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ماركة: Weleda
السلسلة: سلسلة للأمهات المستقبليات
نوع المنتج: بلسم للحلمات
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تغذية, تليين, ضد الالتهابات, ضد التهيج, مضاد للبكتيريا
المكونات: آذريون, الزيوت
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: سويسرا
صنع في: سويسرا
حتى تتمكن النساء من الاستمتاع بفرحة الأمومة بشكل كامل، دون مواجهة مشاكل بسيطة، قامت علامة Weleda بتطوير سلسلة من المنتجات للنساء الحوامل والأمهات الجدد. يعمل بلسم الحلمات على توفير أقصى حماية للبشرة الحساسة من التشققات والتهيج، الذي يظهر غالباً عند الأمهات المرضعات. لا مزيد من الألم! يضمن المنتج ذو التركيبة الطبيعية نتيجة سريعة ولا يضر بصحة الطفل إطلاقاً. يغلف البلسم بلطف بشرة الحلمات، مما يوفر لها الرطوبة، والتنعيم، والتهدئة.
فوائد بلسم الحلمات من Weleda:
- يحتوي على تركيبة طبيعية 100% لضمان سلامة الأم والطفل؛
- يقضي على الشعور بالألم؛
- يعالج الأضرار؛
- يحتوي على اللانولين الذي يحمي من الجفاف والاحتكاك ويمنع العدوى؛
- يحتوي على زيوت الزيتون ودوار الشمس التي تغذي البشرة بعمق؛
- يحتوي على مستخلص القطيفة الذي يتميز بخصائص مضادة للالتهابات ومهدئة ومضادة للبكتيريا؛
- يحتوي على شمع العسل الذي يعيد منطقة الهالة.-
أثناء فترة الحمل، يُستخدم البلسم لترطيب الحلمات الجافة. يُنصح بتطبيقه على الحلمات قبل 6-8 أسابيع من الولادة للتحضير للرضاعة. أثناء الرضاعة الطبيعية: بعد كل جلسة رضاعة، امسحي الحلمة بلطف ثم ضعي كمية صغيرة من البلسم على الحلمة والهالة بحركات رقيقة. لا حاجة لإزالة البلسم قبل الرضعة التالية. يمكن استخدامه في أي وقت.
Weleda Nipple Balm - بلسم للحلمات
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Great balm, I used it after each feeding at the beginning of breastfeeding, and it prevented cracks. It's convenient that you don't need to wash it off. I also use it for my child as a lip balm, and I apply it on the cheeks and nose before going out in severe cold weather. Everything is excellent, my child's skin is protected, and I can apply it right before going out without waiting for half an hour like with other creams.
I really liked this lip balm. It performs exceptionally well and effectively heals lips, especially during the winter season.
Nice smell, texture. It's convenient that you don't have to rinse before feeding. I don't know if it's because of it or not, but feeding is comfortable, without any wounds or cracks.
I used it not for nipples, but for my lips. I had small open sores near the corners due to dryness, so I applied it four times a day for a week. However, there was no result, no magic happened. I gave up and decided to use a regular lip balm from La Roche-Posay, which made more sense.
Top-notch product. Heals quickly!
I highly recommend this product!
I purchase this specifically for my lips. It provides the best moisturization and lasts for a long time.
Great product. Very effective for any cracks. Highly recommend.
I really liked this balm. Initially, the texture is dense, but it melts and absorbs well after application. It lasted me a long time and there was even some left over. However, I also found a great use for it as a lip balm for myself and my child.
A good balm, it dealt with all the consequences of improper application, even though everything was very sad. Thanks to the breastfeeding consultant for the recommendation.
I bought it immediately after childbirth, following the recommendation of experienced girls. It also greatly helped me and relieved inflammation when I felt like screaming in pain.
I really liked this product. At the beginning of breastfeeding, I had sores on my nipples, and the cream took care of them after three or four applications. It's convenient that you don't need to wash it off before feeding. After that, I used it once a day for prevention. The texture is light and it lasts for a long time. Additionally, you can use the cream for other dry skin issues, such as cracks on the lips. I recommend it.
