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ماركة: Biorepair
السلسلة: oral care
نوع المنتج: معجون الأسنان
خصائص المنتج: تقوية, تنظيف
الحجم: 75 ml
المكونات: زنك, فيتامين e
نكهة: نعناع
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للأطفال
التصنيف: احترافية
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
اختيار معجون الأسنان المناسب للأطفال الذي يكون فعالاً وآمناً في الوقت نفسه أمر بالغ الأهمية. لمنع تطور أمراض الفم والتهاب اللثة، من الضروري توفير العناية المناسبة لأسنان طفلك الناشئة منذ عمر مبكر. خط منتجات العناية الصحية من الشركة الإيطالية BioRepair هو خيار ممتاز لكل من البالغين والأطفال.
قام خبراء BioRepair بتطوير معجون الأسنان جونيور خصيصاً للأطفال من سن 6 سنوات وما فوق، والذي لا يحتوي على أي مكونات ضارة ويعتبر آمناً تماماً. يشمل هذا المعجون مكونات مفيدة وعلاجية تؤثر بشكل إيجابي على المينا واللثة. يقوم معجون الأسنان بتنظيف وتقوية الأسنان بشكل ممتاز. كما يتميز بخصائص وقائية ويوفر حماية قصوى ضد البكتيريا، ويخفف من مختلف الالتهابات، ويمنح نفساً منعشاً. بفضل الرائحة والطعم اللطيفين لمعجون الأسنان، سيستمتع طفلك بتنظيف أسنانه!
فوائد معجون الأسنان BioRepair جونيور: - لا يحتوي على مكونات ضارة ويعتبر آمناً تماماً. - يشمل مكونات مفيدة وعلاجية للمينا واللثة. - ينظف ويقوي الأسنان بشكل ممتاز. - يوفر حماية قصوى ضد البكتيريا. - يخفف من مختلف الالتهابات. - يمنح نفساً منعشاً. - يتميز برائحة وطعم لذيذين، مما يجعل تنظيف الأسنان تجربة ممتعة لطفلك.-
ضع كمية صغيرة من معجون الأسنان على فرشاة الأسنان. قم بتفريش الأسنان بحركة دائرية مع تدليك اللثة برفق. اغسل الفم بكمية قليلة من الماء واحتفظ بها لمدة 20-30 ثانية.
BioRepair Junior - معجون أسنان للأطفال من 6 إلى 12 سنة
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This toothpaste is great, and I have been buying it not for the first time. My son is 8 years old and has yellow plaque on his teeth that is difficult to clean. This toothpaste is one of the very few that managed to solve this problem! I highly recommend it.
It foams well and my daughter likes it.
Good toothpaste. The child uses it with pleasure, it has a pleasant taste.
We are buying it not for the first time. Everything is great, and the child likes it.
The product has a good composition and a pleasant, soft minty taste. We have been using it for a week. It cleans well, and the children like it.
Great, my child liked it.
Quality toothpaste, my child likes it, thank you!
This toothpaste for children is excellent. My son recommended it, and he is an orthodontist.
I really like it! Even the dentist noticed that the teeth have become cleaner. My child enjoys brushing with pleasure.
This toothpaste is of high quality and my child really likes it.
I'm sorry to say that the toothpaste didn't work well for my child as it seemed to cause white spots on their teeth.
The pasta is of high quality, but unfortunately it turned out to be too minty for me. This information is for adults who use children's toothpaste because the adult one is overloaded with mint and menthol. I will go back to using the berry-flavored toothpaste, which is better for me.
All Biorepair toothpastes are great, and this one is no exception! It is a fantastic toothpaste with a good composition and effect. It is gentle and does not cause any discomfort.
Good toothpaste. Good composition. We temporarily switched to another toothpaste and our child developed tooth sensitivity. We went back to BioRepair and everything was gone in 2 days. We like this brand and use their adult line of products.
I constantly buy it for my son, and I am satisfied with it.
This toothpaste is excellent and of high quality. My child enjoys brushing their teeth with it.
