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ماركة: Esthetic House
السلسلة: cp-1
نوع المنتج: فيلر للشعر
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تغذية
الحجم: 170 ml
المكونات: الإلاستين, الكولاجين, الكيراتين, الكيراميدات, اللانتوين, بانثينول, حرير, سيراميدات
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
قد يبدو من غير الواقعي تنعيم الشعر وجعله حريريًا ولامعًا في 3 ثوانٍ، لكن هذا ممكن بفضل المنتج المبتكر من Esthetic House CP-1 3 Seconds Hair Ringer Hair Fill-up Ampoule، الذي أصبح حديث الجميع على إنستغرام. تركيبته الفريدة تعتمد على الحرير المتحلل والكيراتين والإيلاستين، مما يوفر تأثيرًا سريعًا ومرئيًا على الشعر، حيث يمده بالرطوبة القيمة، ويعيد بناء هيكله من الجذور حتى الأطراف. تتحول التجعدات فورًا إلى لامعة وناعمة كما لو كانت بعد العناية في الصالون، ومع الاستخدام المنتظم، ستعمل الأمبولات على تحسين حالة الشعر بشكل عام.
فوائد Esthetic House CP-1 3 Seconds Hair Ringer Hair Fill-up Ampoule:
- مناسب لجميع أنواع الشعر؛
- يعتمد على الحرير المتحلل، الإيلاستين والكيراتين لاستعادة الشعر؛
- غني بالسيراميدات لتقوية الشعر؛
- البانثينول يعيد تجديد فروة الرأس ويزيل الالتهابات والتهيج؛
- يمد الشعر بالعناصر الغذائية القيمة؛
- يسهل تمشيط الشعر؛
- يتمتع بمستوى pH مثالي؛
- يغلق الأطراف المتقصفة؛
- يمنع التقصف؛
- يشكل حاجزًا وقائيًا على الشعر ضد التأثيرات الخارجية الضارة؛
- يعيد تجديد الشعر المسامي.-
امزجي قناع الفيلر مع الماء حتى تحصلي على قوام كريمي. ضعيه على الشعر النظيف والرطب على طول الشعر بالكامل، مع تجنب الجذور وفروة الرأس. وزعي المنتج بالتساوي واتركيه لمدة نصف ساعة، ثم اشطفيه.
Esthetic House CP-1 3 Seconds Hair Ringer Hair Fill-up Ampoule - حشو الشعر
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I placed an order for this hair filler from Makeup because I have ordered it multiple times before. However, this time it arrived thickened (which I have never seen before). It seems like someone diluted it with water...
I really like this product, the key is to use it correctly.
I tried this filler and bought a large volume right away. I was surprised that it was a bit liquidy... It didn't meet its purpose. My hair was just like hair. No botox or keratin effect ((((
If we compare it to La'dor, the effect was much better with it.
I never thought I would come across a counterfeit product in my favorite makeup. Especially since I have ordered this product and many others from here before. The last time, the liquid did not react with the water and did not thicken! This is a clear sign of a counterfeit. I am completely disappointed in this makeup! It's a very unpleasant situation, and I will not be making any more orders here! Be careful and do not apply it to your hair, face, or body without thinking! It's just awful!
I tried the product in ampoules before, but this time I decided to buy a larger volume. Some girls mentioned that it is a bit more liquid compared to the ampoules, and I also noticed that the first time I used it. However, I diluted too much product and transferred the excess to an empty container for the next time. When cooled, it thickened significantly. The effect was there, although I can't recall if it was the same as the first time or not, but it was noticeable. In general, whether in ampoules or in a bottle, it is recommended to shake it before use and dilute it in advance to thicken it. Although I liked the filler for 8 seconds more. Nevertheless, any filler provides a very good effect, it's a pity I didn't know about them earlier.
I have tried many hair products, but this one is the best for me so far. For long hair, 10 ml is enough, so a large volume will last at least 17 times. The key is to follow the instructions and only dilute it with cold water in a 1:1 ratio. It thickens quickly, so by the time you finish washing your hair, the filler is ready to use. I applied it for 30 minutes, and the effect lasts longer than just until the next wash. Sometimes I heated it additionally, sometimes not, but I didn't notice any difference. The scent is great, floral, and it lingers on the hair for some time. It suited my hair type perfectly, which is straight and fine.
The best thing about this product is that it made my dyed dry and porous hair shiny, smooth, and loose, not just for one day after washing, but the effect lasts until the next wash. I haven't experienced this effect with any other products I've tried, including the full line of L'Oreal Total Repair and the white line of Kerastase. And what's even more impressive is that I didn't use the entire line, just this particular product. I am so impressed that I have now ordered the shampoo as well.
Someone wrote that they had the impression that they were being fooled with something. Well, I have something to compare it with! When I bought a single-use ampoule, the consistency of the finished filler was thicker, like sour cream. But in this large bottle, when I prepared it, everything was quite watery, like liquid jelly! Taking into account the reviews that mentioned a partially unscrewed jar or spilled contents, I can conclude that they might really dilute it with water and open the bottle, taking some of the product for themselves, which is dishonest!
After using the filler, I wanted to moisturize my hair as they seemed very dry to me. They were drier than after using a regular mask. Perhaps it just didn't suit my hair. I will try again, maybe there will be a cumulative effect. What disappointed me was that the jar came not tightly closed, and some of the contents spilled into the box.
It's a very mixed feeling. My hair becomes frizzy immediately after using the filler. I don't blow dry my hair, I don't like it. My hair never got frizzy from any other products, but it does from this filler. I've used it about 3 times, bought 170ml at once, and I'm considering giving it another chance to see if it's just my perception of frizziness. But overall, it does moisturize the hair and makes it soft. I want to try and compare it with the filler from Lador. As for the cumulative effect, maybe, maybe not.
This is an excellent product for a small price. After using this filler, my porous white hair feels like silk! I highly recommend it!
I have always bought this product from a different place. However, here the filler is diluted with something, and the consistency becomes very watery when diluted. Nevertheless, it still has an effect on my hair - they become more voluminous and shiny. However, it is unpleasant that the product is being used up much faster due to its poor thickness. Among the ones I have purchased before, the ceramide in the red ampoule is the highest quality option.
I use this product regularly, and the results are fantastic! My hair feels soft and silky, just like after leaving a salon.
The effect is similar to that of a regular balm priced at 40 UAH.