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ماركة: Novexpert
السلسلة: vitamin c
نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تقشير
المكونات: أرجيني, الألوة فيرا, الجوجوبا, بابايا, حمض الأمينو, حمض الجليكوليك, حمض اللبن, حمض الهيالورونيك, طحالب بحرية, فيتامين c, فيتامين e
وقت التطبيق: ليلي
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: عضوي, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
سوف يُسعدك كريم الليل المقشر بفيتامين C من Novexpert بمظهر لا تشوبه شائبة في الصباح. يعمل هذا الحل المقشر أثناء الليل بينما تنامين، مما يكمل روتين العناية بالبشرة المسائي بفعالية.
تركيبة المنتج غنية بأحماض اللاكتيك والجليكوليك والجلوكونولاكتون، مما يوفر تنظيفًا عميقًا للوجه من خلايا الجلد الميتة ويمنع الشيخوخة المبكرة.
بالإضافة إلى تأثير التقشير، يمد كريم الليل من Novexpert البشرة بحمض الهيالورونيك، مما يمنع الجفاف. كما أن الحل المقشر غني بفيتامين C، الذي يعمل كمضاد للأكسدة ويمنح الوجه إشراقة صحية وشابة.
يُوضع على الوجه مع تجنب ملامسة محيط العينين والشفاه، وأجنحة الأنف. يُستخدم هذا العلاج كل مساء لمدة شهر واحد أو كل مساء آخر (لعلاج لمدة شهرين). يُنصح بأخذ استراحة لمدة شهر بين العلاجات.
This brand was introduced to me through this peeling product. I consider this product to be quite versatile, meaning you can confidently use it to complement your skincare routine without causing any harm and surprising you with its results. These are acids, but they are very gentle, yet that doesn't stop the product from working as it should! It is incredibly economical as well. During the summer, it is essential to protect your skin with SPF. Generally, most people use this product during the colder months. I have also used it during the summer by adding a serum with vitamin C from Novexpert. I justify this "boldness" by saying that I am prone to pigmentation, which I don't want. Well, thanks to these two little beads, I didn't get it this summer. But if you did, then take the whole range with vitamin C and even out your skin tone. This is specifically a nighttime product. It's important! Follow the instructions when using it. Life hack: use this peeling + the Repulp mask in the morning, and you'll be amazed.
I have just started the course, so I cannot share any results yet. However, I have not experienced any allergic reactions with my sensitive skin. The scent is very delicious ❤️.
I have been using this brand's face wash with zinc, zinc cream, and acne treatment gel in combination with this nasal peel. This nasal peel has helped me deal with post-acne and prevent new breakouts. Although the course is not yet over, it has been about a month or maybe a little less. I will continue to observe the results and update my review accordingly.
This cream is absolutely amazing and worth every penny. I also purchased the serum of this brand with vitamin C, and it worked perfectly for me. Without a doubt, I will be buying more in the future.
I like it! I tried a sample and have been using it for 2 weeks in combination with the foam cleanser and moisturizing cream. After the first frost, my face became flaky. However, after using these products, my face feels nice and doesn't break out. But considering my oily skin, it's more suitable for winter.
5 stars!! This peeling is amazing for nighttime use. Combined with the special lotion, it leaves your face radiant and healthy by morning.
I received a sample as a gift. I really liked it: the blackheads on my nose lightened, the spots from acne reduced, and the texture is very pleasant. The only downside is the price, which is also suitable for a stay-at-home mom. Other than that, it deserves a 12 out of 10.
Great cream, a real find for oily skin! Breakouts have reduced, skin tone has evened out! A must-have for winter. I use it with a cleansing foam.
This is an amazing product! I used it together with the cleanser from the same brand. In the morning, my skin feels as smooth as a baby's, and it also reduces pigmentation.