منتج الاستحمام "مستخلص الصنوبر بالمعادن والعناصر النزرة" Bisheffect
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ماركة: Bisheffect
السلسلة: العناية بالجسم
نوع المنتج: تركيز للحمام
خصائص المنتج: استرخاء, تنشيط, تهدئة, مضاد للبكتيريا
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 500 ml
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
يعتبر النقع في حمام مليء بالماء العادي من الأنشطة التي تحمل فوائد صحية جسدية ونفسية كبيرة. إضافة الأملاح أو الزيوت العطرية تجعل هذه الفوائد أكثر روعة. في المرة القادمة التي تستعد فيها للغطس في الحمام، أضف مستحلب حمام "بيشيفكت" الصنوبري. سيفعل العجائب في تليين بشرتك، ناهيك عن الوقت الرائع الذي ستقضيه لتلبية احتياجات العناية الذاتية الخاصة بك.
فوائد مستحلب حمام "بيشيفكت" الصنوبري مع المعادن والعناصر النزرة:
- مستخلص الصنوبر يزيل السموم ويكافح الإرهاق؛
- الزيوت العطرية للصنوبر والأوكالبتوس تعزز الجهاز المناعي والحاجز الطبيعي للبشرة؛
- البيشوفيت يقوي الجهاز العصبي ويحسن أيض الخلايا والدورة الدموية؛
- يساعد العضلات المتعبة أو المتوترة على الاسترخاء؛
- يوفر إحساسًا منعشًا؛
- يمتاز برائحة عطرية ممتعة.-
اسكب حوالي 100-150 مل من مستحلب الحمام تحت الماء الجاري. استمتع بحمام لمدة 15-20 دقيقة. اغسل جسمك بالماء العادي.
Bisheffect - منتج الاستحمام "مستخلص الصنوبر بالمعادن والعناصر النزرة"
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The scent and color of this product perfectly match the baths I had at the sanatorium. It has a relaxing and soothing effect, making it perfect for using before bedtime.
I really enjoy taking baths with various additives, and the pine extract is very relaxing. Personally, I have noticed an improvement in my sleep and feel the tension being released after using it.
The product has a dark color but does not leave any traces in the bath, which is very pleasing. The composition is natural, and the price is affordable.
I like the scent, and I can easily detect the notes of pine.
I highly recommend this product.
This product is great for relaxation and soothing. It helps me sleep well and relieves back pain. However, the pine scent is weak. The solution has a strong woody aroma in concentrated form, but it almost disappears when preparing the bath.
I have been using this extract for a long time and I am very satisfied with it. It relaxes me well and improves my sleep.
, усталость и стресс. Время, проведенное в ванне с Хвойным Экстрактом, становится настоящим релаксом для тела и души. Этот продукт действительно помогает расслабиться и восстановить энергию. Я также заметила, что после использования экстракта моя кожа становится более мягкой и увлажненной. Я очень рекомендую Хвойный Экстракт для ванн Bish Effect всем, кто ищет способ расслабиться и ощутить удовольствие после напряженного дня.
There is no scent of pine, I won't buy it again because I bought it specifically because of the name "pine".
This brand has other worthy options, but this one is definitely not for me...
The scent is reminiscent of cloyingly sweet syrup, at least that's what it seemed like to me. Apart from that, I really liked everything about it.))
There is absolutely no smell of pine. It is a thick brown liquid with a smell of smoke. I regret buying it. I believe that the manufacturer has no control over the quality of their products.
I enjoy adding pine extract to my bath, along with some salt. I initially bought a small jar, but this time I ordered a 5-liter bottle. I am slightly disappointed because the consistency in the small jar was much thicker. It's a shame they don't take better care of their customers! It's using up more quickly, so what's the point of buying a larger volume then?
A wonderful bath product that works great when combined with bath salts or magnesium tablets. Provides incredible relaxation and rejuvenation.
The Pine Concentrate is an excellent bath product. It effectively relaxes and invigorates. And the scent... it's like being in a pine forest. The concentrate soothes and alleviates fatigue, leaving the body feeling light.
This product comes in a regular bottle. It has a very thick consistency and doesn't dissolve immediately. When added to the bathwater, it transforms it into a dark green-brown color. The scent of pine is pleasant, but not overpowering. I find it very effective in relieving spasms when I have cystitis.
After using the bath concentrate, I slept like a baby.
I have been using this product for a long time and I really like it.
I have been using this company's pine extract for over three years. I'm not sure what smells over there, but I can definitely detect a scent of pine and caramel, although it's not very strong. It doesn't dissolve immediately in water and leaves a slight residue after use, but it's easy to wash off. The most important thing is that the extract provides good relaxation and alleviates fatigue after a long day of work.
One of the best bath products!
We love the scent of the forest that lingers in the house after taking a bath. The kids know that as soon as they start feeling unwell, it's time for a bath with pine needles. I buy it constantly. I first tried it at a sanatorium.
By the way, after this bath, you sleep well!
I didn't buy it here, but this product is absolutely awful! It's black and smells disgusting, there is nothing resembling pine in the scent, at least not in the slightest. I definitely do not recommend it.
I didn't like it very much. It dissolves poorly in water, has a really dark color, and smells burnt. It's hard to say what benefits it provides, but I hope it at least helps.