سيروم التفتيح المضاد للتجاعيد Instytutum Anti-Wrinkle Brightening C-Erum
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ماركة: Instytutum
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: مصل للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية, تفتيح, تنعيم, ضد التجاعيد
المكونات: الببتيدات, النياسيناميد, حمض الهيالورونيك, فيتامين c, فيتامين e
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: سويسرا
صنع في: المانيا, سويسرا
تمر كل امرأة في نهاية المطاف بلحظة تلاحظ فيها ظهور التجاعيد الأولى على وجهها وجسدها. غالبًا ما تكون هذه التجاعيد مصحوبة باحمرار أو بقع تصبغية. تعتبر هذه العلامات الواضحة للشيخوخة التي نتمنى جميعًا تجنبها. مع سيروم Instytutum المضاد للتجاعيد والمفتح C-Erum، يصبح تحقيق ذلك أمرًا في غاية السهولة.
لقد قام خبراء العلامة التجارية السويسرية بتطوير تركيبة تحتوي على 15% من مكوناتها على نسخة فائقة الاستقرار وقوية بشكل خاص من فيتامين سي. كما يحتوي أيضًا على 3% من النياسيناميد، الذي يحفز إنتاج الكولاجين ويقضي على الترهل. يواجه هذا المنتج بشكل فعال الإفراط في إنتاج الميلانين ويساعد في الحفاظ على بشرة جميلة وفاتحة. يعمل الكريم على تطبيع توازن البشرة المائي-الدهني، ويجعلها أكثر نعومة، ويعزز من تماسكها، ويقيها من الآثار السلبية للبيئة.
يُستخدم في الصباح والمساء على الوجه، ومنطقة تحت العينين، والعنق، والصدر. للحصول على أفضل النتائج، يُوصى باستخدام كريم Xceptional Flawless أو مرطب C-Illuminating 3D بعد ذلك.
Instytutum Anti-Wrinkle Brightening C-Erum - سيروم التفتيح المضاد للتجاعيد
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I didn't buy the serum here, but I want to defend it a little. Regarding breakouts, I can say that the formula of vitamin C and in such a concentration can indeed cause breakouts and irritation, so they recommend using it only once a day. That's it, nothing will happen. I like the serum, I'm 40 years old, and I have pigmentation and dullness in my skin. The serum does the job, the skin tone becomes brighter, and pigmentation as well. It gives a bit of shine, which I don't like, but it's not critical. Overall, I recommend it. My skin is prone to dryness and is delicate.
I have a combination skin type that is prone to breakouts... it is very difficult for me to find something that suits my skin. But this serum was a perfect match: it doesn't clog pores and my face started looking fresher))) Then I went away from the city for 4 days and forgot to bring it with me... my skin changed for the worse without it... only when I started using it again, my skin came back to life)))
The texture is light and liquid. The product is quite economical (it lasted for 9 months). The skin is more moisturized. I use it together with XCEPTIONAL FLAWLESS CREAM. Previously, I combined it with a cream from Sensai and also had a good effect. In other words, the product is non-allergenic and "non-conflicting".
Personally, the serum worked perfectly for me. I am 55 years old and have sensitive skin that is prone to couperose (specifically, after vessel removal). I use it at night because, in my opinion, it is a bit greasy. The result in the morning is radiant.
I purchased this product from a cosmetologist. After reading some comments, I finally understood the cause of my constant breakouts, despite having had perfect skin before. I also have the Super Biotic cream. However, it has greatly damaged my skin. I do not recommend spending such a large amount of money on this cosmetics. I am going back to using products from the brand "Shpiller."
The highly advertised and recommended serum by all cosmetologists is absolutely ineffective! It is not suitable for oily-combination skin. It does not absorb at all, leaving a strong oily shine. After a year of use, it hasn't produced any results. Maybe it could work as a moisturizer for very dry skin, but it's not worth it for such a price. There are several half-priced products that perform much better in achieving their goal!
I have been using the Institutum product range for many years and it is one of my most effective and favorite brands. However, this serum caused a severe (!!!) allergic reaction, which was quite unexpected considering I had used it multiple times with breaks of a month in between. I highly recommend testing it on the inside of your wrist before using it.
This serum is great as it quickly moisturizes the skin and gives it a light healthy glow. The packaging looks expensive and feels nice to hold. However, one downside is that it gets used up very quickly, and considering its high cost, I find this to be unjustified. For this reason, I am deducting one star.
It moisturizes well, but that's about it! After six months of use, there is absolutely no noticeable improvement. Not worth the money. Only suitable for those with very dry skin.
I have been using it for over a month, along with the toner and peeling mask. Unfortunately, it has had zero effect on my pigmented skin. I bought it from a cosmetologist after a course of photo procedures to remove pigmentation. On the bright side, it doesn't clog pores and provides hydration.
I have been using this amazing serum. I previously used iS Clinical Eye Serum Advance +, but it was just okay. However, this one moisturizes the under-eye area very well and noticeably smooths out wrinkles. It also contains some pigment that gives the skin a radiant tone, like a subtle shimmer. Anyway, I really liked this serum and it is better than the ones I have tried before (iS Clinical, Sesderma). My expression lines have smoothed out and become less visible, and the dark circles under my eyes have lightened. My skin feels smooth and delicate, moisturized, instead of dry like after using iS Clinical.
This is a decent moisturizing serum. However, I did not notice any brightening or glowing effects on my skin. Considering the price, I was expecting more noticeable results.
The serum really works. In the first two weeks, there was no result at all, but afterwards, my complexion became more even. I have sensitive skin prone to redness, and during the entire period of use, redness did not appear at all. Plus, the serum moisturizes well. I use it in combination with the C-ILLUMINATING 3D-MOISTURIZER cream. Highly recommended!
I highly and wholeheartedly recommend it!
I noticed granules in the texture. I suspect it might be a form of vitamin C.
I have combination skin. When I apply the serum, I can feel that my skin is being nourished. HOWEVER, when I woke up in the morning, I felt a strong dryness on my skin. I didn't experience such sensations with my usual skincare routine.
Perhaps it requires time and combinations. I don't know.
This is just an average moisturizing serum. After using the entire bottle regularly, there is no noticeable effect, which is usually expected from products with vitamin C.