مضاد للتعرق طويل الأمد للبشرة الحساسة Etiaxil Antiperspirant Confort + Treatment Sensitive Skin Armpits Roll-On
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ماركة: Etiaxil
السلسلة: antiperspirant
نوع المنتج: مزيل العرق
خصائص المنتج: حماية من التعرق, لإزالة الرائحة
نوع البشرة: حساسة, عادي
شكل مزيل العرق: كروي
المكونات: فيتامين e
منطقة التطبيق: للجسم
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: ليلي
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: الدنمارك
Etiaxil هو علامة تجارية شهيرة متخصصة في إنتاج مستحضرات التجميل الجلدية المعروفة بتركيباتها الفعالة. يوفر مضاد التعرق الليلي من العلامة التجارية حماية موثوقة ضد التعرق وعناية لطيفة للبشرة الحساسة. يتميز بنظام فريد يخلق سدادات بروتينية مؤقتة في الغدد العرقية دون منع وظيفتها الطبيعية. تحدث عملية تبخر العرق في مناطق أخرى حيث يمكن أن تحدث بسهولة أكبر وبحجم طبيعي. يتم طرد بعض العرق بشكل طبيعي من الجسم عبر الكلى.
ميزات مضاد التعرق Etiaxil Confort + Treatment للبشرة الحساسة تحت الإبطين رول أون:
- خالٍ من الكحول؛
- مثبت سريرياً؛
- خالٍ من العطور؛
- يتميز بقاعدة جل عديمة اللون؛
- سهل التطبيق ويجف بسرعة؛
- يوفر حماية فعالة ضد التعرق والرائحة الكريهة لمدة تصل إلى 3 أيام؛
- يمكن استخدامه مرة أو مرتين في الأسبوع؛
- لا يعطل عملية التعرق الطبيعية؛
- يحتوي على كلوريد الألومنيوم الذي، عند ملامسته للبشرة، يشكل سدادات بروتينية في الغدد العرقية؛
- يتم طرد العرق من الجسم بشكل طبيعي؛
- يلين البشرة.-
للاستخدام الخارجي فقط. يُستخدم حصرياً في الليل. لا تستخدم Etiaxil في الصباح أو خلال النهار. قبل الاستخدام، اغسل منطقة الإبطين بالصابون والماء وجففها تماماً. يمكنك أيضاً استخدام مجفف الشعر للتأكد من أن الجلد جاف تماماً. ضع كمية صغيرة من المنتج في وسط الإبطين النظيفين والجافين وغير المتهيجين باستخدام عدة تمريرات لأعلى ولأسفل من الرولر، لتشكيل طبقة رقيقة ومتجانسة. اترك المنتج ليجف لمدة 3-4 دقائق أو استخدم مجفف الشعر. بعد تطبيق Etiaxil، تجنب المواقف التي قد تسبب التعرق المفرط. حافظ على المناطق المعالجة بعيدة عن ملامسة الماء حتى الصباح. في الصباح، اغسل منطقة الإبطين بالصابون والماء. إذا حدث تعرق مفرط، كرر العملية لمدة 2-3 ليالٍ متتالية لتحقيق أقصى جفاف.
Etiaxil Antiperspirant Confort + Treatment Sensitive Skin Armpits Roll-On - مضاد للتعرق طويل الأمد للبشرة الحساسة
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The delivery is convenient, and I am completely satisfied with the product.
After using it once, the impressions are good, but the question is how safe the product is if it blocks perspiration. Especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The delivery was fast, thank you. This product is not bad, but I still prefer the Etiaxil Antiperspirant Treatment Sensitive Skin Armpits Roll-On (green) for better results.
Amazing! I have had a bad experience with another brand in the past, as it would sting when I didn't follow the application instructions. However, this one doesn't sting at all, it doesn't itch, and it works excellently. After a day, I use a regular deodorant for fragrance because I'm used to it. It keeps me dry, without any scent at all. I highly recommend it!
I am disappointed because I was hoping to get rid of the problem with sweat and odor, but instead, I ended up having an allergic reaction.
Thank you, this truly helps!