I am very satisfied with this toothpaste. It gradually removed the plaque when used with an electric toothbrush, and my son no longer refuses to brush his teeth because of its taste, unlike many other serious toothpastes.
The child has been using it for over a year now, and they really like it.
This toothpaste is really good. My child likes it. Our pediatric dentist recommended it. The delivery was fast, thank you, makeup.
We have been buying this product not for the first time, and our child really likes it.
My 7-year-old child really enjoys it. The quality is excellent, and it tastes very pleasant. I highly recommend it.
I really liked this toothpaste. I have tried both Colgate and Lacalut before, but my kids didn't enjoy brushing their teeth with them. However, both my younger child (this is the same brand but for a different age) and my older child now clean their teeth with pleasure using this toothpaste. What's more, when I looked at their teeth after using other toothpastes, there was some residue left, and even the dentist told me that their teeth were slightly yellowish. I thought maybe it was just their natural teeth color. But as it turned out, it was all because of the toothpaste. After using it for a few times, their teeth became whiter. It's really great, and I will continue using it. Thank you, Makeup, for the fast delivery.
I have purchased this toothpaste multiple times. My child really enjoys it.
This toothpaste is great. Thanks to it, we got rid of the gray plaque on our children's teeth.
The toothpaste is great, my child likes the taste, it's good, it doesn't run with water when cleaning with an electric toothbrush. It has low consumption. We have ordered it multiple times.
The pasta is good, and a tube lasts a long time. The price is affordable.
The best toothpaste for my children. It removes plaque better than any other toothpaste. And the kids really like it.
This product didn't work for my child. After six months of use, a white spot appeared on their permanent tooth. The dentist said that the enamel was damaged and it was the beginning of tooth decay. Now we have to restore it.
Best pasta. I highly recommend it! Thank you for the fast and free delivery!
Best toothpaste for a 7-year-old child. Teeth have become whiter and stronger. Thanks to our dentist for recommending it. This toothpaste really works!
I bought it based on the reviews. After a while, my child's teeth started to accumulate more and more plaque. I was shocked. We didn't change anything in our diet. I had to use a whitening toothpaste to remove it.
The pasta is excellent. I bought it based on the reviews, and I was not disappointed. I am thinking of purchasing another one for adults.
Great toothpaste. Our doctor recommended it to us. Our son started getting white spots on his enamel, and the enamel itself wasn't in the best condition, plus there was plaque on his teeth.
The toothpaste did a great job with its task. In addition, our teeth have become less sensitive.
A separate big thank you to the store. Everything was fast, responsible, and the price was very affordable.
My 9-year-old daughter's favorite toothpaste. It cleans her teeth superbly. The feeling of cleanliness is incomparable to any other children's toothpaste. I've tried it myself.
This pasta is absolutely amazing! My child is satisfied, and the result is incredible!
I am very satisfied with this toothpaste. Before, I used Splat and Roks, but they can't compare to it. I'm not the only one who noticed that my child's teeth have become whiter.
This is a great toothpaste that I buy three times. It has a pleasant and light minty taste that children enjoy using with pleasure.
This pasta is just my 9-year-old daughter's favorite. It has a soft minty and quite sweet taste. She never even wanted to hear about minty pastas before. As for the brand of pasta - both of our pediatric dentists highly recommend it.
This is an excellent toothpaste. We have tried many different brands, including more expensive ones, but this one is the best. The most important thing is to teach your child how to brush their teeth correctly and how to position the toothbrush properly.
We purchased this toothpaste for our 12-year-old daughter on the recommendation of our dentist. We have been using it for 2 months now. We really like this toothpaste as it effectively removes plaque and has a pleasant taste. Our daughter's teeth have started to look better since using it. I highly recommend it to caring mothers who are looking to make a purchase.
My son is 8 years old and he really likes it.
My child is thrilled with this toothpaste. They started cleaning their teeth more often with this paste. It has a pleasant taste, and I like the composition of the toothpaste. Thank you.
My little one is delighted with the taste of the toothpaste! Now he cleans his teeth with pleasure. Thank you, MakeUp, for such a variety.