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ماركة: Dr. Jart+
السلسلة: cicapair
نوع المنتج: قناع للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تهدئة, ضد الاحمرار, وردية
نوع قناع الوجه: منديل
المكونات: أرجيني, إكليل الجبل, البابونج, البرغموت, البيتيتغرين, الخزامى, اللانتوين, النياسيناميد, حمض الهيالورونيك, زنك, سنتيلا, مستخلصات نباتية
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
قناع Dr. Jart + Cicapair Calming هو حل مرطب بقوة مصمم للبشرة الحساسة. يقلل بفعالية من الاحمرار والحكة والتقشر، مما يؤدي إلى توحيد لون البشرة. غني بمستخلص نبات سنتيلا أسياتيكا، يعزز القناع عمليات التجدد، ويحسن مرونة البشرة، ويعمل بلطف على تفتيح البقع الصبغية. يساعد البابونج في تهدئة الالتهابات، بينما يعمل مزيج البرغموت واللافندر وإكليل الجبل على تنظيم إنتاج الزيوت ويمنح البشرة لمسة نهائية غير لامعة. يعمل قناع Dr. Jart + Cicapair Calming كإشارة حمراء للتهيج والالتهابات.
مميزات قناع Dr. Jart + Cicapair Calming:
- يكافح الالتهابات والتهيج؛
- يوفر تأثير تبريد مريح؛
- يسرع شفاء الأضرار؛
- يوازن مستويات الحموضة في البشرة؛
- يقضي على التقشر والحكة؛
- يشد المسام المتوسعة؛
- يزيل اللمعان الزائد للزيوت؛
- يهدئ البشرة بعد التعرض الطويل للشمس أو البرد أو الصقيع؛
- يقوي جدران الأوعية الدموية والشعيرات؛
- يقلل من علامات الوردية والكوبرس؛
- يحارب حب الشباب وآثار ما بعد حب الشباب.-
المدة الموصى بها للاستخدام — 10-20 دقيقة. يُوضع على بشرة الوجه بعد تنظيفها وتوحيد لونها. بعد الانتهاء من العملية، قم بإزالة القناع بلطف وربت بأطراف أصابعك على البشرة لامتصاص المتبقي من المستحضر. لا تقم بشطفه.
Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Calming Mask - قناع ورقي مهدئ
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I absolutely love this mask, I have been buying the large packaging for quite some time now. It's the best! It provides amazing moisture! I am thrilled with it, worth every penny.
This is just an ordinary, normal fabric mask. I didn't notice any significant improvement compared to cheaper fabric masks.
I enjoy some masks from this manufacturer, but this particular one is just terrible. I tried it 2 or 3 times to make sure that the issue was indeed with the mask. My skin feels sticky after using it, and wiping it with a towel doesn't help. I have to wash my face instead.
This mask is really cool! I have dry and sensitive skin with the first signs of aging (30 years old), so all my skincare is built around that. However, during pregnancy, I developed oiliness on my forehead, nose, and chin, along with a bunch of breakouts and irritations from my usual products. And the dryness on my cheeks didn't go away anywhere.
This mask wonderfully nourished my skin, smoothed it out, and at the same time, relieved most of the irritations and redness in problem areas. It's a shame that it's not available in a multiple-use version!
I didn't buy it here, but this is the first mask that I had an allergic reaction to! After removing the mask after 10 minutes, my skin became bright red exactly along the contour where the mask was. There was a feeling of tightness and burning, as if it was a burn. I took it as a soothing mask, as the manufacturer claims it to be for sensitive skin, but I got the opposite effect completely! The redness started to fade after an hour, but when I applied my usual moisturizer, I still felt a burning sensation and my skin remained hypersensitive throughout the day.
This mask is great - I often use it after sunbathing. It effectively moisturizes and soothes the skin.
Overall, it didn't absorb at all, and my face was left very sticky. It's strange considering the positive reviews, but apparently it doesn't work for everyone.
I bought a combo pack of 5 masks. These masks are excellent. I have normal skin prone to breakouts, especially on my chin and forehead, especially before my menstrual cycle. But with these masks, my skin is clear and the mask helps heal and cool it down. Overall, this series is very impressive.
I love this mask, and the serum from this line as well. This mask is like an additional and very pleasant, but not obligatory, treatment for me. I have oily skin, but it is also sensitive. I can use the mask both at night and during the day, it absorbs well and soothes the skin. I highly recommend it.
This mask is really great! I have bought it multiple times before. I have combination skin that is prone to breakouts. This mask does not cause any irritation, and after using it, my skin looks refreshed and my face appears fresher. It is not necessary to rinse it off or apply cream on top. The mask is not sticky and absorbs quickly.
I really liked this mask. It soothes and eliminates flakiness while having a pleasant scent. The applicator is convenient and there is a generous amount of serum.
I have combination skin and the effect of this product is good. It moisturizes well and doesn't leave any stickiness. It has a pleasant smell and doesn't cause any irritations.
One of the best masks from Just, it soothes and moisturizes the skin!
The mask is great, there is enough essence for 2 uses. It didn't work wonders on my combination skin, but it quickly got rid of redness, dryness, and small pimples.
I used the remaining essence 2 more times, applying a thin layer, so it is very economical.
This mask is not bad, it pleasantly moisturizes and has a specific herbal scent, similar to herbal infusions (it is precisely because of the scent that I will not buy it anymore). Overall, it performs its functions without any wow effect.
I really like this mask! It soothes, nourishes, moisturizes, and treats breakouts on the skin! It has a pleasant, subtle scent. It's slightly sticky. The serum even seems a little oily! I don't know how it works on normal and dry skin, but it works great on my oily combination skin! It's a worthy mask that actually works! I've tried others, but this one is better!!! I recommend it!
The mask nourishes the skin well. I don't wash off the concentrate after applying it, I let it absorb and then I can apply the remaining product on my legs after shaving. It moisturizes the skin well and doesn't leave any stickiness. It has a pleasant smell. Redness does disappear, but don't expect an immediate "wow" result after just one application. It will be gradual, not immediate.
I really liked this mask. After applying it, there was no need to rinse off any remaining concentrate. It nourishes and soothes the skin effectively. There is a slight stickiness, but it doesn't cause any discomfort.
I didn't like the mask as it leaves a sticky feeling. My skin became red in some areas. I didn't experience any positive effects from it.
The mask itself is decent, but afterwards, the area around my nose and forehead became very red.