مرطب الوجه بزيت الزيتون Belle Jardin Spa Naturelle
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ماركة: Belle Jardin
السلسلة: spa naturelle
نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه
خصائص المنتج: العناية سبا, ترطيب, مضاد للشيخوخة
المكونات: زيت الزيتون
وقت التطبيق: نهاري
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
نوع البشرة: جاف
بلد: بولندا
صنع في: بولندا
حل ممتاز للعناية اليومية والفعّالة بالبشرة الجافة والناضجة للوجه. يوفر هذا الكريم تأثيرًا إيجابيًا شاملاً على البشرة، حيث يبطئ عملية الشيخوخة الطبيعية ويرطب البشرة بنشاط ويغنيها بالعناصر الغذائية الأساسية. يجب إيلاء اهتمام خاص لتكوين الكريم: المكونات الأهم فيه هي زيت الزيتون وD-بانثينول.
لا يمكن التقليل من فوائد زيت الزيتون للبشرة الناضجة. فهو غني بجميع الفيتامينات والمركبات الأساسية التي تحتاجها البشرة في هذه المرحلة من الحياة. يعمل الزيت بشكل رائع على تليين وتغذية البشرة، ويوفر ترطيبًا مكثفًا ويساعد في الاحتفاظ بالرطوبة في الطبقات العميقة للبشرة لفترة طويلة، مما يساهم في تحسين توازن الرطوبة على سطح البشرة. كما يعمل زيت الزيتون على تنعيم البشرة والتخلص من الخطوط الدقيقة، وله خصائص قوية في التجديد وإعادة الشباب. أما D-بانثينول فيحفز تحسين هيكل ألياف الكولاجين وله تأثيرات مهدئة ومضادة للالتهابات على البشرة.
كريم الترطيب للوجه من Belle Jardin هو بديل ممتاز للعلاجات في صالونات التجميل للبشرة الناضجة. يتميز بالراحة والفعالية عند استخدامه كجزء من روتين العناية بالبشرة في المنزل.
يُوضَع الكريم على بشرة الوجه والرقبة الجافة والنظيفة.
Belle Jardin Spa Naturelle - مرطب الوجه بزيت الزيتون
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This cream is definitely not suitable for dry skin on the face, and it generally absorbs poorly.
This is a really good daytime face cream. It absorbs quickly and moisturizes well, without leaving any greasy shine. It's an excellent base for makeup. The cream is suitable for Medium Return, as indicated. Some people complain that it didn't work for them due to certain reasons. In such cases, I would advise carefully reading the description. Overall, I have been buying these creams for quite some time now.
The cream is excellent, I have no complaints. It moisturizes well and gives a beautiful glow to the skin.
The cream is really cool. I use it for my hands. It absorbs well. It's especially good in winter.
The product is great.
The cream is not bad, it's a bit greasy. It seems to absorb quickly and doesn't leave any greasy traces. However, when you wash your face, it literally washes off. I still use it, but I understand that it doesn't really absorb completely, it kind of stays on the surface. Although I even applied makeup on top of it and nothing smudged, but it's definitely not suitable for summer...
I have been using this cream for moms for the 6th time in a row, and it provides intense hydration and absorbs quickly. What I particularly liked is that it helps with cracked feet, and my mom says it's the only thing that has helped her. I will continue to purchase it.
Cream 0 out of 10. I bought it because it was cheap, and I didn't expect much from it. It has an unpleasant smell. And it's just a dummy - when you apply it, it feels like a mask. It doesn't absorb, moisturize, or nourish. It only creates an illusion. Pure paraffin. I don't recommend anyone wasting money on this. It's better to buy something more expensive, but at least not a dummy.
I didn't expect that such an affordable cream could be so amazing. It moisturizes well, doesn't leave any greasiness on the skin, and has a light pleasant scent. I use it for my face, hands, and body, it's very convenient.
The cream is really great, I use it for my body. Highly recommended!
Great cream, I bought it for my mom and she absolutely loves it! It deserves all the praise!
I really liked this cream. After applying it, my skin becomes soft and delicate. The cream has a very lightweight texture, absorbs quickly, and leaves a feeling of comfort and a light scent. I apply it on my face, neck, décolleté area, hands, elbows, and knees. It lasts a long time, so you don't need to use much. The price surprised me, but the quality is pleasing. The delivery, as always, was fast! Thank you!
The creams from this brand are fantastic. This one can be used on both the body and oily facial skin. It's excellent. I highly recommend it. It smells wonderful.
I didn't like the cream. It clogs the pores.
Great cream, moisturizes well, leaves the skin smooth and matte. I've been searching for a cream with panthenol for my problematic skin for a long time, and this one is a perfect fit.