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التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: الصين
صنع في: الصين
ليست كل امرأة تستطيع أن تنمو أظافر طويلة بشكل طبيعي. لحسن الحظ، في عالم الجمال اليوم، أصبح تحقيق ذلك سهلاً بفضل تمديدات الأظافر. يجب أن يكون لدى كل محترف في فن الأظافر المواد المناسبة لهذا الإجراء لإسعاد العملاء بأظافر خالية من العيوب بأي شكل. يتميز جل تمديد الأظافر من Bonus Please بسهولة تطبيقه وتغطيته طويلة الأمد وبتدرج لوني مذهل يغني عن الحاجة إلى طبقة إضافية من طلاء الجل. إنه الخيار المثالي للمحترفين في هذا المجال!
ميزات جل تمديد الأظافر من Bonus Please:
- قوام متوسط الكثافة ومريح؛
- يطبق بشكل متساوٍ وينعم دون تكتلات أو فراغات؛
- تتيح لوحة الألوان الخلط لإنشاء مانيكير فرنسي كلاسيكي؛
- يحتفظ بشكله جيداً ولا ينتشر؛
- مناسب للمبتدئين والمحترفين؛
- يخفي الانتقال بين سرير الظفر والحافة الحرة بطبقة رقيقة بسهولة؛
- لا تتلاشى الألوان مع الاستخدام الطويل؛
- شديد التحمل.-
مدة البلمرة في مصباح LED - 60 ثانية، وفي مصباح الأشعة فوق البنفسجية - دقيقتان.
Bonus Please - جل لتمديد الأظافر
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I really liked this gel, it is thick and lasts a long time.
I have used this product before and it was great. However, this time I am disappointed. It is not creamy like before; instead, it is transparent white.
I purchased the product in the third color option. I really like it. It has a medium consistency and does not spread too much. This is a positive aspect for me. It wears well, as I have already done a set of nails using this gel. They lasted perfectly for three weeks. This time, I decided to create a new set with shorter nails.
The gel is very thick, making it difficult to work with.
Good day, when will shade 3 be available?
This gel is amazing. I'm not a professional, but I bought it for myself. It has a thick consistency and spreads evenly. I use it as a base for my French manicure. The jar is large.
I bought gel number 5 and the quality is excellent. It wears really well. On the photo, it shows the manicure lasting for 21 days.
This is a great gel, very thick. It performs exceptionally well considering its price.
I really liked the gel, so I bought three jars. It works wonders and the price is reasonable.
The gel is really great! Shade 4.
The gel is very good, thick. It performs perfectly in action.
This gel is amazing. It doesn't burn in the lamp, and it's easy to shape the architecture without any leaking. It wears very well, and I've been using it for a week now, and everything is great. There are no chippings, and it also comes off easily. I'm very satisfied, thank you Makeup. I will definitely buy it again. ❤️
Great gel.
Color 04 is beautiful, with delicate sparkles.
The gel is excellent. I deducted one star due to the delivery, which I had been waiting for a whole week!
Not a bad gel for such a price, easy to use.
The gel has proven itself well in use. As for its durability, only time will tell.