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ماركة: Lirene
السلسلة: foot&hands
نوع المنتج: قناع للأقدام
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تقشير, تليين
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 17 ml
المكونات: يوريا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: بولندا
صنع في: الاتحاد الاوروبي
يقدم قناع القدم الجورب المقشر من Lirene تقشيرًا شاملاً وفعالاً لأكثر أنواع البشرة خشونة في باطن قدميك. يزيل خلايا الجلد الميتة بشكل مثالي، مما يعزز عملية تجديد الجلد المكثفة.
تحتوي تركيبة الجل النقعي على أحماض الفاكهة التي تعمل كمقشر طبيعي لطيف وفعال دون إلحاق الضرر بالجلد. يحافظ مزيج الزيوت على التوازن المائي الصحيح للبشرة، مما يوفر للأنسجة جميع العناصر الدقيقة الضرورية. يقوم اليوريا بترطيب خلايا الجلد بعمق، مما يمنع جفافها وتقشرها. وتترك المستخلصات العشبية وزيت جوز الهند قدميك ناعمة كالحرير وملساء للغاية.
1. اغسل قدميك وجففهما تمامًا قبل العلاج.
2. افتح العبوة وأخرج الجوارب.
3. ارتدِ الجوارب واتركها لمدة 40-60 دقيقة. ثم اخلع الجوارب واشطف قدميك بالماء.
Lirene - قناع - جوارب مقشرة للقدمين
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The skin started peeling off after about a week. It didn't work on calluses, it only removed the normal skin. One major drawback: it caused my toenails to become soft, and there are still white streaks left (it wasn't painful, but my nails now look awful), and this happened even though I kept it on for 5 minutes less than the recommended time.
I wanted to write a detailed review later with photos and a comparison of "before/after," but I just tried them on and gave them 2 stars. As it turns out, according to the manufacturer's opinion, people with wide feet/large sizes (regardless of gender) are not their target audience. Although it's not the makeup's fault that the manufacturer decided this way, it would have been worth adding in the product description that these socks fit a MAXIMUM foot size of 27.5 cm and are NARROW. There are other brands that believe that people with large feet also deserve similar spa procedures in the comfort of their own home, and I believe it's better to give them preference. Whatever the result may be from these socks, I will never buy them again and will not recommend them to anyone.
I didn't like it at all. I have used similar products from other brands before. Within a week, chunks started to come off. And with this mask, all I got was dryness and flakiness. It has been 2 weeks already. I have tried steaming, rubbing, and scrubbing. I do not recommend it.
I read reviews before buying, and some say that the socks are not effective. I tried them, and everything is fine, after 4 days the skin started to peel. Excellent product!
I highly recommend this product! (Sorry for the photo, but you need to see it). I have been using similar socks for many years, and it is very difficult to find ones that actually work.
I kept them on for 1 hour and 20 minutes, after properly steaming my feet beforehand. The only downside is that the socks are too big for size 38, so you need to cut them in a way that only the foot fits.
After putting them on, I massaged my feet nicely. I also recommend folding them over at the top and lightly taping them to prevent them from slipping off (if you plan on walking in them during this time). Additionally, wearing warm socks on top is a good idea because your feet might get cold, and it will help the socks fit better.
After a week, I started to see results. It is advisable to steam your feet and gently scrub them with a pumice stone for three days, but not when they are dry!
There was a slight tingling sensation towards the end of the procedure, but it was not significant at all.
I purchased a product with honey extract. The scent is extremely chemical and unpleasant. I couldn't bear it for more than 30 minutes, it felt like burning. It is very inconvenient to open, almost impossible. There is no closure mechanism. After 30 minutes, I took it off and my feet continued to burn for a long time. The skin started peeling off, even after two weeks. I completely forgot about it. I had to soak it and use a file to help remove the peeling skin. And even now, there are still some small patches of skin left. I will never buy it again and I don't recommend it to anyone.
I wear size 36 and have a high arch. These socks are huge and have a low arch. They are difficult to open. I wore them for 60 minutes. Even after 7 days, my skin was peeling off in fragments and very poorly. I had to soak my feet and use a file. I have used exfoliating socks before, but these are the worst.
