واقي الشمس للبشرة الدهنية والمختلطة Dermedic Sunbrella Sun Protection Cream Oily and Combination SPF50
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ماركة: Dermedic
السلسلة: sunbrella
نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه, كريم واقي من الشمس
خصائص المنتج: حماية من الشمس
مستوى الحماية: spf 50
المكونات: البابونج, الجلسرين, القراص, الكستناء الحصانية, اللانتوين, جوز الهند, حمض الساليسيليك, مستخلصات نباتية
وقت التطبيق: نهاري
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
نوع البشرة: دهني, مختلط
بلد: بولندا
صنع في: بولندا
كريم الحماية من الشمس ديرميديك صن بريلا SPF50 - واقي شمس عالي الجودة يجعل وقتك تحت الشمس أكثر متعة من خلال العناية ببشرتك الحساسة. يتميز هذا المنتج بخصائص تنظيم الزهم، مما يمنع الجفاف ويقضي على الدهون الزائدة، ليضفي على بشرتك مظهراً مشرقاً.
يتمتع الكريم بسهولة التطبيق ويمتص بشكل ممتاز دون أن يترك أي بقايا لزجة على البشرة. تحتوي تركيبته الفعّالة على مكونات مغذية تحافظ على توازن الرطوبة المثالي، وتوفر تأثيرات مهدئة ومريحة ومجددة للبشرة. بفضل عامل الحماية العالي من الشمس، سيمنع هذا الكريم الحروق والاحمرار، ليحافظ على بشرتك ناعمة وحريرية بشكل مثالي.
ضع الكمية المطلوبة على البشرة قبل التعرض لأشعة الشمس مباشرة وقم بتوزيعها بالتساوي بحركات تدليك لطيفة.
I bought it in Poland. It comes in a 50ml volume and only a small amount is needed for application. The cream is not bad, but not suitable for everyday use. It has a slightly greasy texture, which gives a shine to the skin. It is difficult to wash off and may leave residue in the pores. The ingredients list is quite peculiar: it contains a lot of beneficial extracts, but also a number of potentially toxic and allergenic substances. There are fragrances in it, although the scent is light. It could have been better for dermatological cosmetics.
The cream is not bad, but not suitable for the face. Although I don't have very oily skin, after applying the cream, my face feels sticky and shiny. Then, my hair sticks to it. Meh.
I received a sample for oily and combination skin as a gift. I really liked this cream. It suited me very well. The amount in the sample was enough to apply on my face four times. It seemed to revive my skin, giving it a fresh, smooth, and bright appearance. No breakouts or irritations whatsoever. The effect and protection are excellent. I am very satisfied and will purchase it. Thank you, Makeup.
The product was not suitable for oily skin with post-acne. After application, it made my face greasy and did not provide any mattifying effect. In fact, it clogged my pores.
This cream is simply terrible. It is greasy and does not absorb at all. Furthermore, it even caused pigmented spots to appear, so it clearly fails to fulfill its function, unfortunately.
Good cream, but keep in mind that it's not necessary to apply a lot of it since it has a quite greasy consistency! But I am satisfied with it!
This is a very good cream for oily problem skin. I took a long time to choose it. It is perfect for spring and summer, so I'm getting a new one for autumn.
The cream is quite "heavy" for my oily skin. I should consider looking into gel textures.
The cream is quite greasy, even though it is stated to be suitable for oily skin, my face becomes oily after just half an hour. The scent is strong and quite unique. It may be suitable for winter, but I don't think it would work well for summer. I believe it is more suitable for normal skin rather than oily or combination skin.