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ماركة: Nuxe
السلسلة: very rose
نوع المنتج: فوم لغسل الوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تنظيف, تهدئة
المكونات: الجلسرين, ماء الورد, وردة
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع, حساسة
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
رغوة التنظيف الخفيفة من نوكس فيري روز هي حل لطيف يهدف إلى تنظيف البشرة من الشوائب المتراكمة والسموم وآثار الضرر الناتج عن الجذور الحرة. يساهم المنتج بفعالية في تهدئة وترطيب البشرة بينما يزيل الأوساخ والزيوت الزائدة وبقايا المكياج، مما يجعل وجهك ناعمًا ونظيفًا ومرنًا بشكل مذهل.
تُغنى تركيبة المنتج بماء زهرة الورد ومركب العناية بالبشرة الطبيعي بنسبة 100%، مما يوفر تأثيرات تنظيف وتنعيم وتجديد للبشرة. تنتشر الرغوة الخفيفة بشكل متساوٍ على البشرة، مما يجعل وجهك يبدو منتعشًا وجذابًا بعد الاستخدام دون تجفيف أو شد البشرة. يعمل المنتج بلطف، ولذلك يُوصى به حتى للبشرة الحساسة.
فوائد رغوة التنظيف الخفيفة من نوكس فيري روز:
- يزيل الدهون الزهمية والشوائب المتراكمة؛
- ينظم عمل الغدد الدهنية؛
- يوفر تأثيرات منعشة ومضادة للالتهابات؛
- يمنع جفاف وشد البشرة؛
- يحتفظ بالرطوبة في عمق الخلايا، مانعًا فقدانها؛
- لا يخل بالتوازن الطبيعي لدرجة حموضة البشرة؛
- يقوي الحاجز الواقي الطبيعي للبشرة؛
- يقلل من أضرار الجذور الحرة.-
يُستخدم صباحاً ومساءً على بشرة الوجه المبللة، مع تجنب منطقة العينين. يُدلك بلطف ثم يُشطف بالماء الدافئ.
Nuxe Very Rose Light Cleansing Foam - رغوة تنظيف الوجه خفيفة الوزن
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My favorite foam is amazing, no matter how many others I try, I always come back to this Nuxe one. It is gentle and lightweight, making my face feel fresh and pleasant to touch. It cleanses well and leaves a nice feeling.
One of my favorites. I absolutely adore the scent and the brand's quality.
I really enjoy this product, it has a light and pleasant foam. I used to think that foams were not enough for effective cleansing, but my cosmetologist recommended switching to a lighter cleansing product and specifically suggested this foam.
I am satisfied with it, as it has a light and non-overpowering scent and it cleanses the skin nicely. Additionally, you can use a scrub once a week in combination with this foam for a more intense cleansing.
I really liked the Nuxe foam. It doesn't dry out my face and provides a gentle cleansing. The smell is pleasant, although a bit too strong.
Pleasant and light texture. Pleasant scent. Skin feels clean, yet not excessively dry.
It has a very pleasant scent and a lightweight texture. The skin feels very smooth after using it. I have been using it after removing my makeup with a two-phase product, so I'm not sure if it removes makeup. I have very dry skin, so I can't say if it moisturizes or dries it out. After washing, it feels like I need to further moisturize my skin with toner or cream.
What's disappointing is the large amount it requires. It seemed like one pump of foam would be enough to wash my face, but if you use it both in the morning and evening, the product will last for about 5-6 weeks.
This facial foam is amazing and gentle. I use it in the morning during my cleansing routine. However, it doesn't effectively remove makeup, so it's better to choose something else for the evening. It lasts for a long time.
The foam is very pleasant, both in texture and in scent (which made me very happy because it's rose, and it's incredibly pleasant here). It doesn't dry out the skin, gently cleanses, and gives a nice complexion.
The foam is superb :)
This foam cleanser is amazing! It doesn't dry out the skin, effectively cleanses, is economical to use, and has a pleasant scent.
I received the package and immediately used the foam, and I was surprised because after the first application (a small amount, literally one press), my skin was cleansed to a pleasant squeak. Previously, the foams and cleansers that I had been using didn't clean as well, so I had to wash my face twice. Afterward, there is no feeling of tightness or dryness. I have very sensitive combination skin, but after the first use, I am satisfied. Let's see how it behaves going forward.
This foam is incredible! For the first time in a long time, I have found a product that does not dry out or tighten my skin after washing! I am very satisfied!
I am purchasing this foam cleanser for the second time. Normally, I only repurchase about 10% of my cosmetics. It is gentle but provides a deep cleansing effect. This is important for those with oily and combination skin types, but it may feel slightly tightening for other skin types. Therefore, moisturizing or nourishing the skin after cleansing is necessary (I use the Cosrx serum with acids and Vitamin C - Vitamin C Booster Serum).
Of course, this is not a cleansing oil or balm for removing makeup. But if I wear minimal makeup, without lots of concealers and heavy foundation or BB cream, it does remove the makeup. For this purpose, I use the Wellderma sponge (the best out of more than 10 sponges I have tried for cleansing). I believe it truly helps remove makeup with any product.
The cleansing foam is very gentle. I have combination skin, sometimes I have breakouts, and my pores on the nose often get clogged. Using only the foam as a cleansing step is not enough. However, it is truly delicate and soft. I will think twice before repurchasing. I bought it in Europe and have been using it for a month.
I really like this foam cleanser! I have thin, sensitive, and reactive skin prone to breakouts. This cleanser does a great job of cleansing (especially when used after hydrophilic oil or balm for makeup removal), without drying out my skin or leaving my face red. I have tried many other cleansers from Korea, pharmacies, and professional brands, but this foam cleanser is the perfect fit for me!
The scent is simply amazing, even though lately I have been avoiding rose scents wherever they may be, but here it is completely different. You can buy it just for the fragrance alone.
I have always been afraid to use foams because they tend to dry out the skin more than gels, but this one turned out to be very gentle and delicate, while still providing a good cleansing experience. Before this, I used a gel from Vichy and it seemed like my face wasn't completely clean. I have combination skin with slight flakiness on my nose and cheeks, which in certain areas are prone to dermatitis, and in others - to acne and blackheads. Well, this foam did not cause any irritations or new breakouts, and it did not over-dry the dry areas. It won't work miracles on the skin, but its task is simply to cleanse well, and it does that job well.
This is my favorite scent from Nuxe. This rose is so delicious and sweet, it makes me want to constantly wash my face to feel the fragrance. The effect of using the foam is superb. I highly recommend it to everyone.
I'm a big fan of Nuxe, especially their 48H Hydrating Cream and their Reve de Miel Cleansing Gel (I've already used up three bottles). They are perfect for their price. To add some variety, I decided to try their foam cleanser. It's really good. It's gentler than the gel, so I use it in the morning and the gel at night. The foam is soft, pleasant, and doesn't dry out my skin (I have normal to dry skin). I'm not sure how long it will last, but one pump is more than enough for me.