I bought socks for my husband and myself. They were a bit small for his size 46 feet. However, I trimmed them and we wore them. The manufacturer probably assumes that only women will use them. We wore them for the same amount of time, following the recommendations. On the fourth day, my husband's skin started peeling off, and the effect was great, but I didn't notice any effect even on the fourth day or after a week. I wonder why. My husband says maybe there was nothing for them to work on. Maybe that's true, since he had a lot of rough skin and it all started peeling off.
I highly recommend it! This is the coolest mask. I ordered it for my husband, and after 5-7 days, his skin started peeling off. I also used it myself and got the same effect.
It has been 7 days and... nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. I kept it under my sock for 60 minutes.
I ordered these socks for my husband. They were, of course, too small for his size 44.5 feet. However, he refused to cut them and managed to squeeze his toes in for an hour. The whole process went as people wrote in the comments here. After 3 days, his skin started to peel. Every evening, we soaked his feet in a footbath and applied cream overnight. The skin did peel off quite a lot and could be found all over the apartment, but we were satisfied with the result. The calloused skin on his heels and big toes didn't completely come off, but overall, the appearance is much better. I recommend them!
Based on my experience, this is the only mask of its kind that actually works. It will help everyone regardless of the condition of their feet. It's perfect for the summer. However, be prepared that two weeks after using these socks, you will shed skin flakes like a snake. I see some reviews here saying that girls keep the product on for several hours. Girls, please love and take care of yourselves. According to the instructions, you should wear the socks for 40-60 minutes and definitely not longer. Using such products for a longer period can cause serious chemical burns.
I am very satisfied with this excellent foot mask.
I am experiencing a very cool effect from these socks.
This is the first time I've used a foot mask like this, but I left it on my feet overnight, so after about 3-4 days, it started to peel. It's quite intense, you can now find me by the skin remnants on my feet. The downside is that the skin is peeling off, but not where the main problem was on my soles, so I added some cream, and it feels like my feet are alternating between hot and cold. You can buy it just for fun if you enjoy that feeling of removing sun-kissed skin.
Not perfect, but there is a result.
Before, I tried a mask from a different manufacturer - it was completely ineffective.
I kept this mask on for almost an hour and a half, there was no burning sensation, just a "cooling effect". Around the 5th day, peeling started, but unfortunately, the most problematic areas didn't show any significant changes.
I always used to buy this foot scrub because it was the most effective one. This time, the mask came in a new packaging, but there was no effect at all...(((( I do not recommend it. I will now look for other products for exfoliation.
I have mixed feelings and experience with this mask. I didn't experience a single layer of peeling on my feet; instead, the peeling process was uneven. The instructions state that mechanical tools should not be used for peeling or removing dead cells. But how do they expect this peeling process to happen? Are we supposed to walk around for three weeks with ragged feet? When the peeling process started, I couldn't wait any longer and did a pedicure using mechanical tools. Only then did everything normalize and my feet looked nice. Conclusion: I have a very ambiguous experience with this mask. You need to have time and patience to endure several weeks of skin peeling. Never use it during the summer (when open-toed shoes are worn).
I have been using this product for several years and I am very pleased with the results. I follow the instructions and after 5 days, the peeling process begins. Thank you to Makeup for their good prices, fast delivery, and polite couriers.
The best exfoliating mask. This time it comes in a new packaging.
This product is amazing! I regularly buy it in the spring when I need to get my heels in order. The first time I was disappointed because I thought there would be no result, but it actually starts working after about three days. The skin becomes whiter and smoother, and after a week, my heels are guaranteed to be soft and gentle. It doesn't burn, and it's pleasant to relax on the couch with my husband while wearing socks, and the results are fantastic.
The result is truly excellent – a solid 5 out of 5. I am highly satisfied with it. I will definitely purchase it again.
I followed the instructions exactly as stated. It lasted for an hour, but after a few days, the skin started peeling off for about a week. My feet felt incredibly smooth afterwards, like after a salon treatment. Definitely a 5 out of 5 rating, I've purchased it multiple times already.
Do people not understand that the effect is not permanent? You do walk, after all, and your skin becomes rough again. I would recommend doing it once a month, no more frequently.
Overall, there was no result, unfortunately. Even though I followed the instructions by wearing warm socks and steaming my feet in warm water for several consecutive days, and applying cream, there was still no improvement.
