Bubble قناع الوجه "أوكسجين الاسترخاء" Green Pharmacy
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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: زيلينايا ابتيكا
السلسلة: العناية بالوجه
نوع المنتج: قناع للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, استرخاء, ترطيب, تنشيط, تنظيف
نوع قناع الوجه: الأكسجين
المكونات: الزيوت
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
هل تعتبر 3 دقائق وقتًا طويلاً أم قصيرًا؟ في سياق الحياة العصرية، تُعتبر جزءًا صغيرًا جدًا من الوقت، لكنها كافية لتوفير العناية الأساسية لبشرتك. قد تتساءل: كيف؟ يجيب خبراء "الصيدلية الخضراء" بثقة: بمساعدة قناع الوجه الفقاعي "أوكسيجن ريلاكس"، الذي يقدم تأثيرات تنشيطية ومريحة خلال 180 ثانية فقط. يمكن مقارنة فعالية هذا المنتج بجلسة سبا فعالة في وضع سريع. تأثير الاسترخاء مضمون، وكذلك الشعور اللطيف بعد هذا النوع الأصلي من العناية!
ميزات قناع الوجه الفقاعي من "الصيدلية الخضراء":
- يوفر تدليكًا دقيقًا بالأكسجين؛
- يغمرُك في أجواء من الاسترخاء؛
- يعمل من الثواني الأولى للتطبيق؛
- يحتوي على مركب ترطيب طبيعي؛
- مُغنى بزيوت أساسية من اللافندر والأفوكادو؛
- يدعم الجمال الطبيعي للبشرة؛
- يحسن التنفس الخلوي؛
- يعوض نقص الأكسجين في الخلايا؛
- ينعم البشرة ويزيد من تماسكها؛
- يجهز الوجه لتطبيق المكياج.-
ضعي طبقة سميكة من القناع على بشرة الوجه ومنطقة الصدر بعد تنظيفها، مع تجنب منطقة العينين، واتركيها لمدة 3 دقائق. اشطفي القناع بالماء الدافئ. للحصول على أفضل النتائج، استخدميه من 1 إلى 2 مرة في الأسبوع.
Green Pharmacy - Bubble قناع الوجه "أوكسجين الاسترخاء"
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The scent is incredible! In addition, it is pleasant to use (I previously had another oxygen mask that I wanted to wash off after the first five seconds). The format is interesting. I often apply face masks to my décolletage, although not intended, so to speak. But here it is just perfect for me. The effect also did not disappoint, I will definitely purchase it again.
This is a very good mask. It has a noticeable effect and significantly improves the appearance of the face.
The mask is pleasant and refreshing. The package lasts for a couple of uses, so we use it together with my daughter at the same time.
This mask is really good. It has a noticeable effect. Your skin will glow.
This is a good face mask, it makes the skin look more lively.
It creates a tickling sensation, making bubbles and fizzing sounds, which I really enjoy. Overall, I am pleased with the outcome.
This oxygen mask is very pleasant! It refreshes the face. My sensitive and demanding skin really liked this mask. It will last for several uses.
The skin is sensitive, dry, and thin. I didn't see any notable results, apart from a pleasant tingling sensation. It just slightly smoothes the skin after rinsing. And that's until the next application of the cream.
The face mask is great, I liked it. You can confidently try it out for a change.
Interesting product. Of course, it doesn't do much for pore cleansing even after using makeup remover, face wash, and scrub. But it was intriguing to try.
I really liked it, I will definitely buy it again.
The mask doesn't have any special effect. Yes, there are interesting bubbles, but after an hour of use, my face became shiny (I have combination skin). I applied makeup on top of it because it says it's a makeup base. The only thing I liked about it was the light and pleasant tingling sensation, as well as the very pleasant lavender scent. For that, I give it two stars.
One of the best masks I've tried and one of the few that I really want to repeat! Thank you! The scent is incredibly pleasant - natural lavender, the mask foams and tickles the skin. I really wish the manufacturer would release this mask in full size, that's my wish :)
I didn't understand this mask at all. The only positive aspect is the enjoyable tickling sensation of the bubbles when it foams up. However, there is no positive effect: immediately after using it, my skin started to shine like it had been polished, and then it became dry. I have combination skin, so perhaps this mask would be more suitable for very oily skin.
The mask is really cool.
The mask is really cool! It has a great scent, refreshing the face nicely, and even makes you feel happy when you look like a white poodle after a couple of minutes.
It would be awesome to have a face mist or body spray with the same fragrance. I would definitely buy it with pleasure :)
Double pleasure: from application to result. And 3 minutes of pleasant sensations. The packaging was enough for several uses.
I would buy it in a tube/jar format.
The mask is wonderful! It has a pleasant smell and provides a pleasant sensation when applied to the face. It foams up nicely. The effect is also noticeable. The skin is well cleansed and the number of expression wrinkles has decreased or they have become less noticeable.
The mask is really cool))) It's gel-based and not sticky. The foam covers the entire face in three minutes. It feels slightly ticklish, but it doesn't burn. The skin looks fresher after use. I would like to have a larger version because the mask packaging is more than needed for one use, but less than needed for two uses.))) (Skin type - prone to oiliness)
I received it on time, thank you for the 3 gifts (3g cream, a magical-smelling antiseptic, facial tonic, and 100 UAH for my birthday).