- تفاصيل المنتج
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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: Manyo
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: الزيت الهيدروفيليك, منتجات لإزالة المكياج
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية
وقت التطبيق: نهاري
الجنس: للنساء
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 25 ml
المكونات: تركيبة
التصنيف: عضوي
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
زيت التنظيف العشبي الأخضر من مانو فاكتوري، الممزوج بمستخلصات الأعشاب، هو المزيج المثالي بين المتعة والفائدة. يزيل بسهولة حتى المكياج المقاوم للماء مع توفير عناية لطيفة للبشرة. يقوم المنتج بإذابة الشوائب والزيوت الزائدة والمكياج دون ترك أي آثار أو تلطخات تحت العين من الماسكارا أو على الرقبة من كريم الأساس. تحتوي الصيغة المزدوجة الفعالة والمتوازنة على زيوت الصويا وشجرة الشاي والزيتون وبذور العنب واللوز والأوكاليبتوس والجوجوبا، بالإضافة إلى مستخلصات الشيح والميرمية والشاي الأخضر. بفضل التركيز العالي للمكونات النشطة، يتمتع المنتج بخصائص مضادة للبكتيريا والميكروبات، ويعمل على تنظيم إفراز الدهون، وتنظيف المسام بعمق، والقضاء على علامات التعب.
فوائد زيت التنظيف العشبي الأخضر من مانو فاكتوري:
- ينظف البشرة بلطف وفعالية؛
- يساعد في تقليل الحبوب والرؤوس السوداء؛
- يحسن الحاجز الطبيعي الواقي للبشرة؛
- يوفر تأثيرات مضادة للأكسدة وتجديد الخلايا؛
- يقوي جدران الأوعية الدموية والشعيرات الدموية؛
- يوحد لون البشرة ويعزز الإشراقة الطبيعية؛
- يملس الخطوط الدقيقة ويقلل من حجم المسام؛
- يهدئ الحكة والتهيج والاحمرار؛
- ينعش ويرطب بشكل لطيف؛
- يجعل البشرة مشدودة ومرنة؛
- لا يترك أي بقايا دهنية غير مرغوب فيها بعد الشطف؛
- خالٍ من المواد البتروكيميائية والزيوت المعدنية والألوان والمواد المعطرة.-
1. قومي بتدليك الجلد بلطف باستخدام زيت التنظيف لمساعدة البشرة على امتصاص المكونات المهدئة ولإذابة بقايا المكياج والشوائب برفق.
2. أضيفي الماء ودلكي حتى يتحول الزيت إلى قوام حليبي، ثم اشطفيه بالماء الفاتر.
زيت محب للماء مع مستخلص عشبي - Manyo Factory Herb Green Cleansing Oil (صغير)
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It effectively removes my makeup, although I can't say that I have super long-lasting products. I haven't noticed any irritation in my eyes, but that's still an individual thing. I easily wipe off eyeshadows and mascara. The herbal scent is interesting, probably my favorite! I just love it. I'm getting my second mini pack now (this format is more convenient for me) and I will definitely buy more.
The scent of the oil was unexpectedly strong, somewhat like eucalyptus, and it was quite close to the eyes. It was strange to have such aromas. However, it washes off nicely.
I received a sample of this product as a gift, but unfortunately, I did not like it.
I am satisfied with this product. It washes away perfectly.
I like it. I apply the sunscreen on dry skin, massage it, and then add a bit of water. Finally, I rinse it off with foam and moisturize. My face becomes clean, and even my blackheads gradually disappear.
I was really afraid to try hydrophilic oil again because I had a bad experience before, as my skin is problematic and combination. I bought a miniature version to test its reaction on my skin. It works very well with makeup, even waterproof. I use it every evening, even if I haven't worn makeup, because it effectively removes dust and sebum accumulated throughout the day. I also noticed that after a week of use, my pores became cleaner. The skin feels very pleasant to touch after using this product, without the drying "squeaky" effect, only a feeling of cleanliness. It is not very oily, and my skin reacted very well overall. I will purchase the full-size version, and the miniature will be convenient for traveling.
This product was a perfect match for my dry and depleted skin.
I did not notice any effect.
This product emulsifies excellently when in contact with water! It has a very pleasant herbal scent. The mini size is very convenient to take with you. I am very satisfied.
The leather combination didn't work at all, it caused a terrible rash. Maybe it's just my individual reaction, but I've never had such problems with other products before. I'm glad I bought it in a small size. It's definitely important to test it out!
Sensitive dehydrated combination skin. I have used it several times.
It gently and thoroughly cleanses the skin from dirt and makeup, tones and refreshes it pleasantly. The skin becomes more firm and elastic after using it. It evens out the complexion, tightens pores, soothes, and does not irritate the skin. And this is only what is immediately visible after application. 5+
I also took pure cleansing oil (yellow) for comparison. I will see which one I like more and will purchase a larger volume.
I have been using this product for several months. It provides a pleasant cleansing experience without leaving any stickiness or residue behind. I apply it on dry skin, massage it in, and then wet my hands before rinsing it off with foam. After use, my skin feels pleasant, clean, and incredibly soft to the touch.
I tried using hydrophilic oil for the first time and I am thrilled. I have a combination skin type. It effectively removes makeup and I use it for both my face and eyes. It rinses off nicely. My skin feels smooth afterwards, with an even tone and less noticeable blackheads. The only downside is the strong scent of tea tree, but it's not very important to me.