Not the best, but the effect is good. I put on bags on my toes and warm socks on top. It felt like it was smeared with menthol, but it was tolerable. The skin only started peeling on the fifth day and continued to shed for another week.
I tried it on myself and my husband. It works! On the third day, my husband's skin started peeling (even though he kept his feet in hot water) and mine on the fifth day. He felt a burning sensation in his socks, but I didn't. However, we both remained satisfied.
The mask is amazing! I have tried other similar ones, but this one performs the best with its functions, so I only buy this one. I use it once a month. The results on my feet after using it are simply wow!
The mask works. Dead skin started peeling off on the fourth day. I liked the effect!
It is advisable to secure the socks so that they do not come into contact with thin and delicate skin, as it can cause burns (due to the presence of acids). To everyone who sends photos with a "chemical burn," I advise thoroughly steaming your feet after 4-5 days, as the hardened layer itself will not peel off, we only contribute to this process. I am satisfied with the effect and have been using it not for the first time.
You should be prepared for certain inconveniences. My feet get hot and uncomfortable when wearing these socks. Sometimes I can't stand it for more than 20 minutes. Afterwards, my skin starts peeling, but if I use a moisturizer during the skin renewal process, everything quickly goes away.
It's unfortunate to read negative reviews because this product is truly effective. Of course, it works best when used with closed-toe shoes, especially during the summer. When my skin started to peel, I used foot soaks every evening, which significantly helped remove the old skin and calluses without the need for brushes or pumice stones. The results are really satisfying, so I took advantage of a promotion and bought several more, which I now use regularly.
I experienced a chemical burn from using this product. After 15 minutes, my feet started to feel a strong burning sensation. I took off the socks and noticed that my feet were red. I washed off the product, but the redness did not go away. For 3 days, my feet were severely peeling and had a red color. The skin felt as if it had been burned.
One of the most affordable options in its segment and works effectively. I am completely satisfied with it.
I used them for an hour and the effect was noticeable. My skin peeled off and my feet felt as soft as a baby's! There were no burns, everything was great. I wouldn't recommend using them in the summer though, as your feet might look unappealing when they start peeling.
Very weak. It barely, almost reluctantly, peels off the skin after a week. I used to buy Korean socks, now that's where the effect is, the skin falls off in patches. But these ones...a light version for beginners.
It's okay. I didn't witness any miracles here. I kept it on for almost an hour after taking a bath. Only after five days did my skin start to crack after steaming it, and for three days, it slightly peeled and refreshed, but overall, not much changed. I was expecting it to be very scary and then very beautiful, but no. Maybe the second attempt will be better.
Girls, this product is amazing! I initially bought it for 150 UAH, but then I found it on sale in another store for 57 UAH and bought 5 of them! The effect is even better than after a pedicure, it perfectly softens rough skin. Yes, the process of peeling takes about 5 days and it's not the most pleasant, but the result is totally worth it. This is simply a masterpiece for anyone who constantly deals with dry or rough skin on their feet.
Immediately after using the mask, you won't feel any noticeable results, but within 5-7 days, all the old skin on your feet will peel off (those who haven't read the instructions might be slightly shocked). However, the end result is truly amazing. Your skin becomes incredibly soft. The process is not fast at all, meaning you'll have to wait around two weeks after applying the mask, but the results last for a long time.
The mask didn't work for me. Not only did it fail to deliver results, but it also further dried out my skin. I won't be purchasing it again.
I tried this product for the first time (I had heard many positive reviews about Korean foot socks). I kept them on for 40 minutes (I was a bit scared to keep them longer). I did the procedure in March. After the procedure, the skin on my feet became soft, and at first, I didn't understand what was happening. But after a week, I was shocked and scared. The skin on my feet started peeling off in huge chunks. The process was unusual and unpleasant. However, the results were amazing. I am a fan of pedicure using a razor. I forgot about it for 3 months, and my feet were as smooth as a baby's. I will definitely do this procedure again as soon as I start wearing closed shoes. I recommend this product, but only if you have time and don't need to wear open shoes.
After considering all the recommendations and using this product, I must say it was a complete waste of money. It had absolutely no effect.
Amazing! Before using it, I steamed my feet. I walked for an hour and a half. On the fourth day, I went on a hot trip. On the fifth day, I steamed my feet again and the effect is stunning. It peels off so smoothly! I constantly apply nourishing cream. My feet are delicate. These socks are absolutely fantastic! I will definitely buy them.
