"ملح الاستحمام المجدد "الورد والباتشولي مع عشب البحر Green Pharmacy
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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: زيلينايا ابتيكا
السلسلة: العناية بالجسم
نوع المنتج: ملح الحمام
خصائص المنتج: استرخاء, ترطيب, تهدئة
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: بولندا
على الرغم من كل سحرها، يمكن أن تكون حياتنا معقدة للغاية، لذا لا تفوت الفرصة لتدليل نفسك. قطعة حلوى أخرى، فستان جميل، وساعة في حمام دافئ ومعطر. هذه المتع الصغيرة يمكن أن ترفع من روحك، وتساعدك على تحويل تركيزك بعيدًا عن المشاكل، وتسمح لك بالاستمتاع باللحظة. طقوس الاستحمام لا تتطلب جهدًا خاصًا—لن تضر بلياقتك، ولن تستنزف محفظتك، وستخفف دائمًا من التوتر، مما يوفر استرخاءً تامًا. لتحقيق أقصى استفادة، نوصي باستخدام ملح الاستحمام المجدد "الورد والباتشولي مع الطحالب البحرية" من TM "الصيدلية الخضراء".
العطر الحلو والغريب سينقلك بأفكارك إلى منتجع، حيث البحر والشمس وجو الاسترخاء يسودون. بينما تحلم بمثل هذه الرحلة، سيعتني ملح البحر الطبيعي بجسمك. غني بالعناصر الدقيقة والمعادن، يؤثر بشكل إيجابي على حالة بشرتك. ملح الاستحمام "الورد والباتشولي مع الطحالب البحرية" من TM "الصيدلية الخضراء" يرطب ويغذي البشرة بعمق، محفزًا عمليات الأيض الخلوي.
أضف قليلاً من هذا المنتج إلى ماء حمامك، وستضمن تجربة استرخاء رائعة، مع المكافأة اللطيفة لبشرة ناعمة وحريرية. عنصر مذهل آخر في الملح هو الطحالب البحرية، المعروفة بمحتواها العالي من اليود والعناصر التي تساعد على تقليل مخاطر السرطان.
قم بإذابة 100-150 جرامًا من الملح في الماء الدافئ واستحم لمدة 15-20 دقيقة.
Green Pharmacy - "ملح الاستحمام المجدد "الورد والباتشولي مع عشب البحر
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I absolutely love this salt! I use half a pack for a bath, and it's pure bliss. The aroma is extraordinary. Thank you so much, I constantly keep buying it.
The delivery was fast. I liked the salt, it has a distinct and strong rose scent. The water turns into a faint pink color. However, the presence of chemical additives is saddening.
I really like the smell of salt.
Great scent, dissolves quickly, and improves skin condition after the procedure. I highly recommend it.
It has a wonderful scent and leaves the water with a gentle pink hue.
I absolutely love everything from this company; it's simply amazing. Please bring back the "Ylang-Ylang" Bath and Shower Oil. Pretty please!
This salt is of good quality and I have no complaints about it.
The salt is simply enchanting. The aroma is magical, incredible, and the quality is excellent.
Wonderful salt! What could be better than a bath with such salt? Thank you so much, and I recommend it to everyone!
This delightful pink-colored salt has a gentle rose and patchouli fragrance.
I really liked the salt. It has a great aroma and it is pleasant to take a bath with it.
I really liked this salt. It has a pleasant aroma and doesn't dry out my skin. I highly recommend it!
"My favorite salt, I buy it constantly. It has a pleasant aroma and cleanliness, and the quality of the salt also pleases."
The scent of roses is expressed, just like essential oil. It enhances the water slightly, but unlike this brand's "lavender" salt, it does not color the white bathtub. I liked it. The price-quality ratio is excellent.
Good salt with a pleasant smell that I really like. The salt is relatively fine, not too coarse or sandy. Excellent.
I absolutely adore the salts from this series! They have such unique scents and are a fantastic addition to my at-home spa routine. I highly recommend them!
I really liked the salt, and the smell too.
What a disappointment. The fragrance is chemically overpowering, with terrible notes of patchouli and an overwhelmingly nauseating rose scent. It has a very sharp odor, and there are black specks in it. The packaging doesn't close properly, making it inconvenient.
The salt is good, it has a pleasant smell, and it lives up to its name.
Very good, but it consumes quickly.
With this salt, I realized that I don't like the smell of roses in cosmetic products. My head even started to hurt after the bath, even though I used a third of the package for a large tub. But that's a matter of personal preference. The smell is strong, but the body feels pleasant afterwards.
The salt is really good! I mixed it with regular salt and the aroma became softer.
Divine aroma, excellent quality salt! I will definitely order more.
This wonderful salt has a delicious and rich scent, a combination of patchouli and roses. After using it in the bath, my skin feels soft and firm. It is also great for foot baths as it softens rough heels and provides a feeling of complete relaxation.
The entire series is simply wonderful. This one is particularly beloved for its fragrance.
I agree, the fragrance and salt are superb.
This bath salt is absolutely amazing! The scent is simply heavenly. It effectively relieves tension and boosts your mood!