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عندما تصبغ النساء شعرهن بألوان أفتح، تكون أكبر مخاوفهن غالباً هي تجنب الظل الأصفر غير المرغوب فيه على الشعر. للحفاظ على لونك الغني والجميل بعد عملية الصبغ، استخدمي البلسم الخاص من العلامة التجارية البولندية جوانا، الذي يعد مثالياً للشعر الفاتح والرمادي، حيث تتمثل وظيفته الرئيسية في التخلص من ذلك الظل الأصفر المزعج.
لا يساعد البلسم الأزرق في الحفاظ على كثافة اللون بعد الصبغ فحسب، بل يعزز أيضًا الشعر الرمادي بشكل ملحوظ، مما يمنحه ظلاً مميزًا. المنتج غني بمكونات مغذية ترطب الشعر بشكل مكثف، مما يمنع جفافه وهشاشته، مثل "الإسفنجة". بعد استخدام البلسم، يتدفق الشعر بشكل جميل، ويضيء، ويصبح من السهل تمشيطه وتصفيفه.
ضع كمية صغيرة من المنتج على الشعر الجاف أو الرطب، ثم قم بتمشيطه. لا حاجة للشطف.
Low-pigmented, hardly anything shows up, it's better to pay more and get SENKO instead of struggling with this. It matches its price.
I really like it
I have purchased this product multiple times already. It is simply amazing and also very affordable. The usage is minimal. I add it to balms, masks, and leave-in conditioners. Sometimes I dilute it with water and spray it on my hair. It is the only product (and I have tried many from both mass-market and professional brands) that never gives my hair a purple or blue tint. It does not dry out my hair, which is extremely important for bleached hair! It gives my hair shine and smoothness. Special thanks for the timely delivery and the gift from Makeup (makeup remover glove).
Great! I dilute the conditioner with water in a separate bottle with a spray nozzle, using a 1:1 ratio. I even use slightly less water. After shaking it up, I spray it onto my freshly washed damp hair. The color turned out to be a beautiful pearl-ash tone, just what I wanted. Even with hair dye, I couldn't achieve this color. The color lasted until my next hair wash! I highly recommend it for blondes.
The conditioner is indeed blue, not violet like most. It got rid of the annoying orange-yellow shade on my medium-brown hair. I didn't notice any dryness or other effects on my hair when using a hair mask and leave-in conditioner. I will experiment with the amount of conditioner used.
This is a great product. I simply add it to my shampoo or favorite hair mask, and even to my hair dye. It gives a silver shine and eliminates the need to buy separate color-cooling products. One cap is enough for one use together with shampoo or mask.