The effect is amazing! I bought it for the first time, never used anything like this before. Like the girls below wrote, nothing happens in the first few days after application, and I forgot about it afterwards.
But after about a week, I decided to take a hot bath and during the process, I saw my feet - I thought I was dying))) Layers of skin were peeling off, I got quite scared. I peeled off tons of dead skin, it took a couple more days to get rid of the remnants in the roughest areas, and voila - baby-like feet!!
I kept the mask on for 2 hours, next time I plan to keep it on for less.
Unfortunately, the mask did not work on the areas where the skin had become very rough.
I have used these acid socks several times. The first time I wore them for 1.5 hours, and although there was an effect, it was not quite as expected. The next time, I soaked my feet and then wore the socks for 2 hours, following the recommendation of a friend who has been using similar masks for a long time. After about five days, my skin started peeling off in patches for about 5-7 days, which was expected and not a big deal. During the peeling days, I would soak my feet a little, massage them, and apply moisturizing cream. The effect was amazing, as the skin on my soles became soft and smooth, and all the rough areas were cleared. I will definitely buy them again. I highly recommend them.
This is just a nightmare. Yes, it does have an effect, my skin is peeling off for the third day already. But these "hairy" legs are just horrifying! Thank God, I can still wear closed shoes, otherwise it would be a disaster. No matter what the result is, I am not willing to achieve it at such a cost. I definitely would not have used it if I had known in advance that it looks so unaesthetic.
She delivers everything that is promised. However, the effect only kicks in after four days.
I used the foot masks and completely forgot that I had done the procedure. I thought it didn't work on me anymore. But suddenly, more than a week later, my feet started itching and peeling very slowly, and it took a long time and was quite annoying. It didn't peel off well on my heels and the areas where the skin is slightly rougher. I have a feeling that I need to keep them on for much longer than an hour.
Nothing came off my heels at all, only in those areas where there was a thin layer of calloused skin. Perhaps this will work for someone, but definitely not for everyone.
Excellent. The effect is not even 5 stars, but 10 stars.
A great alternative to a pedicure during quarantine. It removes layers of skin that you didn't even realize were there.
The only downside is that you have to constantly wear socks and sleep in them for about a week because this skin peels off in large pieces.
It's better to use it before sandal season.
The product is effective on me.
With this mask, my skin started peeling off completely. The process began on the 4th (or 5th) day. I kept it on for 60 minutes.
Perhaps it varies for everyone, as I have previously tried 2 different Korean peels, one worked while the other did not work at all.
The effect of this product is mediocre, so I would rate it a three out of five. It worked well as a peeling treatment for the area around the fingers, but I did not notice any significant effect on the entire foot and heel. It slightly dried out the skin on the arch of my foot, but it didn't exfoliate it. I have been constantly steaming my feet and vacuuming for about ten days, but there has been no result whatsoever. However, it is possible that this is just my individual reaction.
The mask works, I have used it before. Dead skin comes off in patches. The sock is not very big. I wear a size 37.5 and it fits snugly. During the exposure, my skin felt a burning sensation. Eventually, it also started peeling off (lastly), although it didn't happen last time. However, in the end, the skin on my heels remained rough, either the peeling didn't fully work or it damaged the next layer.
This mask is amazing! I've been using it for a year, applying it for 30 minutes. At first, I thought it wasn't enough time because I didn't see any results. However, on the 5th day, the effect was 100% noticeable.
The mask is simply fantastic and exfoliates perfectly.
Perfect mask! I left it on for 45 minutes, and after 4 days, my skin started to peel off. I gently removed the peeling skin and moisturized with a rich cream or oil. After a week, my feet were perfectly smooth. It also helped my grandmother, but she left it on for 1 hour, and the peeling started after a week.
You need to keep it for a couple of hours, and the result is excellent. It worked for me!
Personally, I didn't experience any effect from it. However, it worked to the maximum for my grandmother. It seems that the rougher the skin, the more noticeable the effects. Take a look for yourselves, I am attaching a photo of my grandmother's legs.
I have bought them several times and I don't understand the negative reviews. Perhaps they didn't hold well on the feet. My skin peeled off in large patches for several days. It was an effective exfoliation.