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ماركة: Aroma kraina
السلسلة: الزيوت العطرية
نوع المنتج: زيت أساسي
خصائص المنتج: العلاج العطري, ضد التهيج, علاج
المكونات: نعناع
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
كثير من الناس يقللون من أهمية التأثير الذي يمكن أن تتركه العطور على حياة الفرد ورفاهيته. يعتبر العلاج بالروائح طريقة قديمة لتحقيق توازن العقل والجسم، واستعادة مستويات الطاقة، والتواصل مع الطبيعة. إضافة أساسية إلى خزانة الأدوية المنزلية لديك هي زيت "النعناع" العطري عالي الجودة، الذي تنتجه العلامة التجارية المحلية المشهورة "أروما كراينا".
رائحته المنعشة والمحفزة لا يمكن أن تخطئها العين. في حالات التقيؤ أو الغثيان أو دوار الحركة، يمكن لبضع قطرات من هذا المنتج أن تخفف تمامًا من الانزعاج الداخلي. كما يساعد النعناع في مكافحة قشرة الرأس وحكة فروة الرأس من خلال تعزيز الدورة الدموية الدقيقة والعمل كمطهر قوي. أضف بضع قطرات من هذا المستحلب إلى منتجات العناية بالبشرة الخاصة بك، وستتمكن من تجنب مشاكل البشرة. لا مزيد من الحبوب أو الالتهابات أو الطفح الجلدي - فقط بشرة متجانسة وإشراقة صحية. النعناع فعال للغاية في الوقاية من الأمراض التنفسية الفيروسية، وتنعيم الجلد، وتحفيز العمليات الذهنية.
الاحتياطات: الحساسية الفردية للزيت. لا تستخدم هذا المنتج أثناء الحمل أو للأطفال دون سن 7 سنوات.-
- Aromatherapy Lamp: Use 3-7 drops per 15 square meters.
- Baths: Add 4-7 drops mixed with an emulsifier, such as 100-200 grams of salt.
- Massage: Use 3-7 drops per 15 grams of carrier oil.
- Enriching Cosmetic Products: Add 1-5 drops per 10 grams of base product.
Aroma Kraina - زيت النعناع العطري
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It has an unpleasant smell. I have bought from other manufacturers before, and their scent was pleasant and refreshing, unlike this one which is strong. I won't be purchasing it again.
I really liked this oil. It has a rich aroma. I added it to my body wrap mixture and it pleasantly cools and refreshes the skin overall.
I purchased this oil as part of the "Antiviral Collection" and used it for inhalation with 2 drops of Karlyn. The result was amazing. I also bought Eucalyptus and Tea Tree oils. They are excellent oils.
The fragrance is intense, stronger than Aromatika. The only thing that disappointed me was that the bottle was slightly open and the oil spilled.
The oil is perfect for an aroma lamp, I use it with cinnamon, bergamot, or lemon. I am satisfied.
This oil is excellent. I used it for a body wrap, and everything turned out great.
Pleasant fragrance, high-quality dispenser.
Under no circumstances should you apply it to your face or anywhere near your face. Never touch your face or eyes after applying it with your hands in other places :) Also, do not dilute it with water or spray it on your shoes. I really wanted to "air out" my sneakers, so I added some tea tree oil. After a day, nothing aired out, since I walked with icy feet all day. It is a very potent substance, only suitable for an aroma lamp.
Very good oil. I add it to my children's bath when they have a cold. Smells like mint candies))) Our family likes it. The store's service is excellent!
I enjoyed it, although I am not knowledgeable about oils, but I liked this scent.
I didn't like it. There is something to compare it with. The Mayur brand has much better essential oils, including peppermint. I didn't like that the oil is too liquid, it resembles more water than oil. I probably won't buy it again.
Good oil. Thank you very much! I have bought from you before. And this time I am satisfied - fast delivery, everything is packed, invoice attached. I will continue to come to you. Thank you again.
This magical oil is amazing, I will definitely buy more.
I bought mint air freshener, and now the whole apartment smells amazing. It has a long-lasting and pleasant fragrance.
I liked it. When I have a headache, I put a drop on my wrist and rub it in. It helps. It refreshes. I will buy it again.
"Great essential oil! I add it to my face and hair masks. It has a really pleasant scent :)"
The oil is good. The scent is very concentrated, so it may not be suitable for everyone. You only need a tiny amount.
This is definitely not oil, it's water with a mint flavoring, and a very unpleasant one at that. In my 10 years of using essential oils, this is the first time I've come across such a pitiful product. I am extremely disappointed and I do not recommend purchasing it.
Great oil, the smell is simply amazing, it overpowers all other smells from cooking, pets, etc.
This is an excellent essential oil! Especially when used in baths, by dissolving it with sea salt in a ratio of about 5 drops per 100 grams. The scent is very long-lasting, as soon as the water touches the salt, it even made my eyes tear up. It provides a complete relaxation experience.