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ماركة: Flora Secret
السلسلة: زيوت نباتية طبيعية
نوع المنتج: كريم زيت للجسم
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
المكونات: زبدة الشيا
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
هذا المنتج الطبيعي 100% هو مساعد أساسي في كل منزل. يعزز تجدد البشرة، ويساعد في شفاء التشققات والجروح البسيطة، ويمتلك خصائص مضادة للالتهابات. يوفر زبدة الشيا حماية ضد الطقس البارد والأشعة فوق البنفسجية الضارة، ويبطئ عملية شيخوخة الجلد، ويعمل على تليين وترطيب وتغذية البشرة.
مناسب للوجه واليدين والركبتين ومنطقة الصدر والشفاه وحتى البشرة الحساسة حول العينين. يمكن استخدامه على منطقة البطن أثناء الحمل للمساعدة في منع علامات التمدد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يعمل على تليين الجلد الخشن والمتشقق في منطقة الكعبين.
يمكنك إضافة زيوت عطرية مختلفة أو طين أو فيتامينات إلى هذا الزبدة. يمكن استخدامه لصنع المراهم والكريمات والأقنعة. هذا المنتج متعدد الاستخدامات، فهو ليس مناسبًا فقط للعناية بالبشرة ولكن أيضًا للعناية بالشعر. استخدامه كبلسم أو قناع سيجعل شعرك يبدو أكثر صحة ونعومة ولمعانًا.
قم بتطبيقه على الجسم باستخدام حركات تدليك لطيفة حتى يتم امتصاصه بالكامل.
Flora Secret - زيت الشيا
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This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm moisturizes well and is very handy to have during cold weather. It is convenient to carry in a handbag as it is compact.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.
This lip balm effectively moisturizes the lips and comes in handy during cold weather in indoor settings. It is convenient to carry in a purse due to its compact size.