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ماركة: MAKEUP
السلسلة: bathroom
نوع المنتج: إسفنجة الغسل
الحجم: 1 عنصر.
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: متوسط الأسعار
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
كل يوم، يقوم الناس برمي ما يصل إلى 1.3 مليار وسادة قطنية مستخدمة في سلة المهملات، تاركين إياها لتتحلل ببطء شديد. في الواقع، قد تستغرق حوالي 100 عام لتتحلل بيولوجيًا؛ ونتيجة لذلك، فإنها تساهم بشكل كبير في مكبات النفايات وتلوث المياه. الخبر السار هو أن استخدام الإسفنجات التي تصنعها علامة MAKEUP يمكن أن يقلل من البصمة البيئية بشكل كبير ويحدث تأثيرًا إيجابيًا على البيئة. السر بسيط: فهي مصنوعة من مواد معاد تدويرها، مما يسمح بإدارة النفايات بشكل مستدام.
فوائد إسفنجة تنظيف My Coookie من MAKEUP باللون البنفسجي:
- تزيل الشوائب والزهم الزائد وخلايا الجلد الميتة بفعالية؛
- تحسن الدورة الدموية الدقيقة في الجلد؛
- توحد نسيج البشرة وتحسن اللون العام للبشرة؛
- تدوم حتى 200 غسلة؛
- تحل محل ما يصل إلى 500 مناديل مكياج أحادية الاستخدام؛
- سهلة التنظيف؛
- تجف بسرعة؛
- مقاومة للتآكل؛
- يمكن استخدامها بمفردها أو مع أي منظفات، مثل الماء الميسيلاري، الجل، الموس، الرغوة؛
- مصنوعة من الألياف الدقيقة المضادة للبكتيريا والناعمة للغاية بنسبة 100%.-
انقع الإسفنجة في ماء دافئ لتتمدد وتصبح ناعمة. اعصر الإسفنجة لإزالة الماء الزائد، ثم أضف منظفك المفضل. بعد ذلك، استخدم الإسفنجة لإزالة المكياج بحركات دائرية. يمكن استخدامها حتى 200 مرة. بعد الاستخدام، اشطف الإسفنجة جيدًا واتركها لتجف في الهواء. احفظها في مكان بارد وجاف.
MAKEUP Makeup Cleansing Sponge Purple - اسفنجة غسول الوجه، أرجواني "My Cookie"
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This is simply awful. It feels unpleasant to use wet velour on the face. It's going straight to the trash. Cellulose sponges are better in this regard.
Great purchase. I really liked it in terms of quality and style (purple). Washing your face with it is very pleasant. It removes masks wonderfully. I am very satisfied with this purchase!
The material is pleasant to touch, and it makes removing masks much more convenient than using hands or cotton pads. However, it is important to note that the size of the sponge is unexpectedly large - like a palm :)
The best one is the black and pink one. I thought they were all the same, just different colors, but no. They have different lengths and qualities of fur. Specifically, I didn't like this one, it doesn't remove scales from the face and it doesn't absorb anything well. Only get the black and pink one, where the pink part has long fur, it's the coolest.
Soft to the touch and pleasant for the facial skin, it is convenient to remove cosmetic products. The quality of the product itself is excellent.
The sponge is pleasant, great for washing, and well-made.
Last year I bought the pink one. The quality was completely different, it had a nice, long pile. It absorbed moisture perfectly and was convenient for washing masks. But this sponge can only be used for washing dishes, it doesn't absorb anything, and both sides are velvety. And the color doesn't match the photo. I wasted my money.
Good sponge for its price.
The sponge is amazing! It's very convenient for washing masks. The material is reminiscent of a plush toy for children. It's soft and has a little foam inside. The stitching is of good quality. I am satisfied with my purchase.
Great sponge)) It's soft and the color is cool (mine is bright pink). I use it to remove clay masks. If before I had to spend about 10 minutes washing it off with my hands, now my skin is clean in just two swipes with the sponge.
The only thing that surprised me is the size. It's really big! I tried to remove eye makeup with it, but it didn't work, it's too big for that.
This sponge is great. It is big, soft, and made with high quality. I use it to remove face masks, and the process now takes half the time. After washing it well and hanging it to dry, it is ready to use again by the evening. I am satisfied with this purchase.
The quality of the sponge is good, but it feels a bit oversized for me. Perhaps I just need to get used to it.
It handles the task perfectly. I haven't found a better replacement yet.
This sponge is excellent and convenient for washing and cleansing the face from masks.
The product is large, soft, and lathers well with facial cleansers. I use both the purple and black sides. It is well sewn and not thin.
Soft, double-sided, saves money. This purchase is very, very useful. It's also very convenient to remove masks with this sponge: clay, cream, etc. Of course, one will not be enough, it's better to buy two: one for washing and one for removing masks. The quality is excellent, I have had it for two weeks already.
The sponge really helps to save on cleansing products. It comes in a large size, making it suitable for cleansing the face, neck, and décolletage area. It is double-sided, soft, and dries quickly.
An indispensable item, really liked it.