بقع هيدروجيل للعين مع موسين الحلزون الأسود FarmStay Black Snail Hydrogel Eye Patch
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ماركة: FarmStay
السلسلة: black snail
نوع المنتج: أقنعة تحت العينين
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية, تنعيم, رفع, مضاد للشيخوخة
الحجم: 60 عنصر.
نوع قناع الوجه: جل هيدروجيلي
المكونات: مخاط الحلزون
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
قام أطباء الجلد في FarmStay بتطوير مجموعة من المنتجات التجميلية تعتمد على إفرازات الحلزون. يتيح الشكل التشريحي للرقع وضعها بعناية دون القلق من انزلاقها في اللحظات غير المناسبة. لا يستغرق الأمر سوى 15 دقيقة، وها هي، لا مزيد من الهالات السوداء تحت العينين!
فوائد رقع العين الهيدروجيلية FarmStay Black Snail:- تغذية وترطيب البشرة الحساسة، بالإضافة إلى استعادة المناطق المصابة؛
- تُعرف إفرازات الحلزون بخصائصها المجددة وتأثيرها الشد؛
- تحسين تماسك ومرونة البشرة؛
- تخفيف الالتهابات والاحمرار؛
- منع الجفاف والتخلص من التقشر؛
- تفتيح التصبغات.-
ضعي المنتج على بشرة نظيفة ومُنعَّمة، واتركيه لمدة 20-25 دقيقة، ثم قومي بإزالته بعناية ودلّكي بلطف البقايا المغذية على البشرة.
These patches are great. They have plenty of essences and are of medium thickness. They really help reduce the puffiness under my eyes. They don't slide off and stay in place well. I keep them on for 20-25 minutes.
These patches are just average, whether you use them or not, there is hardly any effect. For such a price, it would be possible to find something more worthwhile.
These are some of my favorite patches. I have bought them several times and they fit perfectly.
I like them. They are stored in the refrigerator, and I use them 2-3 times a week in the morning. They won't get rid of wrinkles (for that, I go to the cosmetologist), but they refresh the face excellently.
These patches definitely help improve the under-eye area in the morning. Although they may not deliver a "wow" effect, they are very decent. They definitely justify their cost and provide a 100% return on investment.
They fit well and I highly recommend them.
I'm trying these patches for the first time, and they moisturize without leaving a sticky feeling. The only downside is that they irritate the skin under my eyes, so unfortunately they didn't work for me.
I really liked these patches. They fit perfectly and provide a pleasant moisturizing effect. I use them before going to bed, and in the morning, I have no signs of puffiness. I use them 2-3 times a week. They refresh my skin and smooth out wrinkles.
These are my favorite headphones. They have a great sound quality and are very comfortable to wear. The design is sleek and modern, and the battery life is impressive. I can use them for hours without needing to recharge. The noise-cancellation feature works perfectly, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the music. The controls are easy to use and the Bluetooth connectivity is seamless. Overall, I highly recommend these headphones for anyone looking for a high-quality and reliable audio experience.