كريم القدم Beauty Derm Skin Care SOS Cica Regeneration
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- كيفية الاستخدام
السلسلة: body care
نوع المنتج: كريم للأرجل
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, ترطيب, تغذية, تليين, تنعيم, تهدئة, ضد الالتهابات, ضد التهيج
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
المكونات: بانثينول, زنك, سنتيلا, يوريا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
الجفاف المستمر والخشونة والتشققات في بشرة القدم ليست مشكلة بالنسبة لكريم القدم من بيوتي ديرم. يحتوي هذا المنتج الجمالي على عدد كبير من المستخلصات النباتية التي تخفف الاحمرار والالتهابات والتهيج. تعمل تركيبته على استعادة الحاجز الواقي للبشرة، مما يرطبها بنشاط ويحافظ على التوازن المائي الأمثل. بعد الاستخدام، ستشعر بخفة ونعومة لا مثيل لهما دون ترك أي بقايا لزجة أو دهنية.
فوائد كريم العناية بالبشرة SOS Cica من بيوتي ديرم:
- يمد خلايا البشرة بالمواد المغذية والرطوبة المفيدة؛
- يعالج الجروح والتشققات الصغيرة ويمنع ظهورها مرة أخرى؛
- يحتوي على مستخلص سنتيلا أسياتيكا الذي يهدئ الاحمرار والالتهابات والتهيج والحكة؛
- يحفز د-بانثينول التجدد الطبيعي للخلايا؛
- يحتوي على اليوريا التي تعيد نعومة وحريرية البشرة؛
- يحافظ مستخلص الطحالب الحمراء على سلامة خلايا البشرة؛
- يخفف علامات التعب والثقل؛
- يقضي على التقشر والجفاف والشعور بالضيق؛
- يدمر البكتيريا المسببة للأمراض.-
يُستخدم على أقدام نظيفة وجافة.
Beauty Derm Skin Care SOS Cica Regeneration - كريم القدم
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I don't remember if I got it here or in a physical store, but I decided to try it because it attracted me with its urea and panthenol ingredients. And the cream exceeded my expectations. My feet are soft and moisturized.
Among the urea-containing creams, this one is the most affordable option.
I accidentally purchased this cosmetic product in the store, but now it has become a lifelong love. This is the first cream that actually moisturizes and gently exfoliates the rough layer of skin on my feet. I live in a private house and am constantly on my feet, so my skin is very dry. However, after a week of using it, I can already see the first results. It's great that it is also available for makeup. I have already placed another order.
I really liked this cream. It effectively moisturizes and quickly absorbs into the skin.
The cream is really good. My feet don't slip in the morning, and there is no greasiness. It absorbs well and refreshes. Excellent. I'm already on my third jar. I recommend it.
I didn't buy it here. I needed a cream, so I grabbed the first "affordable" one I found at the store and fell in love!
This cream is simply amazing. I have very dry skin, but with this cream, using it every evening, I have already forgotten to use a pumice stone for three weeks now. My feet look like after a pedicure. I am delighted. Now I will try other products from this brand.
And I was also won over by the scent, simply wow)))
The cream is really awesome, I'm glad I took a chance to try it. It works wonders right from the first use, especially if you apply it with small packets and put socks on top. The scent is amazing. I highly recommend it.
I absolutely love this cream! It nourishes my skin well and smooths out roughness on my heels. It is not sticky and absorbs quickly. The scent is light and pleasant.
This cream is quite good. It works wonders for its price. I will definitely buy it again. The scent is subtle, it doesn't leave any stickiness, absorbs quickly, and provides enough nourishment.
This is a good cream. It moisturizes and softens the skin of the feet effectively.
This cream is really good and does its job well. I bought it for my father as a hand cream because his skin gets very rough, which can lead to a recurrence of fungus.