كريم مركز للبشرة الجافة والمتشققة لليدين Apivita Hypericum & Beeswax Dry-Chapped Hand Cream
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ماركة: Apivita
السلسلة: body
نوع المنتج: كريم لليدين
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية, تنظيف
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 50 ml
المكونات: البروبوليس, الجلسرين, الخزامى, بانثينول, زبدة الشيا, زيت الزيتون, فيتامينات
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: اليونان
صنع في: اليونان
كريم Apivita المركز سيكون مساعدك الأكبر في جعل بشرتك ناعمة وسلسة. صُمم هذا المنتج من قبل فريق محترف من اليونان خصيصًا لحالات الطوارئ، عندما تحتاج البشرة إلى استعادة سريعة وفعالة. سيكون استخدامه ذو أهمية خاصة بعد التعرض لمواد كيميائية قاسية، أو بعد التعرض الطويل لأشعة الشمس أو الصقيع. يحتوي المنتج على مستخلص نبتة القديس يوحنا، والفيتامينات A و E، وشمع العسل العضوي، ومستخلص اللافندر، وزيوت الشيا والزيتون.
فوائد كريم اليدين الجاف والمتشقق: Apivita Hypericum & Beeswax:
- يلين المناطق الخشنة من البشرة؛
- يقضي على الجفاف الزائد والتقشر؛
- يعزز مرونة البشرة الطبيعية؛
- يجعل البشرة ناعمة، سلسة ومخملية الملمس؛
- يحيد النشاط العدواني للجذور الحرة؛
- يسرع من شفاء الشقوق والإصابات البسيطة؛
- يستعيد التوازن الطبيعي للهيدروليبيد في البشرة؛
- يقضي على التهيج والالتهابات؛
- يحمي من العوامل البيئية المدمرة.-
يُوضَع على البشرة النظيفة والجافة.
Apivita Hypericum & Beeswax Dry-Chapped Hand Cream - كريم مركز للبشرة الجافة والمتشققة لليدين
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I really liked this cream. It stays on the skin for a long time and gives a silky feeling to the hands. The only thing I didn't like was the scent (menthol), but that's just a personal preference. I recommend giving it a try.
The negative aspect of this product is its strong scent, which resembles a concentrated men's shaving product. The smell lingers for a long time, making it unsuitable for use in the office. However, the cream truly nourishes the skin wonderfully, without leaving a greasy film. Plus, a little bit of this cream goes a long way as it has a low consumption rate. So far, it is definitely worth the money and I plan on buying it again in the future.
I recently bought this cream. The quality is excellent, it delivers everything that the manufacturer claims. This cream has been compared to L'Occitane, but in my opinion, it is even better than L'Occitane. Thank you to the store for providing a high-quality product!
I received this cream today. It was delivered from the EU. However, to my disappointment, the package was halfway empty! I had to squeeze almost the entire packaging in order to get the cream out. The cream packaging was not at all protected from being opened on the lid. It was just the cream in an envelope. I am very disappointed... For the price I paid and the amount of product I expected, I was hoping for better service.
The cream is really good, and it can be compared to L'Occitane. My dry hands are happy during the winter-heating period :)
The cream is excellent with a pleasant texture and long-lasting effect. The scent is very nice and luxurious.
The best hand cream I have ever tried, it is also great to use on dry elbows, knees, and heels.
The fragrance of this product is so overpowering that it prevented me from evaluating the cream's quality properly.
The cream is simply unparalleled. It brought my dry, aging skin of the hands back to a normal state in just one night. I wish I could find a similar cream that could work wonders on my face as well. Without exaggeration, my skin feels soft, pure white, and moisturized. In other words, it feels like baby's skin. It is worth every penny spent. I went to order another one, but it was already out of stock. I am eagerly waiting for it. It is a wonderful product, especially for winter. Thank you, Makeup!
This cream is fantastic! It lasts a long time and makes the skin on my hands soft and nourished. My hands are extremely dry, but this cream works wonders, and it has a great scent too! Thank you!
One of the best creams for damaged skin, it even heals cracks. And it also has a pleasant scent.
"This cream has become one of my favorites. Nature has blessed me with fairly sensitive skin, so I'm always on the lookout for cosmetics that suit me specifically. This cream is on par with L'Occitane. It has a soft, thick texture, absorbs quickly, and leaves my skin feeling moisturized. I highly recommend it."