- تفاصيل المنتج
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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: دوماشني دوكتور
السلسلة: منتجات العناية بالشعر
نوع المنتج: زيت للشعر
خصائص المنتج: ضد القشرة
المكونات: القراص
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
وصفات الجمال التقليدية لا تخيب أبداً. لذا، إذا كنت من محبي العلاجات المجربة عبر الزمن، فإن زيت الأرقطيون من علامة "هوم دكتور" قد يستحق مكاناً مميزاً على رف حمامك. يجمع هذا المنتج بنجاح بين المكونات التقليدية والتكنولوجيا الحديثة، مما يجعل العناية الطبيعية بالشعر أكثر فعالية. الثلاثي المكون من شجرة الشاي والأرقطيون وإكليل الجبل يفيد بشكل خاص في مكافحة القشرة والحكة. بالإضافة إلى تحسين صحة فروة الرأس، تأتي فوائد أخرى مثل تقوية الشعر من الجذور إلى الأطراف، وتعزيز النمو، والقضاء على البهتان والهشاشة، وتقليل تساقط الشعر المفرط.
ميزات زيت الأرقطيون المضاد للقشرة من "هوم دكتور":
- زيت شجرة الشاي يكافح الفطريات المسببة للقشرة بفعالية؛
- مستخلص الأرقطيون يوفر تأثيرات مضادة للالتهابات، ويهدئ فروة الرأس ويزيل الجفاف والتهيج؛
- زيت إكليل الجبل يحفز الدورة الدموية، مما يعزز تغذية الجذور ونمو الشعر؛
- يساعد في تقوية بنية الشعر، مما يمنع التساقط الكبير؛
- يحسن وظيفة الغدد الدهنية، مما يقلل من الإفرازات الدهنية الزائدة؛
- يساعد في تخفيف الحكة وعدم الراحة؛
- يعيد الحاجز الدهني الطبيعي.-
قم بتطبيق زيت الأرقطيون الدافئ على جذور الشعر. بعد 20-30 دقيقة، اغسل شعرك بالشامبو. كرر العملية من 1 إلى 2 مرة في الأسبوع. تجنب ملامسة العينين. في حالة حدوث تلامس، اشطف جيداً بكمية كبيرة من الماء.
طبيب المنزل - زيت الأرقطيون مضاد للقشرة
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The only effective remedy against dandruff!
Courier Sergey is always on top, well done. After the first use, there is no effect, but it easily rinses off and smells pleasant.
Another deception.
I have bought pure "burdock" oil with additives here multiple times. Naively, I have never read the composition.
Yesterday, I bought oil with red pepper in the store and only at home did I look at the composition for the first time, and I was, to put it mildly, outraged!
In the heat of my anger, I called the phone number indicated on the back. I spoke with the technologist of the "Home Doctor" brand, and upon my question - why is there no burdock oil in the composition of burdock oil, only sunflower oil, the exact same one that each of us has in the refrigerator, costing 30 UAH per liter, not 100 grams.
The answer was shocking...
- Well, burdock oil doesn't exist in nature, only extract. They add precisely that extract to regular refined SUNFLOWER oil!...
To my question, why is burdock oil specifically mentioned in the name and description if it does not exist in nature - there was no answer at all...
Out of curiosity, I googled it and indeed, burdock oil as such does not exist. The root of the burdock plant (also known as burdock) is ground up, mixed with oil in a 1:2 ratio, and infused for some time.
How much of this burdock is in each fake oil - only God knows, and if it's even there at all...
I purchase this oil once a year when my hair gets sunburned and becomes dry. Personally, it works for me. I use it once a week, and after applying the oil, the dryness goes away.
Nothing. I didn't notice any effect. I'm giving it three stars just because it didn't get worse.
The oil is effective as it regulates the oiliness at the roots, helps with dandruff issues, and adds shine to the hair. It is easily rinsed off with shampoo. I like the fragrance.
The main ingredient of this oil is Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil - a vegetable oil derived from sunflower seeds. It would be better to purchase pure burdock oil instead. I have tried using this oil as a night mask for my hair, and it does make my hair feel nice afterwards. However, it doesn't help at all with dandruff.
Good oil.
The oil is quite good, it softens the scalp and eliminates itching. The service, as always, is excellent!
It really helped!✨
The label says it's burdock oil, but the ingredients list says it's sunflower oil. I didn't like it.
It does not help with dandruff, and the presence of preservatives in the composition is not pleasing.
This is a regular basic burdock oil. I add it to my hair masks. I haven't had dandruff or hair loss, so it's difficult to judge its effectiveness.
My hair has been falling out less, but the product does not help with dandruff.
The dandruff noticeably decreased after the first application, and after a couple more uses, it completely disappeared. However, a new problem arose - the hair at the roots became very greasy, and by the end of the first day after washing my hair, it became unmanageable in appearance, even though I had never experienced greasiness before and used to wash my hair every 3 or even 4 days.
I started using this oil after experiencing significant hair loss. After applying it, I noticed an increase in volume and a significant improvement in the condition of my hair. I definitely recommend applying it for an hour or two before each wash.
The oil is good. If you don't mind taking the time to massage it into your scalp and apply it along the length of your hair, it really helps. I follow the instructions and I am very satisfied.
Good and effective product.
After the first use, my hair does not fall out anymore and I no longer have dandruff.
This oil is really great! It washes out easily and leaves my hair voluminous.
I really like it. Dandruff has disappeared and my hair feels alive again.
The oil is excellent. I buy it all the time and I can recommend it to everyone.
I use this oil for both my hair and body, and I also make a scrub with it. It provides intense moisture and makes my skin firm. As for my hair, I have never had dandruff, but I still use it because it takes excellent care of my hair, especially during the winter. It prevents my hair from becoming static and excessively dry. Additionally, I don't have to trim my hair ends as often because they don't split.
I like this product the most out of the entire series. Unlike the other products from this brand, it is not based on sunflower oil. The scent is vibrant and suggests the presence of a bouquet of herbs. I cheated a little with the dispenser: I transferred it to an empty bottle from the same manufacturer's serum (by the way, the direct application of this serum did not give me any noticeable effects, it is only good for moisturizing dry hair ends during the day) - it has a sprayer. I haven't noticed any noticeable hair growth from the burdock oil yet, but my hair is already falling out in smaller quantities.
Excellent oil, after application, hair is not very greasy and has a pleasant smell, unlike regular oil.
It helped. This oil is very good. Not only does it help with dandruff, but also with hair loss.
I really like burdock oil, and this is no exception. It genuinely helped with dandruff, and I will keep buying it again and again.
This oil is excellent and washes off easily. The only drawback is that it doesn't come with a dispenser, but I pour it into the lid and then apply it with my fingertips.