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ماركة: OGX
السلسلة: coconut milk
نوع المنتج: مصل للشعر
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تنعيم, ضد تقصف الشعر
المكونات: البروتينات, بروتينات الحليب, جوز الهند, حمض الساليسيليك
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ميدل ماركت
نوع الشعر: تالف
بلد: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
صنع في: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
أبسط طريقة لتغيير مظهرك هي بتغيير لون أو طول شعرك. ولحسن الحظ، هناك خيارات متنوعة مثل التلوين، والتجعيد، والتغليف، والتونينغ. ومع ذلك، فإن الجانب السلبي الوحيد لهذه التعديلات الجمالية هو الأضرار التي قد تلحق بالبنية الداخلية للشعر، مما يؤدي إلى هشاشته وتقصفه. سيروم "حليب جوز الهند المضاد للتكسر" الخالي من الكبريتات من العلامة التجارية الأمريكية OGX يمكنه استعادة مظهر شعرك الصحي.
تركيبته الخفيفة للغاية لا تثقل حتى الشعر الناعم ولا تترك بقايا دهنية. زيت جوز الهند الطبيعي، وهو مكون رئيسي، يعد مصدرًا للفيتامينات والمعادن والفلافونويدات والمحللات المائية. يتغلغل في الطبقات العميقة من القشرة ليعمل بتناغم على إعادة بناء المناطق المتضررة واستعادة الروابط الجزيئية ثنائية الكبريت. تعزز المكونات النشطة هذا التأثير من خلال تغذية وترطيب الخلايا بشكل مكثف، وتطبيع التوازن الرطوبي العام، وتنعيم القشور. هذا السيروم سيحول شعرك حقًا، ليصبح ناعمًا، وسهل التحكم، وصحيًا، ولامعًا.
خذ كمية صغيرة على راحة اليد، ثم افركها بين يديك وطبقها على الشعر النظيف والمجفف بالمنشفة، مع إيلاء اهتمام خاص للأطراف. لا يتطلب شطف. يُوصى باستخدامه مع الشامبو والبلسم من نفس سلسلة OGX® للحصول على أقصى استفادة.
OGX Coconut Milk Anti-breakage Serum - مصل حليب جوز الهند
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I really liked the serum. I use it after the shampoo from the same series. After using it, my hair feels moisturized and silky. I have used the shampoo and conditioner from the same series before, and the results were also great. However, when I use the shampoo, conditioner, and serum together, my hair looks greasy. For me, this serum has replaced the conditioner.
This product is excellent for moisturizing dry blonde hair. I apply it as an overnight treatment or at least 30-40 minutes before washing my hair. The results are really good!
Even hair damaged by dye is saved! And the smell is wonderful. I highly recommend it!
The fragrance is absolutely fabulous!
I have hair that reaches below my waist, and I use a DROP of this product throughout its entire length. Instantly, my hair becomes shiny and soft, without any greasiness.
Honestly, before buying this oil, I read reviews saying that it makes your hair greasy. And now I can confirm that I'm experiencing the same issue - my hair looks wet and oily. I haven't found the perfect balance yet.
After reading reviews that it makes hair greasy, I applied a small amount and my hair became dry, with stiff ends. The next time, I squeezed out more, and indeed my hair became oily. Then I simply found the golden mean for my hair - a small amount for the ends and a slightly larger amount separately for the length. And then, wow effect! Soft, shiny hair, the ends were as if freshly cut. I highly recommend it!
I really liked this oil. It leaves my hair soft and shiny, making them flow beautifully in the wind. Without this oil, my hair feels like wires. I apply it on my palm and distribute it evenly on the ends. If used in moderation, it won't make your hair greasy.
I didn't buy it here, but honestly, this product is just average. Even now, after dyeing it white. But this product simply clumps and makes the hair greasy. I squeeze out one portion. My hair is below shoulder length. But the hair feels like it was dipped in oil. The coconut scent is so strong that it makes me nauseous. I tried it for a second day. Honestly, I don't want to use it anymore. I don't know what to do with it. No other product has made my hair feel this heavy. And the coconut scent is just too overpowering.
Horrendous product. I applied a drop to the ends of my hair and it dried out and became sticky, making it impossible to comb through. It felt like I had washed my hair with oil. And the smell - it couldn't get any worse. It was so chemical that words fail to describe it. I do not recommend it.
At first, I thought it was terrible - my hair was sticking together, becoming greasy, and there was no moisturizing effect at all.
But it just takes a tiny amount, a small squeeze, to rub this serum in your palms and then distribute it through your hair by combing with your fingers. And now it's simply amazing.
It makes the hair greasy, but there is no noticeable smell on the hair.
This product is terrible, I don't know what to do with it now. I have tried both professional and mass-market products, but none of them made my hair greasy and sticky like this one. I applied just a drop, but it felt like I dipped the ends of my hair in oil. I'm satisfied with the makeup results, but this product is absolutely awful.
On one forum, a girl recommended applying this serum overnight, like a mask, without rinsing. Now I also do it this way because it is quite greasy, and you can't apply it like oil to clean and dry hair. The scent is very pleasant, it quickly absorbs into the hair, and the composition seems decent.
It didn't work for me. The oil made my hair very greasy.
The product effectively protects the hair, resulting in noticeable hair growth as there is less breakage at the ends. The scent is luxurious and it does not make the hair greasy. Additionally, the product has a very low consumption rate, so it will last for several years for sure. However, the composition is terrible. It is even scary to apply it onto the hands.
This is a great hair oil. It smells deliciously like coconut. I use it on the ends of my hair and distribute a little bit throughout. However, I still prefer Brelil one-phase oil.