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ماركة: Biota
السلسلة: bioxsine
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: تقوية, تنظيف, لعلاج تساقط الشعر
المكونات: البابونج, القراص, عسل, منثول
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع الشعر: جاف, عادي
بلد: تركيا
صنع في: تركيا
إذا لاحظت زيادة في كمية الشعر المتبقية على فرشاتك أثناء التمشيط، فلا داعي للذعر، حيث يوجد حل لهذه المشكلة المزعجة. يسعد الشركة التركية لمستحضرات التجميل أن تقدم لك منتجًا فعالًا، وهو بيوكسين، المصمم خصيصًا للشعر العادي والجاف، والذي يساعد في منع تساقط الشعر.
تحتوي تركيبة الشامبو على مزيج فريد من الفيتامينات القيمة والمستخلصات النباتية المفيدة والمعادن. إنه بيوكومبلكس B11 الذي يساعد بشكل فعال في مكافحة تساقط الشعر ويمنع حدوثه في المستقبل. يقوم المنتج بإزالة الشوائب والزهم الزائد من الشعر بشكل تام مع الحفاظ على التوازن الطبيعي لدرجة الحموضة لفروة الرأس. لا يحتوي على مكونات ضارة تسبب الحكة أو تفاعلات التهابية مختلفة على الجلد. يجعل بيوكسين شعرك أكثر كثافة ونعومة، ويمنحه لمعانًا طبيعيًا وجمالًا صحيًا. بفضل هذا المنتج التجميلي الفعال للغاية، يمكنك نسيان تساقط الشعر والاستمتاع بخصلات قوية ومرنة تجذب انتباه الجميع.
ضع شامبو بيوكسين على الشعر المبلل. قم بتدليك الشامبو بلطف على فروة رأسك باستخدام أطراف أصابعك لمدة 1.5-2 دقيقة، ثم اشطفه جيدًا.
Biota Bioxsine Shampoo - شامبو عشبي ضد تساقط الشعر للشعر العادي والجاف
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I liked the shampoo, it doesn't make my hair oily and it has a pleasant smell.
Since 2013, I have been dealing with Androgenetic Alopecia and have been using Bioxsine shampoo until 2021. However, it disappeared from pharmacies and was replaced by Bioxsine dermagen, which became available everywhere. I used it for 2 years, but unfortunately, it had no effect. In fact, my hair started falling out even more compared to regular Bioxsine. Additionally, when I have a short haircut and use it, my scalp becomes excessively oily, forcing me to wash my hair twice a day.
This shampoo is excellent! It lasts a long time, leaves the hair silky and doesn't make it greasy at all, nor does it dry it out. It helps with hair loss. I highly recommend reading the instructions carefully. If hair loss is severe, it's important to use the serum in ampoules in combination with the shampoo initially. After the course, you can use only the shampoo. It's also important to find the cause of the excessive hair loss and try to eliminate it. For me, this is the best shampoo to date. I've tried many different shampoos, and only Bioxsine gets the job done.
I am writing a review after using this shampoo for 5 months. Now it is my favorite shampoo. I have long, uncolored hair and I am 32 years old. I noticed that hair loss is purely seasonal, more in spring and a little in autumn. With this shampoo, my hair does not fall out at all, just a few strands after washing (of course, if the problem is hormonal, no shampoo will ever help without proper treatment). No other shampoo has given me this effect. It is very easy to wash and comb my hair with it, and it hardly tangles. I am satisfied, it is truly a great shampoo.
I have already fully used this shampoo, so I can draw conclusions.
On the plus side, it lasted a long time - 2 months for medium-length hair.
The quality of my hair did not worsen, just like regular hair care - it's normal, it won't harm. (I have dyed and highlighted hair).
On the downside, it had absolutely no effect on hair loss - it falls out just as much as before.
Since the shampoo is quite expensive, I will not buy it anymore, as I can find a twice cheaper one that will also not harm my hair.
There is no point in spending money on the BIOXSINE shampoo, as it is completely useless and even causes dandruff. I tried it for dry and normal hair, then switched to this shampoo with black garlic, but the result was the same - itchiness and greasiness of the hair.
I have been using this shampoo for only 2 weeks and I have already noticed results. I am amazed!! In a positive way, that is. I am very satisfied with the shampoo. Thank you, MAKEUP, for providing quality products.
The shampoo is really good. After the first use, I noticed significantly less hair fall than usual. Thank you so much!
"It foams very well."
I bought this shampoo based on the reviews. Unfortunately, it didn't suit me at all. It made my scalp itchy and caused severe dandruff. I don't know what to do with it.
It really works! An excellent shampoo. I have been using it for 26 days and I must say that my hair has been falling out less. After using the shampoo, my hair feels smooth, but I still apply a hair mask or conditioner.
Excellent Champagne !!! Hair really falls out less and there are already new fluffy hairs. It was recommended to me by a doctor, the problem was that my hair started falling out heavily and the shampoo helped. It doesn't dry out the scalp, foams well. I have dyed hair, I often use a straightener, after shampooing I use a conditioner, and once a week I use a hair mask. I am very satisfied with the purchase, I will order more. I recommend it to everyone))))
And now for an angry review! The super formula with vitamins hides laureate sulfate combined with nettle extracts. I am allergic to it, and nowhere does it mention that, even though it is a strong and common allergen. It is mentioned in the ingredients on the box in parentheses. What a waste of money...
This shampoo is wonderful! It has a small amount of usage, cleans hair well, and doesn't dry it out. After using it, my hair stopped falling out completely within a month. I will continue to use it.
I purchased this product at the pharmacy. The blonde hair dye is extremely drying and causes tangles. I cannot comb my hair without using conditioner. It adds shine to my hair and reduces hair loss.
In order to achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to lather the shampoo and leave it on for at least 10 minutes while massaging the scalp. It is important to evaluate the results no earlier than 3 months. Personally, I have grown my hair to waist length using this shampoo.
I was prescribed this product by a doctor when I started experiencing hair loss after turning 30. I noticed visible results within a month. It not only functions as a good shampoo but also leaves my hair smooth and lustrous. I highly recommend it.
This product is excellent. It has a pleasant herbal scent and doesn't dry out the scalp. It effectively cleanses the hair.
After the first use, the amount of hair on the comb decreased to only 1-2 strands. It has a pleasant scent and cleans well. It may dry out the ends if not used with a conditioner (mask). This is the most effective shampoo out of all the ones I have tried.
The shampoo is really great. It works wonders on my thin and soft hair. It effectively tackles the excess oil at the roots while moisturizing the dry ends. The best part is that I can use it without a conditioner, as it provides my hair with volume and makes them easy to comb through. However, the only downside is the price. Here, in our local pharmacy, it is priced at 310 UAH. I wonder why it is more expensive here.