مصل ضد البقع العمرية وتجاعيد الوجه Vichy Liftactiv Secialist B3 Serum
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ماركة: Vichy
السلسلة: liftactiv
نوع المنتج: مصل للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ضد التجاعيد, ضد بقع التصبغ
الحجم: 30 ml
المكونات: البروتينات, اللانتوين, النياسيناميد, حمض الأمينو, حمض الجليكوليك, يوريا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
إذا كنت تعاني من ظهور فرط التصبغ غير الجمالي على وجهك بشكل متزايد، فقد حان الوقت لاتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة! انتبه إلى سيروم مكافحة التصبغات والتجاعيد من علامة فيشي التجارية. يعمل هذا المنتج على مستويات مختلفة من البشرة: يقلل من إنتاج الميلانين في الجلد ويقشر الخلايا الميتة على السطح لتقليل البقع العمرية الظاهرة.
فوائد سيروم فيشي ليفتاكتيف سبيشياليست B3:
- يساعد في تقليل علامات تقدم السن على البشرة؛
- يوحد ويفتح لون الوجه ويمنحه إشراقة جذابة؛
- يقلل من حدة فرط التصبغ؛
- يقلل من عدد وعمق التجاعيد ويمنع تكون تجاعيد جديدة؛
- يتميز بملمس خفيف ويمتص بسرعة دون ترك أثر لزج؛
- يحتوي على النياسيناميد الذي يقلل من إنتاج الميلانين ويفتح ويريح البشرة؛
- يحتوي على مجموعة من الأحماض التي تقشر البشرة بلطف وتفتح لونها؛
- يحتوي على فيتامين C الذي يحفز تجديد البشرة ويخلق تأثير تفتيح.-
ضع بضع قطرات على بشرة الوجه الجافة والنظيفة مرتين في اليوم، صباحاً ومساءً. تجنب ملامسة الجلد حول العينين والشفتين. لا تقم بالتطبيق على البشرة المتهيجة أو المتضررة. إذا حدث تهيج، يجب التوقف عن الاستخدام. قد يزيد المنتج من حساسية البشرة لأشعة الشمس. يُوصى باستخدام واقي الشمس كل صباح بعد تطبيق السيروم. في حالة ملامسة العينين، اشطف فوراً بكمية كبيرة من الماء. مضاد للحساسية. بدون عطور.
Vichy Liftactiv Secialist B3 Serum - مصل ضد البقع العمرية وتجاعيد الوجه
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The product effectively removes pigmentation, moisturizes the skin, and does not feel sticky. I am satisfied with it.
I purchased the serum on December 25th, I am 48 years old, and I have been using it for a month and a half now. It is not sticky and feels pleasant when applied. It gives a fresh and well-groomed appearance, making it an excellent basic skincare product.
Before purchasing, I had doubts about whether it would help, but what do I have as a result?) Soon I will be buying my third jar. I am 41 years old, I visit a cosmetologist 1-2 times a month and also take care of my skin at home with treasures and masks. However, the tone of my skin was still not perfect, and the pigmented spots became more noticeable. I didn't want to do any injections, so I decided to try something else. I use this serum only in the morning, and after 3-5 minutes, I apply Vichy LiftActiv B3 Anti-Dark Spots Cream SPF50 on top. I think their combination has provided the result. I have been using these products for two months now and I receive compliments about my fresh appearance and questions about which foundation I use. Although, in reality, I haven't used any foundation or powder for about a year. So, as they say, the whole result is on my face.
I ordered this serum for the first time. I have been using it for about two weeks, so it is too early to talk about its effects. However, my initial impressions are positive - it is not sticky, absorbs well, and has no strong smells. I apply it in the morning, followed by the same series cream with SPF 50. In the evening, I use the serum with retinol.
This serum was recommended to me by a cosmetologist for nighttime use. My skin feels moisturized and more elastic to the touch. Usually in the morning, it would be wrinkled and I would immediately want to "smooth" it out, but now it feels smooth and firm. Additionally, my skin has become brighter. I have been using it for a week now.
The serum is indeed a bit sticky. I have been using the entire line, and I don't really like that I have to apply cream afterwards, and then sunscreen on top of that. But, that's where the drawbacks end. I have been using it for two months, and my skin tone has noticeably evened out, my face looks more well-groomed, although I shouldn't expect a wow-effect against wrinkles.
I really liked it, this is not my first time buying it.
After using it for more than two weeks, my skin has become lighter, some pigmented spots have disappeared, and others have become less dark. I use it in combination with Vichy's SPF (photo attached). I am satisfied with the results.
I first tried the miniature version that was sent as a gift. The serum immediately proved its worth, so I bought the full-sized bottle. I've been using it for over a month now, and I can say that it does an excellent job of calming pigmentation spots. It has a pleasant scent without any chemical fragrance and a slightly sticky finish. I am very satisfied with it and have incorporated it into my daily skincare routine.
I have been using it for 2 months now and I have noticed a reduction in pigmentation and wrinkles. It is not any different from a serum that costs 300 UAH.
I received a 5ml sample of this product as a gift. It really works! I had noticeable pigmentation, especially a clear spot on my forehead near the eyebrow, but it's already gone. It's a shame I didn't take a photo before because I honestly didn't believe in its effectiveness, as I have tried many products and nothing helped (I had the pigmentation for over 4 years). I highly recommend it!
This product really works! The pigmentation has reduced significantly, and my skin has noticeably become lighter. I am amazed by the results after just two weeks of use.
The skin has brightened and become softer. I have been using it for two weeks.
The serum effectively tackles pigmentation issues, providing excellent results.
All the Vichy cosmetics that I have used have lived up to their claims. The serum under the cream works perfectly for my 38-year-old skin, which is in great condition. I highly recommend it.
I have been using this serum for a few weeks and I really like it. I can't say that it has lightened my pigmentation spots, but overall, my face looks good after using this serum and collagen cream. However, I don't like the dispenser. It is not convenient at all and I have to use a dropper from another serum.
I have been using this serum for four months now, but unfortunately, the pigmentation spots have remained unchanged.
I tried a 5ml sample of this serum for just a couple of days, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that my dark pigmentation spots had become much lighter. I hope that they will eventually disappear completely or become practically invisible.
I have been using this product for the second week now and I have noticed that the wrinkles that were very pronounced have become much less noticeable. I am genuinely surprised. The texture of the product is great, pleasant, and as for pigmentation, I haven't seen any significant changes yet!