معطف علوي من المطاط للأشعة فوق البنفسجية F.O.X Top Rubber Coat
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التصنيف: احترافية
بلد: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
صنع في: اوكرانيا
الحفاظ على أيدي مهندمة هو المفتاح لترك انطباع أول إيجابي، ويعتبر طلاء الجل حلاً موثوقًا لمن يعيشون نمط حياة نشط ولا يملكون الوقت لتجديد الطلاء الزخرفي كل بضعة أيام. لقد طورت العلامة التجارية الأمريكية المحترفة F.O.X مجموعة من المنتجات عالية الجودة التي ستساعدك في الحصول على مانيكير نظيف بشكل مثالي ويدوم بشكل رائع.
يجب استخدام الطبقة العلوية UV Rubber Top Coat، القائمة على أساس مطاطي، كطبقة نهائية بعد تطبيق طلاء الجل. يمتاز هذا المنتج بقوامه السميك والشفاف واللزج، مما يتيح تطبيقه بسهولة وبتساوٍ دون انتشار غير مرغوب فيه. يجف الطلاء بسرعة تحت مصباح UV أو جهاز LED، مما يخلق حاجزًا واقيًا كثيفًا ومضادًا للماء ليمنح أظافرك اللمعان المثالي والمتانة المطلوبة.
1. بعد وضع طلاء الجل الملون، غطي كامل سطح صفيحة الظفر باستخدام الطبقة العلوية المطاطية.
2. عالجيها باستخدام مصباح UV لمدة دقيقتين، أو مصباح LED/UV لمدة 30-60 ثانية.
3. انتظري حتى تبرد صفيحة الظفر قبل وضع زيت الجلد المحيط بالأظافر.
Probably the worst top coat in my collection! When I was choosing a rubbery top coat, I expected it to be thick, viscous, self-leveling, and so on. But when I received it, I was disappointed with its consistency! It is very liquid, flows off the brush like water, seeps under the cuticle and side crevices, and it's simply impossible to even out the coverage with it! In short, girls, I do not recommend buying it. P.S. I did not order it from this seller.
The worst top coat I have ever tried. It bubbles, even though no one is shaking the bottle, and I apply it very carefully with a brush. It is very liquid, instantly dulls and turns yellow. The only positive thing is that it doesn't chip, but it looks terrible.
I was disappointed with this top coat. I ordered two bottles of 12 ml each and now I regret spending my money on it! I do not recommend it because it bubbles up A LOT! It is also liquidy, which makes it uncomfortable to apply on the nail plate. It gives a yellowish tint, which is very noticeable on white nail polish. However, I am satisfied with the service, delivery, and packaging.
I definitely liked it! Previously, I used PNB 2in1, and in comparison, this one is a very good top. It doesn't wear off, doesn't chip, and applies smoothly without any gaps. I am satisfied. Plus, it has a fairly large volume, which is more than enough for a home user.
The top coat is more suitable for professionals rather than beginners. It has a moderate consistency, which allows it to quickly flow if worn for a long time. However, it does not crack or become cloudy, and it leaves a shine on the nails even after extended wear. I highly recommend it!
The light-colored nail polishes tend to yellow and wear off quickly within 1.5 weeks of wear. However, they do not crack or chip. All other top coats from this brand create a web-like pattern on soft natural nails, with occasional chipping. In general, these top coats only perform well on hands that are kept in "protected" conditions.
This top is excellent and prevents yellowing. It works well with dark gels and leaves no haze. I highly recommend it to everyone!