I read from some girls that they use it as a lip balm. It really helped a lot. I don't know about the future, but right now I feel relieved. My lips were very tight, to the point of being uncomfortable. I tried everything, but nothing helped. And then, my lips immediately relaxed. The only thing that disappointed me was the expiration date - there's still a year left, meaning the cream has been stored somewhere for 2 years, and hopefully not in a warm and sunny place. If it's for nipple cream or lips, maybe it will last for a year, but otherwise, it will end up in the trash again. The volume is quite large, meant to be used for a year. I'm tired of this situation - it's rare to find something with a good shelf life here. I won't buy this again next time.
I have been breastfeeding for 2.5 years. At the beginning of my breastfeeding journey, my nipples were very sensitive. Medela was a lifesaver for me until I got the hang of latching. However, this product doesn't do anything for me. It doesn't moisturize or protect, and the consistency is uncomfortable. Because of this, I didn't use it much.
In addition to its great performance, composition, and praise-worthy reviews, this balm offers a very advantageous price-to-grams ratio. I am satisfied with my purchase of this balm.
The balm is a great find for moms. It not only works well for nipples, but also for the baby. Since it has natural ingredients, it is not scary to apply it on the delicate skin of the baby, to soothe folds and redness in the diaper area. Of course, it can also be used for minor scrapes and chapped lips during winter. It's simply a magical stick. I highly recommend it.
On the advice of a doula, I brought this balm with me to the maternity hospital. The great difference of this balm from others is that it not only softens due to lanolin, but also contains safe components that reduce inflammation and thus alleviate pain. I applied it tightly after each feeding during the first few days and smoothly transitioned to breastfeeding without any difficulties, plus of course the correct positioning.
Not as intended.
I apply it on my lips in the morning and evening, during autumn and winter.
It provides the best results, compared to lip balms)))
If compared to purelan, this product is less effective. It didn't help me.
I bought this balm a while ago, and now I was looking for a link to share with my friend, so I decided to write a review. Moms, it really helps very quickly. I highly recommend it from the bottom of my heart. It's better to buy it in advance because if you plan on breastfeeding, it's better to start applying it to your nipples right away to prevent cracks.
I started using this product about a week before giving birth. I also brought it to the maternity hospital and I am currently using it just in case. I believe it's thanks to this product that I didn't have any cracks. Also, with the onset of cold weather, my lips started to dry out and crack. I applied this balm and the cracks literally healed within a day, which surprised me a lot. Overall, I recommend it, it really works.
This cream is excellent. It effectively eliminates all microcracks and peeling, and even after the first use, the results are noticeable.
I was looking for a solution for my damaged nipples from breastfeeding, and Purrelan didn't help me. I read the reviews about this product here, had hope, and bought it. And I was disappointed. It doesn't work at all. It smells like calendula, feels nice to touch, but has zero effect. I don't recommend it.
This cream suited me perfectly. It moisturizes well and is natural. I highly recommend it.
Wonderful balm. I was already thinking that I would have to buy silicone nipple covers, it was impossible to feed, my nipples hurt so much, but the balm literally solved everything in a day. Definitely recommend!
P.S: significantly better than purelan.
The cream is superb; it was a real lifesaver. I used it right away in the maternity ward, and a big plus is that there is no need to rinse it off.
It has been an absolute savior since birth. There is no need to wash it before feeding - this is a huge plus.
This is a true lifesaver! It heals and soothes wonderfully. I highly recommend using it from the very beginning, right after giving birth.
This balm is great. It has been very helpful in relieving pain and irritation. Feeding has become much more comfortable and enjoyable with it.
The balm was very effective in relieving all pain and reducing swelling. It had no scent and did not interfere with the skin. I highly recommend it.
The balm helped me heal cracks and relieve pain while breastfeeding. I highly recommend it!
In terms of consistency, it resembles an ointment with a slight yellowish color, and there is a subtle aroma of medicinal herbs. It provides good moisturization without causing any allergies or redness. Previously, I used oil and experienced a rash, but with this product, everything is fine.