I ordered in December, and the order arrived quickly, but... it was defective. The ball did not spin, and when you turn it over, everything leaks out from the sides. I am very disappointed. I have ordered many times before, but this is the first time something like this has happened. I feel very sad, and I regret spending my money on this.
Thank you. I received the order. I liked the first impression.
Everything is great, I forget about sweaty armpits for 3-4 days, but sometimes there is itchiness after application.
I have been using it for the first day today and I am already very satisfied with it. I followed all the instructions and I highly recommend it.
This is a great antiperspirant that actually works.
I received my order quickly, thank you very much. However, in the email it was mentioned that there would be a gift included, but unfortunately it was not included in the package.
This product effectively controls perspiration, keeping me dry for 3-4 days without any sweat or odor. I had accumulated a collection of antiperspirants at home that were completely ineffective, but this one works wonders.
Keeps my underarms dry for 3-4 days, suitable for my sensitive skin, no irritations or discomfort. Tried various organic options, but none of them stop sweat. Another convenient aspect is that the effect doesn't fade after showering, so there's no need to reapply it every time after water procedures.
It effectively eliminates wetness for several days, allowing me to wear anything without worrying about underarm odor. Even during physical activities, I can feel the freshness and dryness.
I am buying it for the second time. It lasts for about three days without any allergies or irritation. It prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors and provides a feeling of dryness and comfort. Moreover, there is no need for regular antiperspirants at all. Just follow the instructions for use and you will be satisfied.
It only helps for a few hours... that is, if you apply it in the morning, because if you apply it before bedtime, I can't sleep, and I itch terribly.
It's no good anymore!!! The green packaging is much better.
Not worth the attention at all! It doesn't help, it just adds hassle during application. It's better to either buy something stronger or stick to regular Rexona!
I tried it because there were no drops available. It didn't work for me. It helps, but only until the end of the day... I will buy the same one, just stronger.
I apply it according to the instructions before going to bed on clean, dry skin. In the morning, I take a shower and there is no need to use anything else afterwards. The effect lasts for about three days. It does not cause any unpleasant skin reactions, and the formula of the product is gentle.
It provides excellent protection against sweat and odor for several days, and it is suitable for my sensitive skin. It does not cause any unpleasant sensations on the skin or allergic reactions.
I am completely disappointed.
It only lasts for half a day, considering that it is not hot at all right now.
Three days ago, I applied it and there is still no mucus on my hands. I can wear any clothes, regardless of their color or style. It is absolutely imperceptible after application, it doesn't burn or itch, and it provides neutral sensations. The product has a very gentle effect. Even during workouts, whether running or jumping, I still feel dry. And by the way, there is no need to limit oneself during water procedures, as it doesn't wash off like regular products.
The dryness it provides is remarkable, lasting throughout the day regardless of showering. Even on very active days when I am all sweaty, my underarms stay dry and odor-free.
I rarely write reviews, but this time I decided that it is absolutely necessary. This is the best thing I have purchased recently. There is no discomfort, no wet spots, it easily lasts for three days, while other products would only last a few hours. I threw away my entire collection of useless antiperspirants. I definitely recommend it. Thank you Makeup for your excellent service as always.
I liked the stronger version (alcohol-based) more, this one lasts for a maximum of 1-2 days for me. Although the sensations are indeed much lighter compared to the alcohol-based one.
This antiperspirant is very effective, and I feel comfortable in any situation without worrying about wet stains. I have already collected a collection of antiperspirants at home that don't help at all. I take a shower at least twice a day, but this one still works, so I don't need to reapply it every time. The underarm area stays completely dry for several days.
It feels dry and comfortable afterwards, I no longer get distracted by my underarms. It applies easily to the skin, absorbs quickly, and dries fast. There is no burning or irritation, it does not dry out the skin. The sensations are positive, my underarms feel whisperingly dry for several days.
I have been using it for a month now, and the results are incomparable to regular products. It effectively eliminates mucus and odor for several days, allowing me to wear anything without worrying about underarm smells. I have even stopped reflexively using deodorants after showering because the need for them has disappeared entirely.