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Maurer & Wirtz
السلسلة: tabac original
نوع المنتج: كولونيا
التصنيف: طبيعي
الحجم: 50 ml, 100 ml, 300 ml
بلد: المانيا
صنع في: المانيا
الجنس: للرجال
نوع العطر: الحوضية
النوتة العليا: ألديهيدات, البرغموت, النيرولي, لافندر, ليمون
النوتة الوسطى: إبر الصنوبر, القرنفل, الياسمين, جذر السوسن, خشب الصندل, وَردَة
النوتة الأساسية: الطحلب البلوط, الفانيليا, المسك, تبغ, تونكا, عنبر
هذه العطر الألماني الأسطوري مثالي للرجال الذين يتمتعون بنمط حياة نشط. يجمع بين الصلابة والأناقة في آن واحد، يعزز عطر مورير آند ويرتز تاباك أورجينال أو دو بارفان من أسلوب صاحبه الراقي. كن واثقاً من نفسك ومن اختيارك مع تاباك أورجينال أو دو بارفان!
الهرم العطري لعطر مورير آند ويرتز تاباك أورجينال أو دو كولونيا:
المكونات العليا تفتح التركيبة مع الألدهيدات محاطة بنفحات من اللافندر، النيرولي، البرغموت والحمضيات.
المكونات الوسطى تكشف عن باقة راقية من القرنفل، الياسمين، جذور السوسن وخشب الصندل.
المكونات الأساسية تشكل أثرًا طويل الأمد من التبغ محاطًا بظلال خشبية من طحلب البلوط، المسك والعنبر.
The fragrance is rich and gradually unfolds, with fresh notes immediately noticeable. It does not leave the face feeling oily after application! I am thrilled, without exaggeration. Another huge plus is the 300ml bottle, which will last a long time. Highly recommended. P.S. The scent is not for everyone, it's better for those who prefer less sweet fragrances.
I received this beauty once again. Thank you, Make up. I ordered it from the warehouse in Europe and paid by card. Everything arrived intact. I am very happy! The size of the bottle (300ml) is impressive! Thank you!!!
People compare it to Chanel No. 5, and at first I was like, "No way," but then I really heard the similarity. They both have a soapy quality, but with Chanel, it veers towards powdery and many other things. By the way, the notes listed are not for the 2014 version, but for the 1959 version. In the modern interpretation, there is NO TOBACCO note at all, but instead, there is chamomile and many other things. Here are the correct notes, it seems. Top notes: Petitgrain, Bergamot, Pepper, Neroli, and Lemon; middle notes: Chamomile, Lavender, Oakmoss, and Geranium; base notes: Sandalwood, Clove Flower, Musk, Vetiver, and Amber.
I considered buying this cologne for a while, but I finally decided to purchase it. The courier delivered the package politely and carefully. It was securely packaged - thank you MAKE UP! Now, let's talk about the scent of this cologne for those who are interested. Don't confuse it with tobacco fragrances like Cigar - it's a completely different smell. It doesn't have the usual tobacco notes. From the first impression, it smells like soap. Then it changes, transitioning slightly into a sweet floral scent, and at this moment something else emerges, probably a light tobacco, or rather its flower. This cologne is positive and will appeal to traditional shaving enthusiasts. It caught my interest as a post-shave product, which is why I am satisfied with my purchase. I don't have anything similar in my collection. The scent is versatile. However, it is more suitable for older men. It doesn't have a trail (after all, it's a cologne), but I could still smell it for about 3 hours after applying it modestly. That's quite normal for a cologne. The sprayer is very good - it disperses the fragrance finely. It contains 76 or 78% alcohol (I can't see the small print well). It doesn't dry out my skin. I recommend buying it!
I rarely leave reviews in general, but I am well aware that they are very helpful. I would be happy if someone finds it useful.
This perfume is exactly what my soul was looking for! And I found it!
Using it coincided with my passion for smoking cigars. Therefore, the dominant aroma of tobacco is "detected" from the first seconds.
I definitely like it! Suitable for any time of the year and day.
FOR THE BEST TIME OF LIFE! I will repeat it 100%.
The purchase on the website pleases with its simplicity and comfort. The service is the best I know.
I thank the store!