سيروم ليلي للوجه مع فيتامين سي Pharmaceris N Serum with Vit. C 1200mg Strengtening and Smoothing
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ماركة: Pharmaceris
السلسلة: pharmaceris n
نوع المنتج: مصل للوجه
خصائص المنتج: تفتيح, تنعيم, ضد التجاعيد, ضد بقع التصبغ, للإشراق
الحجم: 30 ml
المكونات: بيتا كاروتين, فيتامين a, فيتامين c, فيتامين e
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: بولندا
صنع في: بولندا
السيروم الوجهي المبتكر من العلامة التجارية البولندية فارماسيريس هو برنامج شامل للعناية بالبشرة ليلاً. تم تصميم التركيبة الفريدة للسيروم لمكافحة الشعيرات الدموية الظاهرة والبشرة الباهتة ذات اللون الرمادي. نتيجة للإجهاد التأكسدي الناتج عن التعرض المتزايد للجذور الحرة، تتعرض البشرة للشيخوخة المتسارعة، فتفقد مرونتها وتماسكها وإشراقها. بفضل مركب C-CAPILIX النشط، الذي يعزز تغلغل المواد المفيدة إلى أعماق الخلايا، يقوي السيروم جدران الأوعية الدموية ويشدها، ويكافح الجذور الحرة بشكل مكثف ويخلق تأثيراً مضاداً للأكسدة قويًا.
يعمل فيتامين C على إزالة السموم وتعزيز إنتاج الكولاجين الطبيعي، مما يوقف التغيرات المرتبطة بالعمر. يساعد المكون الطبيعي على التخلص من الشوائب على سطح البشرة، وتفتيح التصبغات، وجعل البشرة ناعمة وحريرية. زيت بذور اللفت المشمول في التركيبة يعيد ترطيب الخلايا، ويجدد البشرة، ويعزز التمثيل الخلوي، ويزيد من وظائف الحماية للبشرة، ويزيل الاحمرار والخشونة. يعوض زيت الجزر، المعروف بمحتواه العالي من الكاروتين، نقص الفيتامينات، ويملس التجاعيد الدقيقة، ويعيد الحيوية والمظهر المسترخي للبشرة الباهتة. سيصبح السيروم الفعال مساعدك المخلص في العناية بالبشرة، حيث يمنحك نتائج مضمونة وتجديداً وجمالاً.
استخدم المنتج قبل النوم لتنظيف بشرة الوجه والرقبة. قم بالتدليك بحركات دائرية، وبعد الامتصاص، ضع الكريم. في حالة البشرة الباهتة والرمادية، يُوصى باستخدام المنتج لمدة لا تقل عن شهر.
Pharmaceris N Serum with Vit. C 1200mg Strengtening and Smoothing - سيروم ليلي للوجه مع فيتامين سي
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The skin looks well-groomed and radiant, I really like it, I am buying it for the second time.
I received a chemical burn. I have oily and very sensitive skin, apparently. I didn't even have a chance to see the result. Maybe I shouldn't have applied it to steamed skin after a bath. The result is that I've been sitting at home for 3 days because my skin really burns and has started to form a thin crust. It feels tight and uncomfortable.
This product is amazing. It brightens and evens out the skin tone.
I am purchasing my third bottle. It works wonders for dry, problematic skin. On top of that, I apply the same cream with retinol - the result is excellent. I have finally forgotten about inflammations.
Excellent product. The skin becomes smoother, pores are smaller, and if any pimples appear, they heal much faster. The skin tightening effect (in a good way) does fade shortly after stopping use, but the skin becomes healthier.
My Beloved One. I use it regularly at night, it evens out my skin tone and eliminates dryness. I highly recommend it, but the effect may not be immediate.
I really liked this serum, it's exactly what my dry skin needs. I always sealed the oil with a moisturizer, using it both in the morning and at night. It's also very economical.
I didn't quite understand the point...
Firstly, it is a very liquid product - it instantly spreads everywhere, making it inconvenient to apply.
Secondly, it doesn't absorb... well, it's meant for overnight use, but it leaves my pillow greasy...
I didn't see any significant results, at least it's not expensive.
Here's my review after finishing the jar, which I bought here. I would give it a solid 3 out of 5. It didn't provide enough moisture for me, as I felt the need to reapply it or immediately follow it up with a cream after just 20 minutes. It didn't work any miracles. As for the pigmentation, there was no noticeable effect at all, and as for fine lines, it was just average. The scent was pleasant. I didn't feel any significant difference whether I used it or not. I won't be purchasing it again.
There is nothing to talk about at all. I do not recommend it.
I have been using this serum for over 2 months and I haven't noticed any results at all. It is possible that it is not suitable for my oily skin. The serum is oil-based, and perhaps oily skin does not absorb oil well, resulting in no effect.
It's too early to talk about effectiveness, but it will definitely last a long time! It's liquid, slightly oily with a pleasant aroma. It doesn't dry out, but it cannot replace a cream.
Does not dry out or make oily. Don't expect miracles))
Great product! I have been using it for over a month now and my skin feels smooth and clean. However, it only shows results when used regularly.
I applied it once and immediately felt a strong burning sensation, so I washed it off. I had an allergic reaction. I gave it to my mom to try (her skin is not as sensitive and can tolerate acids, retinol, etc.) - after two uses, her skin started peeling so intensely, like after a professional peeling treatment... I don't know what else to say.
It effectively moisturizes and nourishes, but that's about it...
It doesn't whiten. It doesn't have any effect on rosacea.
After using it for four months, I cannot name any drawbacks. My skin is lighter and my pores are smaller. Giving it an evening massage is pure pleasure. I will definitely buy it again. I constantly use it and still have half of it left.
"This serum is excellent."
I absolutely love Pharmaceris skincare products. However, my skin (which is normal leaning towards dry and sensitive) doesn't have the same affinity for La Roche-Posay skincare. But, luckily, their nighttime serum is a perfect fit for me. I've been using it for just over a week now and the morning after, my skin feels incredibly pleasant. It's so soft and smooth, I can't help but want to touch and touch it - it feels like touching a peach.
Great results, I wasn't even expecting it. The capillary mesh on the wings of my nose disappeared and my complexion improved. I will definitely be ordering a second one.