بلسم مجدد للشقراوات Tigi Bed Head Serial Blonde Conditioner
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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: Tigi
السلسلة: bed head
نوع المنتج: مكيف الشعر
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, ترطيب, تقوية, حماية لون الشعر
الحجم: 400 ml
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: تالف, ملون
بلد: بريطانية العظمى
صنع في: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
يُعتبر اللون الأشقر من أكثر ألوان الشعر شيوعًا وعصرية. ولكن، بعد الحصول على الدرجة المرغوبة، يجب العناية بالشعر بعناية فائقة. لتعزيز الشعر واستعادة تماسكه ومركبات البروتين، يُوصي خبراء علامة Tigi باستخدام بلسم Bed Head Serial Blonde في روتين العناية المنزلية بالشعر. المنتج غني بمكونات خاصة تجعل الشعر قويًا وصحيًا ومرنًا، وتُضفي عليه لمعانًا فاخرًا وتمنع تساقطه.
فوائد بلسم Tigi Bed Head Serial Blonde:
- يحتوي على ديميثيكون لحماية الشعر التالف وتكييفه؛
- يحتوي على مركب تكييف يرطب ويغذي الشعر على طوله الكامل؛
- يجعل الشعر ناعمًا ومرنًا وسهل التحكم فيه؛
- يحتوي على الأحماض الأمينية والبروتينات التي تقوي بنية الشعر؛
- يمنع التجعد؛
- يضفي على الشعر لمعانًا وحريرية؛
- يقوي الجذور؛
- يحمي الشعر من التساقط؛
- يزيل التجعد؛
- يعيد المناطق التالفة من الشعر.-
ضع المنتج على الشعر المبلل بحركات تدليك خفيفة، واتركه لمدة 2-3 دقائق، ثم اشطفه بالماء الدافئ.
The quality is very poor. It makes the hair dull and unruly. The blonde color appears somewhat yellowish. The consistency is like paste.
Oh, now I will always read reviews before making a purchase. This product is very thick, it doesn't squeeze out at all through the dispenser. The results are not noticeable. However, the shampoo from the same series is good.
This conditioner is very thick and difficult to apply to the hair. I personally don't see any effects from using it. I have been using it together with the brand's shampoo, but for the first and last time. Now, let's talk about the packaging - how could they pour such a thick conditioner into a jar with such a poorly designed lid?! For those planning to buy it, be prepared to have to cut open the jar because there is no other way to get the product out. I do not recommend it at all.
I didn't like the conditioner. I kept it on for 3 minutes, and on some strands of hair, it simply washed off the toning.
I should have trusted the previous reviews. The only positive thing is the nice scent. After using it, my hair still feels dry. But the biggest frustration is the container. I have only used it three times, but I can't get the product out of the jar anymore because it's thick. I tried unscrewing the lid, but it doesn't help. I will have to cut the jar :/
I bought this line at a promotional price, but not from here. Unfortunately, my hair became even drier after using it, but the color and shine of my hair turned out great.
The conditioner is not bad, it smooths the hair nicely and smells really good. However, the packaging (I had the maximum volume) is not very good. When there was still a quarter of the product left, the pump stopped working - it wasn't broken, it was just too short and couldn't reach the bottom of the bottle. I don't understand this part very well because there is still a lot of product left, but I can't get it out - I have to cut the bottle open.
This is a very high-quality product that quickly smooths and nourishes the hair, with noticeable difference before and after use. The conditioner is thick and lasts a long time. I am deducting one star only because of the inconvenient dispensing - it is very difficult to squeeze it out of the bottle, especially when it is not full anymore.