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- كيفية الاستخدام
يحتوي المنتج المقدم على مستخلصات نباتية وعناصر غذائية مفيدة ومواد خاصة من بتلات الورد، التي تُنعش البشرة وترطبها بشكل لطيف. ماء الورد النقي والطبيعي من KTC مع خلاصة الورد ينشط الطاقة ويفعل عمليات التجديد في البشرة. يساعد في استعادة توازن الماء والزيوت، ويوحد لون البشرة وينظف المسام بعمق. يمكن استخدام ماء الورد لتنظيف البشرة بلطف حول العينين، وجعل بشرة الوجه ناعمة وملساء بشكل استثنائي، ومكافحة العلامات الأولى للشيخوخة.
هناك العديد من الفوائد الرائعة لماء الورد في انتظارك لتجربتها. إن فوائد هذا المنتج ورائحته الفريدة التي لا تقاوم ستأسر قلبك.
Apply to a cotton pad and wipe the cleansed skin of the face and body in the morning and evening before going to bed.
This product is not at all what I expected. It claims to be a moisturizing tonic, but it is actually very weak in terms of providing hydration. I often choose cosmetics with rose extracts, but this one is just average. If there are absolutely no other options available, then it might be worth considering. However, considering the wide range of choices on this website, it is possible to find better alternatives.
The scent is rich, suitable for facial cleansing, but nothing extraordinary.
To be honest, nothing special about it, but maybe it's just not suitable for my skin. The feeling of cleanliness and softness fades away after a couple of hours.
Interesting product. I couldn't find any reviews in Ukraine, but there are plenty of positive ones on foreign websites. Some even use this water in food - a bit extreme for me. The scent is a combination of rose and lemon acidity. The bottle is made of glass, filled to the brim with a lid protection mechanism and contains sediment. I use it as a tonic in the morning and evening. Of course, Bulgarian rose waters are much better, but considering the price-quality ratio, I would give it five stars. I have attached a photo of the ingredients.
The scent is enchanting, very nice. The bottle is filled almost to the brim. So far, I like everything.