شامبو للشعر Simone DSD De Luxe 7.1 Opium Shampoo
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ماركة: Simone DSD De Luxe
السلسلة: opium
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف, لتعزيز نمو الشعر, لعلاج تساقط الشعر
الحجم: 200 ml
المكونات: الكافيين
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: اسبانيا
صنع في: اسبانيا
غسل الشعر هو جزء أساسي من الروتين اليومي لجميع الأفراد في العصر الحديث. ومع ذلك، فإن اختيار الشامبو المناسب يتطلب مراعاة نوع شعرك، المشكلات المحتملة، والنتائج المرغوبة. شامبو سيمون DSD De Luxe 7.1 Opium ينظف الشعر بفعالية من الشوائب والزيوت الزائدة ومنتجات التصفيف. وقد قام خبراء هذه العلامة التجارية الإسبانية بإغناء تركيبته بمزيج من المكونات المفيدة، مما يجعله خيارًا ممتازًا للأشخاص الذين يسعون لتقليل تساقط الشعر وتعزيز نمو الشعر الجديد.
هذا الشامبو غني بمضادات الأكسدة والمكونات النباتية التي تجدد فروة الرأس، مما يعزز من قوة الشعر وكثافته ولمعانه. المكونات التي تهدف إلى تقليل إنتاج الداي هيدروتستوستيرون تساعد في وقف تساقط الشعر وتقوية بصيلاته، بينما يحفز تنشيط البصيلات نمو شعر جديد وصحي. يتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال مزيج قوي من خلاصة المشيمة، النياسيناميد، الكافيين، خلاصة الخشخاش، نبتة الساو بالميتو، فيتامين E، ومكونات أخرى مفيدة.
قم بتكوين رغوة بكمية صغيرة من الشامبو في راحة اليدين، ثم ضعها على الشعر المبلل، ودلك فروة الرأس جيدًا، ثم اشطفه بكمية وفيرة من الماء. كرر استخدام الشامبو مرة ثانية إذا لزم الأمر.
I did not like this product despite all the positive reviews. In my opinion, it is suitable for owners of porous, dense hair and oily skin. It excessively dries out my hair and washing becomes a stressful experience because it is impossible to comb afterwards. I was impressed with the previous keratin product I used, but I do not recommend this one.
I absolutely love this shampoo! It's one of my favorites.
Review for those who still think that one shampoo can solve all their problems.
For most of my life, I have been struggling with hair loss and oily dandruff due to an unstable hormonal background and intestinal issues. And due to the war, constant stress has been added. As a result, in the first six months of the war, I lost a third of my hair. The trichologist selected products for me considering my problems: products for dandruff and products for hair loss. I use all of this on a regular basis now. I am allergic to most shampoos. This shampoo suited me perfectly! I use it together with the mask and ampoules of the same series + vitamins + products to support a healthy scalp microbiome. ALL OF THIS TOGETHER helped me reduce hair loss by three times in just the first month. Now I have a bunch of new hair on my head, my hair grows faster, and the quality of my hair is excellent. I advise everyone who has similar problems to first consult with a good specialist and choose products individually, so as not to waste a lot of money on experiments and futile hopes. Take care of yourself!
The shampoo does not live up to its price. There are high expectations from it, but in reality, the hair becomes stiff and looks like straw.
The shampoo lathers well. After using it, there is some dryness of the scalp, but it's not critical. I didn't have any dandruff. It requires a conditioner or a hair mask afterwards. As for whether it prevents hair loss or promotes hair growth, I can't say for sure, as I haven't seen any miracles.
I have been using this product for a week and I am absolutely thrilled! I have tried many different shampoos, from various price ranges and compositions. But this one is just love. My hair is thin and dry at the ends, with oily roots. It's too early to say if it has helped with hair loss, but I can see that there are fewer hairs on the comb. I bought it here and will definitely buy it again!
This product is awesome! I bought it here for around 700 UAH during a great sale. I also purchased the mask and ampoules from another website. The shampoo is fantastic! It suits perfectly my moody and sensitive skin, as it didn't cause any irritation or itching. It also does a great job of moisturizing my hair.
My favorite shampoo from this brand, my hand is always reaching for it. This is my third bottle. I've used it both with the 7th mask and the 5.3 one, and it combines perfectly!
Before, I tried various anti-hair loss shampoos, and I hesitated to spend money on this brand. This shampoo is slightly cheaper than the black Dixidox. I bought the Opium mask and shampoo, as well as the ampoules from the black series. The effect was noticeable from the very first use. If your problem is chronic, then most likely, once you stop using the product, the hair loss will resume. But for now, while you are using it, your nerves are calm because the hair loss is minimal, especially during washing, for example. I hope that the effect will continue as long as I use the product.