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ماركة: Byphasse
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: قناع للوجه
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف, تنظيف الجسم من السموم
نوع قناع الوجه: فخار
المكونات: الجلسرين, الطين, فيتامين e
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ميدل ماركت
نوع البشرة: دهني, مختلط
بلد: اسبانيا
صنع في: اسبانيا
إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل في البشرة، فهذا دليل واضح على أنه حان الوقت للتخلص من السموم. خاصة إذا كنت تعيش في مدينة كبيرة حيث يكون التعرض للتلوث في أعلى مستوياته. يقصد خبراء العناية بالبشرة بالتخلص من السموم إزالة الشوائب البيئية التي قد تؤدي إلى الجفاف وتلف حاجز البشرة والشيخوخة المبكرة. إذا كنت تبحث عن منتج يمكنه مساعدة بشرتك على التخلص من السموم الضارة في وقت قصير، فكر في قناع الطين ديتوكس من Byphasse كخيار جدير بالاهتمام.
فوائد قناع الطين ديتوكس من Byphasse:
- مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة؛
- يوفر تنظيفًا عميقًا للمسام؛
- ينظم إنتاج الزهم؛
- يعيد بناء الحاجز الواقي للبشرة؛
- يساعد في تقليل علامات الالتهاب؛
- يجعل البشرة ناعمة وملساء؛
- يضفي إشراقة و توهجًا؛
- يحارب الجذور الحرة؛
- مصنوع من 90% من مكونات طبيعية؛
- تم اختباره من قبل أطباء الجلدية.-
ضعي القناع على وجه نظيف واتركيه لمدة 15-20 دقيقة. اشطفي جيدًا بكمية وفيرة من الماء الدافئ.
Byphasse Detox Clay Mask - قناع الوجه ديتوكس
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Immediately after using the mask, my skin starts to peel horribly, and I have to intensely fight against it for over a week using cloths, exfoliators, and creams. Almost the entire jar is left, and it will be thrown away. Money wasted.
This mask is great! It doesn't spread or leak. It removes toxins from the skin, slightly smooths and tightens it, leaving it very smooth and pleasant to the touch afterwards. It suits my combination skin.
There is nothing special about it.
At first, when I bought the mask, it was fine. But then it seemed to separate and turned into lumps with water, even when shaking the tube, you could hear squelching. I didn't dare to continue using it. I have another one from this series, the green one, and with that one, everything is fine.
This is an ordinary mask.
I bought this product based on the reviews, and I am not disappointed. This mask is incredible!
The mask effectively cleanses and minimizes pores. The texture is somewhat peculiar, being thick and containing clay lumps, but this does not affect its quality at all. Overall, it is a truly worthy product for combination skin.
For such a price and volume, the mask is excellent.
This mask is really great. The skin feels pleasant to the touch after using it. It doesn't cause any irritations. I will definitely buy it again!
The mask applies smoothly on the skin without any tightness, leaving the face brighter and fresher. I'm not sure about its cleansing properties, but it definitely minimized the pores. Works well for combination skin.
The mask is good; it effectively cleanses the pores and improves the skin's health.
There was no sticker, meaning it was already opened... But the mask itself is good. After the first use, it noticeably cleared the pores and slightly calmed down breakouts.
I really liked this mask. It effectively cleanses the pores, leaving the skin brighter and well-nourished. I am thrilled.
The mask is really great! It effectively cleanses, moisturizes, and tones the skin. I highly recommend it.
I really like the masks from this manufacturer. They have a pleasant scent and a nice texture. I have a couple more masks from this manufacturer, and they don't cause any allergies.
This mask effectively cleanses the pores, providing excellent results. After using it, the skin truly feels refreshed and renewed.
The mask cleanses effectively.
This product is simply perfect for problematic skin. It worked really well for my husband and had a great effect.
"My favorite mask, it truly revitalizes my skin. It doesn't cause any inflammations and doesn't clog pores. It effectively cleanses and improves the complexion. Overall, it's amazing!"
This mask is pleasant to use as it applies and washes off easily. The sensation after using the mask is soft, cleansed, and moisturized skin. It lasts a long time if used 1-2 times a week.