معجون أسنان الألوفيرا Urtekram Toothpaste Aloe Vera
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ماركة: Urtekram
السلسلة: aloe vera
نوع المنتج: معجون الأسنان
خصائص المنتج: تقوية, تنظيف, تهدئة
المكونات: الألوة فيرا
خاصية المكياج: eco friendly, لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات, نباتية
شهادات خاصة: cosmos organic, cruelty free, ecocert, vegan society
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: عضوي
بلد: الدنمارك
صنع في: الدنمارك
معجون الأسنان المقدم من أورتيكرام معروف بتعدد استخداماته. فهو لا يكتفي بتنظيف سطح أسنانك بفعالية، بل يغذي ويقوي لثتك بشكل مكثف.
الرغوة اللطيفة لهذا المنتج توفر حماية موثوقة للغشاء المخاطي في تجويف الفم. تمنحك الزيوت الأساسية من النعناع مع المنثول رائحة منعشة. يضمن هذا المعجون نفساً منعشاً ويقدم تأثيرات مطهرة ومضادة للالتهابات. لا يحتوي على مكونات صناعية قد تضر بصحتك. معجون الأسنان مليء بالعديد من المكونات النشطة والأهم من ذلك، الطبيعية بالكامل. من خلال الاستخدام المنتظم لمعجون أسنان أورتيكرام، تحمي نفسك من التسوس وتراكم البلاك على أسنانك.-
ضع كمية صغيرة من معجون الأسنان على فرشاة أسنانك. قم بتنظيف أسنانك بحركات دائرية مع تدليك لثتك برفق. اشطف فمك بكمية صغيرة من الماء واحتفظ بها لمدة 20-30 ثانية.
We finish the toothpaste with joy, not bad enough to throw it away... but unpleasant. Neither me nor my husband liked the consistency... it's slippery and rolls around in the mouth with chunks. The first week caused irritation in the corners of our lips, but then it went away. The taste is unpleasant. It doesn't remove plaque well, you have to put in more effort and risk injuring the gums. It does nothing for mineral deposits in hard-to-reach areas. It doesn't remove coffee stains. It doesn't freshen breath, it even feels a little suspicious. Overall, it would be more comfortable and provide the same level of cleanliness and awareness to simply brush with a wet toothbrush.
I like this toothpaste because it has a natural composition, which is why I continue to buy it. The taste of the toothpaste is decent, and one can easily get used to it.
I find its consistency to be similar to clay, it doesn't foam much which is unusual, but it cleanses effectively and I quite like it.
The taste is awful, but it cleanses well.
This is a good natural toothpaste. It doesn't foam too much and has a subtle citrus scent. In my opinion, it cleans well and is suitable for sensitive gums.
The pasta is terrible in taste and smell. It cleans well, but after using it, you feel the need to clean your teeth again.
A toothpaste with a safe composition and a subtle scent. Cleans well but foams weakly. I didn't notice any particular therapeutic effect on my teeth and gums, but I also didn't have any problems. I will order more.
Great toothpaste, but personally, I got tired of using it exclusively for cleaning my teeth. :) It doesn't foam, but for me, that's actually a plus. It's worth buying mainly because of its composition. The toothpaste doesn't cause tooth sensitivity, but it also doesn't have any impact on enamel whitening. It's perfect for maintenance.
The pasta caused a severe allergic reaction.
Every time you start brushing your teeth, you endure an unpleasant smell, but not for long. The texture is unusual, like using body cream to clean your teeth. It doesn't remove plaque, and leaves your teeth feeling rough afterwards. On the positive side, it doesn't cause sensitivity and leaves your mouth feeling fresh all day. There is absolutely no foaming, and it rinses completely on the first try. So far, this is the only organic toothpaste that has been a disappointment for me, but I combine it with more effective ones, and my teeth don't get used to it.