was cheaper, but had better results.
Overall, if you have the money and want to experiment, you can try this product, but be careful to check the manufacturing date before purchasing, as you may receive a product that has already oxidized.
I have no complaints about the makeup.
Manufacturers, please bring back the old bottle! The serum is very liquid, by the time you bring it to your face, half of it spills on your hands, which is not economical... It was much more convenient to apply it directly to the face with a dropper. As for the product itself, I have positive impressions. This is my third time purchasing it.
I am very satisfied with the product and now I am looking forward to the new release, 10%vit C.
This serum is perfect! It feels comfortable on the skin, evens out the tone, and reduces inflammation. My skin is glowing, and I'm 43 years old, but I'm extremely satisfied with the results. It's probably the best vitamin C in a acidic form.
I didn't buy it here. This serum is one of the best with Vitamin C. This formula effectively works to lighten pigmentation and has anti-aging effects. Anything below a 20% concentration purely functions as an antioxidant. It's practically an exact replica of the expensive brand Skin Ceuticals serum.
It suited me perfectly, without any tingling, redness, or breakouts. The effect is quite impressive. It doesn't completely erase pigmentation, just using this alone isn't enough, but it makes the skin firmer, tighter, more radiant, and smoother.
I am eagerly waiting for it to be in stock!